
yī mào jià
  • Coat rack;clothes tree;hat rack;hatstand;hallstand
衣帽架[yī mào jià]
  1. 是啊我们真的有个衣帽架的

    Well , yeah , we do have a hat rack .

  2. 请把你的大衣挂到大厅的衣帽架上。

    Please you hang your coat up the coat stand of hall .

  3. 布罗格斯把上衣和帽子挂在衣帽架上。

    Bloggs hung his hat and coat on a stand .

  4. 我们的我们的衣帽架

    Our , uh , our -- our hat rack .

  5. 这个衣帽架上有奇数的帽子。

    This rack has an odd number of hats .

  6. 你看起来像个韩国衣帽架。

    You look like a Korean coat rack .

  7. 看来,还是买那种新艺术风格的衣帽架更保险些。

    You 're safer with Art Nouveau coatracks .

  8. 也许是挂在落地衣帽架上了。

    Or hanging up on the floor .

  9. 费伯走进楼房,把帽子挂在门厅的衣帽架上,洗了洗手,然后进去吃茶点。

    Faber entered the house , hung his hat on the hall-stand , washed his hands and went in to tea .

  10. 汽车内饰件包括座椅、顶棚、衣帽架、地毯、各种隔音隔热垫等,是汽车的重要组成部分。

    Automobile interior parts , including carpers , ceiling , clothes rack , seats and all kinds of pads for sound or heat insulation , are an important part of the automobile .

  11. 除了重新恢复后壮观的黑暗的木质走廊和楼梯之外,每个房间都配有一些经过复原或一些新的家具复制品,例如沙发、座椅、衣帽架和戴镜子的梳妆台。

    As well as the magnificent restored dark wooden hallway and staircase , each room also contains some well-restored or new replica furniture such as couches , chairs , coat stands and dressing tables with mirrors .

  12. 一种宫廷式衣帽架,它由动物形脚架(4),立柱(3)衣帽挂钩盘(2)以及装饰头(1)等构成。

    Disclosed are royal type holders for caps and dresses , comprising animal-shaped foot racks ( 4 ), upright posts ( 3 ), hook trays for caps and dresses ( 2 ), decorative heads ( 1 ), etc.

  13. 紧随上述潮流的还包括瑞典室内设计师AnnaleenaLeino与葡萄牙家具品牌Galula。前者创作了极简主义风格、从天花板悬垂的几何图案挂衣杆;后者则推出了简洁三角形状、倚墙而靠的Pendura衣帽架。

    Other examples of the trend include Swedish interior stylist Annaleena Leino 's minimalist geometric clothes rails that hang from the ceiling , and Portuguese brand Galula 's Pendura coat stand , a simple triangle designed to be propped against a wall .

  14. 铁艺书报架铁艺招牌铁艺鞋架铁艺花架铁艺笔架铁艺刀具架铁艺酒架铁艺衣帽架铁艺毛巾架等。

    Wrought iron newspaper support , wrought iron signboard , wrought iron shoe rack , wrought iron flower shelf , wrought iron penholder , wrought iron tool frame , wrought iron wrought iron wine frame , wrought iron clothes stand , wrought iron towel rack .

  15. 一部分用来隐藏老式自动衣帽架的墙体也被移除了。贝耶说,“因为衣帽架是布劳耶建筑设计的一部分——他喜欢它;它在当时是一种新技术。”

    A partial wall concealing the guts of the old automated coat rack was also removed , Mr. Beyer said , " because that coat rack was as much a part of Breuer 's design as the architecture - he loved it ; it was new technology . "