
  1. 民间俗信与日常生活是互为表里的互融共生关系。

    Folk beliefs and daily life are respectively the exterior-interior relationship of mutually melt symbiotic relationship .

  2. 首先,民间俗信的种种形式以及由此生成的传说故事充当了小说创作的框架和素材。

    Firstly , folk beliefs and their stories act as the frame and materials of the novel creation .

  3. 民间俗信是中国古代传统文化的重要组成部分,是民众精神生活的一种表现形式。

    The ancient folk faith is an important part of festival culture and a component of ancient Chinese culture .

  4. 结合防治非典,对相关民间俗信事象进行研究,是科学对待中国传统文化,推进社会主义先进文化发展的一项重要任务。

    This is an important part in the scientific treatment of Chinese traditional culture and promotion of the development of socialist advanced culture .

  5. 它包括原始宗教在民间的传承、人为宗教在民间的渗透、民间普遍的俗信以及一般的民众迷信。

    It contains the heritage of primitive religion , the penetration of artificial religions , the common convention and general folk believes .