
  1. 广西壮、汉、瑶族民间造纸技术的调查研究

    An Inquiry into folk paper-making technology of Guangxi Zhuang , Han & Yao people

  2. 我相信阁下也会同意,我们双方关系发展得还不足,两国的民间经济技术合作还很薄弱。

    But I believe your Excellency will agree that the development of relations still leaves something to be desired and that the non-governmental economic and technological cooperation between our two countries is still very weak .

  3. 云南民间制陶技术的调查研究

    An Inquiry into Folk Ceramics Technology in Yunnan Province

  4. 四,维吾尔族民间彩陶工艺技术。

    ⅴ . Four Uygur folk pottery technology .

  5. 此次出土的随葬金银器数量多、工艺精,在无锡地区极为少见,显示了民间工匠的高超技术和智慧。

    This amazing discovery showed superb technique and intelligence of folk craftsman .

  6. 此外,从中长期来讲,还应通过激活民间经济活力、技术创新、减税和体制改革等优化供给。

    Besides , great effort shall be put on energizing civil economic strength , technical innovation , tax reduction and economic system reform .

  7. 针对民间工艺品保护中技术手段和应用的落后状况,本文提出了面向民间工艺品设计展示的三维引擎的应用研发。

    The research and design of digital display-oriented 3D engine for folk artware , which aims at improving the protection of folk artware , is presented in this paper .

  8. 长期以来,人们对民间陶瓷认识不足,主要是由于普遍认为民间陶瓷在制造技术上要比官窑粗陋,造型普遍不及趣味陶瓷多变灵活。

    For a long time , it has been lack of knowledge to civil ceramics , mainly due to the general view that the folk Ceramic is humble than official Ceramics in manufactory technology , and their models are also less variable and flexible than " fun Ceramics " .