
mín jiān yì rén
  • folk artist
  1. 壮剧新师的生活史:一位民间艺人的人生启示

    The Life History of an Inheritor of the North Ethnic Group Opera : The Inspiration of a Folk Artist

  2. 有关清代民间艺人石玉昆的生平著述,前人曾做过不少研究,但是限于资料的缺乏,其中还有不少空白及误传。

    The life of Qing folk artist Shi Yukun was much studied , but for biographical scarcity , many gaps as well as misinformation remained .

  3. 论民间艺人的艺术知识

    On the Art-related Knowledge of Folk Artists

  4. 广场四周,各类民间艺人的展演也进行如火如荼。

    Around the square , various performances of folk artists were also in full swing .

  5. 俗词的创作者大致可分为两类,其一为民间艺人,他们或自制或改编前代文人作品,形成了民间俗词。

    Creator of popular lyrics could be classified as folk artists who created or by adapting ?

  6. 论民间艺人的保护与传承&也谈非物质文化遗产的保护

    Discussion of the Protection and Inheritance of Civil Handicraftsman & Also on the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage

  7. 在中国古代通俗小说萌芽阶段,传播者主要是从业余民间艺人逐步发展而来的。

    In the embryonic stage of Chinese classical popular novels , communicators had mainly developed from amateur folk artists .

  8. 民间艺人谋生的场所在变小,传统习俗的传承空间在消失。

    The folk entertainer makes a living the place changes is small , traditional custom inheritance space in vanishing .

  9. 与文明人被驯化了思维方式相比,生活在最基层的民间艺人在进行图形创造过程中,具有审美直觉性的视觉思维占主导地位。

    Contrary to the educated thinking method of civilian , visual thinking is employed more frequently in the folk graphic design .

  10. 民间艺人用天然的或廉价的材料,能够作出精美小巧的工艺品,博得民众的喜受。

    Chinese folk artists used simple and cheap materials to make small and delicate handicrafts , which won great favor among folk people .

  11. 民间艺人在长期的艺术实践中形成了自己一整套的程式法则,制作出的朱仙镇木版年画蕴藉着丰富的民俗文化内涵。

    Fold artists have formed a model language in formulating the design through generations of practice , and the product contains rich folklore culture .

  12. 青年一代的审美,兴趣也进入了转型期,因而很少有人在意民间艺人的存在以及民间作品。

    The aesthetic of the younger generation , interest has also entered the transition period , so few people care about the existence of folk artists .

  13. 核桃天生具有优美花纹、风格古朴,古往今来,被许多民间艺人作为制作工艺品的上等材料。

    Walnut has a beautiful natural pattern , style , simplicity , through the ages , by many folk artists as a good material for making handicraft .

  14. 但是36岁的民间艺人乔小刀在自己的书《好的生活没有那么贵》中证明了这一切皆有可能。

    But Qiao Xiaodao , a36-year-old folk artist , proves it 's all possible in his book The Good Life Doesn 't Have to Cost a Fortune .

  15. 不少受访的民间艺人表示,政府重视不重视,是对民间工艺美术的一种姿态,一种导向。

    Many folk artists interviewed said that the Government attaches importance to non-attention is a folk art and craft of a gesture , a kind of orientation .

  16. “福鼎饼花”是清末福鼎民间艺人创造的独有画种,与民间戏曲关系密切;

    In the last years of Qing Dynasty created style-figure printed on cake is a kind of peculiar decorative picture in Fuding area , inter-relating with folk opera .

  17. 令人遗憾的是,由于历史的变迁和各种社会原因,加之民间艺人日益减少,继承人的相继匮乏,赛里木赛乃姆已濒临消亡。

    Unfortunately , due to historical changes and social reasons , coupled with dwindling folk artists and scarce of heires , Sayram sanam is on the verge of extinction .

  18. 中国传播最广泛的二胡曲,是本世纪中期无锡的民间艺人阿炳自度的《二泉映月》。

    The most widespread piece of erhu music in China is Two Springs Reflect the Moon , composed by the Wuxi folk artist a Bing in the mid-20th century .

  19. 大型泥塑《收租院》是由四川美术学院雕塑系师生与民间艺人共同创作的。

    The clay group sculpture , Rent Collection Yard , was created by students and teachers from the sculpture department of the Sichuan academy of Fine arts and folk artists .

  20. 《佛说王忠庆大失散手巾宝卷》讲唱家庭伦理和因果报应,由明末南无教教团中的民间艺人编写。

    The Chinese Baojuan of " Shou Jin Bao Juan ", wrote by folk actors in Nan Wu Religion in late Ming Dynasty , talked about family ethics and Buddhism retribution .

  21. 笔者通过对多位民间艺人演唱、演奏的采访和记录,展现出通渭小曲独特的艺术魅力和生存现状。

    Through the interview with many fork arts performers and recording of their performances , the author shows the art charm of Tongwei Ditty , and also reveals its current existing situation .

  22. 民间艺人的艺术知识是社会的和集体的,是民间艺人在艺术实践中所获取的认识和经验的总和。

    The art-related knowledge of folk artists , which is closely related to the society and the collective , is the summary of their understanding and experience obtained from their artistic practice .

  23. 1979年,海兴县民间艺人对南锣戏进行挖掘整理,对该剧的传统代表剧目《顶灯》等进行大胆改编的同时,又创作了现代南锣戏《豆腐王》。

    In1979 , the folk entertainment of Haixing County studied the Southern Gong Show , revised the traditional play Balancing the Bricks and also created a modern Southern Gong play King of Bean Durd .

  24. 这样不仅有利于在民间艺人的地位价值和贡献得到宣传认可和形成共识,更重要的是为整个传统民族民间文化保存了最基本的资源和实力。

    Thus , not only the value and contributions of these folk artists will be publicized and approved , but the traditional folk cultural industry , as a whole , will preserve resource and strength .

  25. 中国戏剧起源早而成熟晚,其形成经历了漫长的历史过程,在这个过程中,得益于民间艺人和文人的共同努力,中国戏剧最终形成并走向成熟。

    The Chinese dramas have an early origin but become mature after a long time , and with the effort of both folk artists and literates , the Chinese dramas formed finally and tend towards mature .

  26. 本文重点剖析由此产生的全球化语境下文化多样性以及社会经济形态的转型,非物质文化遗产中民间艺人流失严重等问题启思与对策。

    This paper pays attention to the diversity of culture under the background of globalization and the social and economic transform , and proposes the solution to the severe losses of intangible cultural heritage and folk artists .

  27. 达斡尔族农村牧区文化建设应从发掘民族文化资源、建设文化设施、开展文化活动、发挥民间艺人作用、培养新型农牧民几个方面进行。

    The cultural construction of Darhan group should be carried out from the aspects of exploring ethnic culture resources , constructing cultural facilities , developing cultural activities , exerting the role of folk artisans and cultivating new type herdsmen .

  28. 第四部分分别从剪纸、民间艺人、传统礼俗(包括岁时礼俗、生育礼俗、婚姻礼俗等)、族群认同这四个方面论述侗族刺绣的传承情况。

    Part IV discusses the inheritance situation of Dong national embroidery , from four aspects : paper cutting , folk artists , traditional customs ( including age rituals , fertility rituals , marriage customs , etc. ), and ethnic identity .

  29. 竹笛是我国最古老的民族乐器之一,在民间艺人及笛子演奏家长期的艺术实践中,使我国的竹笛的演奏风格及作品,自然的分为南北两人流派。

    Bamboo flute is one of our ancient national musical instruments . Through the long art practice , folk artists and flute executants have naturally made the style into two big schools - the southern schools and the northern school .

  30. 五马巡城舞属于古代竹马舞的一种,起源故事已不可考,从唐宋年间至今,一直由封开当地民间艺人继承。

    Wu Ma Xun Cheng was one of the Zhu Ma dance in ancient time , the origin of the dance has been untraceable . From Tang and Song dynasty till now , it has been inherited by the local folk artists .