
mín shì wéi fǎ xínɡ wéi
  • civil wrong;civil offense
  1. 联邦法律规定,非法移民美国是民事违法行为。

    Federal law makes being in United States illegally a civil offense .

  2. 体育伤害是一种民事违法行为,除非法律规定有明确的违法阻却抗辩事由,适用侵权行为法的一般规定。

    Human body injury happening in sports is a behavior of civil irregularity unless it regulates the definitive solving system .

  3. 侵权行为法是民法的重要组成部分,是保护公民、法人民事权利,制裁民事违法行为,推动文明进步和社会发展的重要法律武器。

    The tort law is a very important part of civil law , which is also a legal weapon of protecting civil rights of citizens and legal entities , punishing illegal acts , and promoting the progress of culture and the development of society .

  4. 因此,必须建立一个能实现民事诉讼法保护合法民事权利,制裁民事违法行为,有效化解群体纠纷的多元化的群体纠纷解决机制。

    Therefore , we must establish a multiplication mechanism to solve group dispute to be able to protect legitimate civil right , sanction civil illegal activity and melt the group dispute effectively .

  5. 第一章阐明了证券、证券民事赔偿责任的概念及特点,论述了证券民事违法行为的概念及种类。

    Chapter one expounded the concept and characteristic of the securities , securities civil compensation responsibility , have described the concept and kind of the civil illegal activities of the securities .

  6. 民事公益诉讼则是公民个人、社会团体或国家机关针对民事公益的违法行为以自己的名义向法院提起的诉讼。

    Public Interest Litigation is the individual citizens , social groups or national agencies for civil public offenses in their own name an action to the court .