
mín shì sù sònɡ quán lì
  • civil litigation right;right of civil action
  1. 民事诉讼处分权,是指民事诉讼中的当事人依据正义原则和法律规定所享有的决定是否行使及如何行使民事诉讼权利并对法官及各方当事人均具有约束力的利益和自由。

    The right of disposing in civil litigation means that civil litigants enjoy the interests and liberty to make decisions binding the judge and civil litigants to exercise or how to exercise the right of civil action .

  2. 浅析民事诉讼权利滥用

    On Misuse of Civil Procedure Right

  3. 中华人民共和国人民法院对该国公民、企业和组织的民事诉讼权利,实行对等原则。

    The People 's Court of the PRC shall exercise a reciprocal principle on the civil litigant rights of the citizens , enterprises and other organizations of that country .

  4. 当事人民事诉讼权利救济理论作为当事人民事诉讼权利理论的重要组成部分,在民事诉讼理论中同样处于非常核心的地位。

    The theory of civil procedure rights as an important supplement of it , it also takes an important part in civil proceedings theory . But legislation for the civil procedural rights of the parties is still at a relatively weak on the stage .

  5. 第十一条各民族公民都有用本民族语言、文字进行民事诉讼的权利。

    Article 11 Citizens of all nationalities shall have the right to use their native spoken and written languages in civil proceedings .

  6. 但在司法实践中,我国已经实质上、部分的默认刑事被害人独立提起民事诉讼的权利。

    Actually , in the current legal practice , the right of taking civil action by the victims is somewhat widely approved .

  7. 我国刑法、刑事诉讼法及相关司法解释赋予了由于受到犯罪行为侵害而遭受物质损失的被害人有提起刑事附带民事诉讼的权利。

    Our criminal law , criminal procedural law and related judicial explanation bestow the victims who suffer from material damage caused by criminal offense with the right of incidental civil .

  8. 行政诉讼是普通公民与代表国家权力的行政机关之间的诉讼,是权利与权力的冲突,而民事诉讼是权利与权利的冲突。

    Administrative lawsuit is the lawsuit between common citizens and administrative organs representing the state power and the conflict between the right and power while civil lawsuit is the conflict between the right and right .

  9. 赋予检察机关提起民事公益诉讼的权利,在一定程度上是对私权的干预和损害。

    It intervenes and violates the private rights to some extent that procurator organ initiate civil lawsuit .

  10. 第十三条当事人有权在法律规定的范围内处分自己的民事权利和诉讼权利。

    Article 13 The parties are free to deal with their own civil rights and litigation rights the way they prefer within the scope provided by the law .

  11. 民事公益诉讼是权利社会化趋势之下诉权开放的一种表现形式,与我国民事诉权社会化理论相适应。

    Civil public interests litigation is a form of opening litigation rights in the socialized trend of rights , suits to socialization theory of the civil rights of action .

  12. 附带民事诉讼当事人的权利保障机制是围绕附带民事诉讼的当事人建立起来的,从实体和程序两方面来保证其获得平等的诉讼地位以及充分的诉讼权利的一系列配套制度。

    The rights protection mechanism for parties of an incidental civil action is a series of systems built upon the parties , which ensures equal status of litigation and sufficient litigation rights through substantiality and procedures .

  13. 本文立足于国际通行做法和国内实践需要,倾向于赋予国家公诉机关检察机关以提起环境民事公益诉讼的权利(力),即建立环境民事公诉制度。

    Therefore , the system of environmental civil public prosecution should be established as soon as possible in our country , which endows the prosecutor with rights ( or powers ) of bringing civil actions in a certain scope .

  14. 民事诉讼作为保护环境权利与解决纠纷的衡平机制,它的产生是基于当事人对司法救济的需要。

    The civil case in court is the environmental protection right with solving the even mechanism of the dispute , its creation is according to demand of the party concerned to judicial succour .

  15. 首先从民诉成本的理论论证运用经济学分析的合理之处,即可以保障民事诉讼主体的基本权利,提高民事诉讼的效率,降低民事诉讼当事人的支出成本。

    First , to demonstrate reasonable places of using economics analysis based on the theory of civil procedure cost , those are protecting essential rights of the main part of civil procedure , making civil procedure more efficiency , reducing the cost of persons involved .

  16. 它以近水救近火的方式弥补了民事诉讼程序在救济权利上的滞后性弊端,有利于确保将来判决的执行、及时保护权利人的权益。

    It " put out a fire near the water " approach to make up for the rights of civil proceedings in the lag relief defects , help ensure that future enforcement of sentences , in a timely manner to protect the interests of right holders .

  17. 在民事诉讼中当事人行使权利是通过一定的诉讼行为实现的。当事人的陈述作为民事诉讼行为的一种,对其进行研究探讨有利于准确把握当事人和法院之间的关系和权限配置。

    The parties exercise their rights in suit by certain civil behavior , as one kind of civil action , the parties ' statements play an important role in dealing with the relationship between the parties and the court . So it is meaningful to research the system .

  18. 民事诉讼程序的独立价值是当事人民事诉讼权利救济机制得以确立的理论前提,程序违法现象突出则是其确立的现实依据。

    The value of the independent civil Procedure is the guiding theory to it . The illegal behavior also needs to build a relief system .

  19. 民事执行和解是当事人处分自己民事权利和诉讼权利的行为,是当事人意思自治的充分表现。

    The conciliation of civil execution is the behavior of the concerned parties that they disciplinal their own civil and lawsuit right , and also the complete expression of their autonomy .

  20. 在民事诉讼程序独立价值理念的指导下,当事人民事诉讼权利理论受到学界极大的关注。

    Under the guidance of the idea of the civil proceedings ' independent value , the Parties ' procedural rights have been getting great concern , regarded as the foundation of civil procedural theory .

  21. 为了维护国家利益和社会公共利益,应建立民事公益诉讼制度,并赋予公民、社会公益团体和有关国家机关提起民事公益诉讼的权利。

    In order to protect the national social public interest we should found the system of civil public litigation , awarding the right of civil public interest litigation to citizen , social organization and concerning state organization .

  22. 证券民事侵权赔偿诉讼涉及的范围较广,本文仅选择了若干热点问题进行了探讨,这些问题对于真正赋予证券市场受害投资者提起民事诉讼的权利,切实保护投资者利益非常重要。

    The civil litigation for securities tort compensation is a very large topic , the article only focuses on several hot debated questions .