
  • 网络himalayan
  1. 印度亚洲碰撞带东段喜马拉雅期铜钼金矿床Re-Os年龄及成矿作用

    The Himalayan Cu Mo Au Mineralization in the Eastern Indo Asian Collision Zone : Constraints from Re-Os Dating of Molybdenite

  2. 喜马拉雅期发生陆内造山作用(65~15Ma),岛弧碰撞造山带出现逆冲-推覆和大规模走滑平移,伴随喜马拉雅期花岗岩的侵位和拉分盆地的形成。

    During the Himalayan ( 65-15 Ma ) intra-continental orogenic movement a large-scale strike-slip thrusting induced the intrusion of granites and development of pull-apart basins .

  3. 气藏主要形成于喜马拉雅期。

    The gas reservoirs were mainly formed in Himalayan Time .

  4. 青藏高原西部喜马拉雅期花岗岩类特征及岩石系列

    Geochemical Characteristics and Rock Series of Himalayan Granitoids in Western Qinghai_Xizang Plateau

  5. 主要推覆期为喜马拉雅期。

    The main nappe stage is the Himalayan stage .

  6. 晚期(喜马拉雅期)成藏,明显受喜马拉雅运动控制。

    Late - stage pool-forming controlled by Himalayan movement .

  7. 喜马拉雅期,该构造带仍有一定的继承性活动,以张扭性-扭性断裂活动为主。

    Activities In Himalayan stage , fault activity succeeded .

  8. 喜马拉雅期构造运动对原始高压封存箱的压力场进行调整改造。

    Himalayan tectonic movement adjusted the initial pressure field in abnormal pressure compartment .

  9. 该区主要形变期为喜马拉雅期。

    The main deformation period is Himalayan Orogeny .

  10. 云南中西部喜马拉雅期岩浆及成矿研究新进展

    The new advance in the study on Himalayan magmatism and metallogenesis in central-western Yunnan

  11. 燕山地区喜马拉雅期地壳运动划分及表现特征

    Division of crustal movement of Himalayan period in Yanshan area and its expressed features

  12. 滇西北与喜马拉雅期富碱斑岩有关的金矿成矿系统

    Gold mineralization system related to alkali-rich porphyries in Himalayan , the northwestern part of Yunnan

  13. 飞来峰的母体为宝兴杂岩体及其盖层,其成因为重力滑覆,形成时期为喜马拉雅期。

    It formed in Himalayan stage and the cause of its formation is gravity gliding .

  14. 受到了同变质期和叠加了喜马拉雅期多期构造变形。

    And it experienced he structural deformation in metamorphic period and that superimposed in Himalayan .

  15. 论扬子地台西缘喜马拉雅期斑岩型铜矿的找矿前景

    On prospecting perspective of Himalayan Porphyry Copper Deposits on the western margin of the Yangtze Platform

  16. 侏罗系气藏为次生气藏,主要充注时期为喜马拉雅期。

    The Jurassic gas reservoirs are secondary gas accumulations , with Himalayan as the main charging period .

  17. 燕山期岩浆岩以中酸性岩为主,喜马拉雅期岩浆岩以酸性岩为主。

    Yanshanian magmatic rocks were intermediate-acid rocks , and the Himalayan magmatic rocks were main acid rocks .

  18. 喜马拉雅期主压应力场主要呈NNE&SSW向,该时期为油气运聚调整和最终就位期。

    During the Himalayan movement , it was NNE-SSW which controlled the final migration , adjustment and accumulation .

  19. 区内岩浆岩极为发育,主要形成于燕山晚期至喜马拉雅期。

    Magmatic rocks in the region greatly developed , mainly formated in the Himalayas and the Later Yanshanian .

  20. 结果表明:研究区在燕山晚期&喜马拉雅期受到了左旋平移剪切走滑运动;

    The research shows that the antitropic advection and sheared sliding movement happened from the later Yanshanian to Himalayan .

  21. 早喜马拉雅期的盆山耦合;

    The early stage of Himalayan movement ( form the late periods from the late Cretaceous to the Paleogene );

  22. 喜马拉雅期以拉张和走滑构造为主,局部有挤压特征。

    Tensile structure and strike - slip structure were the most , and extrusion character locally appeared in Himalayan epoch .

  23. 东亚滨太平洋地区喜马拉雅期构造演化美洲太平洋沿岸与矶鹬相象的滨鸟。

    HIMALAYAN TECTONIC EVOLUTION IN THE PERI-PACIFIC REGION OF EAST ASIA sandpiper-like shorebird of Pacific coasts of North and South America .

  24. 喜马拉雅期该构造带进一步被埋深,开始二次生烃和第三次成藏,二次生烃的量较小。

    In the Himalayan period , the tectonic belt was further buried and secondary hydrocarbon generation and tertiary hydrocarbon accumulation began .

  25. 该区矿床不是热水喷流沉积型或其改造型矿床,而是燕山喜马拉雅期的后生热液矿床。

    - The deposits in this region are not hydrothermal-exhalation sedimentary deposits or their reworked ones , but Yanshanian-Himalayan epigenetic-hydrothermal deposits .

  26. 滇西北中甸地区的铜、金矿产,分别以印支期和喜马拉雅期作为主成矿期。

    Copper and gold deposits in Zhongdian , northwest of Yunnan , are mainly mineralized during Indo Chinese and Himalayan epochs respectively .

  27. 重视新生代喜马拉雅期构造活动规律的研究对该区找矿具有重要意义。

    The study of the regularity of the Himalayan tectonic movement is of great significance for mineral prospecting in the study area .

  28. 云南姚安金矿床是滇西北地区与喜马拉雅期富碱侵入岩类有关的典型矿床之一。

    Yao'an gold deposit , located in Northwest Yunnan Province , is a typical deposit related to the Himalayan epoch alkali-rich intrusive rocks .

  29. 寻找喜马拉雅期金矿床,重点应放在甭哥以东的富碱斑岩出露区。

    Emphasis should be put on alkali rich porphyry outcropping area in the east of Bengge to explore the gold deposit of Himalaya epoch .

  30. 燕山晚期&喜马拉雅期的构造活动表现为矿区内的左行走滑断层、斑岩侵入,并伴生铜钼矿化。

    The late Yanshanian-Himalayan ( tectonism ) is manifested in the sinistral strike-slip faulting and porphyry emplacement , accompanied by copper and molybdenum mineralization .