
gǔ pái
  • dominoes
骨牌 [gǔ pái]
  • [dominoes] 娱乐用具,用骨头、象牙、竹子或乌木制成,每副32张,上面刻有2-12的点子

骨牌[gǔ pái]
  1. 我们必须左转才能赶到骨牌前面。

    We have to turn left to get ahead of the dominoes .

  2. 就像多米诺骨牌的世界,只有前进,没有后退

    Like dominoes the world , only forward , not back

  3. 这些国家果真象骨牌效应一样在印度支那倒下了(孝瑟M.施莱辛格)

    The dominos did indeed fall in Indochina ( Arthur M. Schlesinger , Jr. )

  4. 由于轮轴-辐条系统的演变以及多米诺骨牌效应的推动,现行的世界范围内的FTA格局被形容为意大利面碗。

    Because of the development of Hub-and-Spoke System , the current FTA pattern in the worldwide is described as the Spaghetti-Bowl Phenomenon .

  5. 但愿阿里巴巴和纽约证交所(NYSE)都为交易冲刺做好了准备,这样的话,阿里巴巴就将是带动更多IPO的多米诺骨牌,而不是堵塞其它公司上市之路的巨石。

    Alibaba and NYSE have hopefully prepared well for the trading onslaught , so that Alibaba can be a domino rather than a boulder .

  6. 投资者对雷曼丧失信心看起来可能会引发多米诺骨牌效应,可能会拖垮美林、摩根士丹利(MorganStanley),甚至还有高盛(GoldmanSachs)等竞争对手。

    The loss of investor confidence in Lehman looked likely to trigger a domino effect that could have wiped out rivals such as Merrill , Morgan Stanley and even Goldman Sachs .

  7. 剪切带中部变形较强,发育不对称褶皱、S-C组构、σ型及δ型旋转碎斑以及多米诺骨牌等;

    Rocks in the central part are deformed intensely , in which asymmetric folds , S-C fabrics and σ - and δ - type rolled porphyroblasts , as well as domino structure of plagioclase are developed ;

  8. 第二天,我又读到了PhilandoCastile被杀案的新闻;第三天,达拉斯“黑人的命也是命”游行活动中发生警察被枪杀事件,暴力事件就像多米诺骨牌一样接连不断的侵袭,我彻底被惊呆了。

    Then after reading about the killing of Philando Castile the next day , and the shooting of police at a Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas the day after , the domino effect of violence left me paralyzed .

  9. 我们有时用整个周末来摆放骨牌。

    We sometimes spend an entire weekend putting up a route .

  10. 小高宽比建筑物的骨牌倒塌式爆破拆除

    The Domino - Dump Blasting Demolition of the Small Height-Width Ratio Building

  11. 这种多米诺骨牌效应会极大影响译员的工作表现。

    This domino effect will greatly hinder the performance of the interpreters .

  12. 就等着看多米诺骨牌倒下了。

    Now we just watch the dominoes begin to fall .

  13. 摆放多米诺骨牌需要很大的场地。

    They need a lot of space for the dominos .

  14. 地震使大楼哗啦啦倒塌,就像正在倾倒的骨牌一般。

    The earthquake sent buildings tumbling into one another like failing dominoes .

  15. 他认为,企业兼并将引发骨牌效应。

    He expects the mergers to trigger something of a domino effect .

  16. 这家公司的倒闭在房地产业引起了骨牌效应

    The closing of the company had ripple effects on the real estate sector

  17. 当看着多米诺骨牌渐次倒下,我们很难不为之眼花缭乱。

    It 's hard not to feel giddy , watching the dominoes fall .

  18. 俱乐部的队员们把多米诺骨牌摆成一长排??非常长的一排。

    The club members put dominoes in long rows - very long rows .

  19. 32张骨牌能盖住整个棋盘。

    32 dominoes can cover the whole chess board .

  20. 证券业:可能是中国大金融的多米诺骨牌引倒者;

    The securities industry is domino for Chinese finance ;

  21. 对这个故事而言,多米诺骨牌的比喻十分贴切。

    The domino metaphor is uniquely appropriatein this story .

  22. 向我拼成美国国旗的每一片骨牌道歉。

    One for every domino I set up to make that American flag .

  23. 运用多米诺骨牌理论分析我国虾病发生机制

    Analysis on Breaking Out Mechanism of Shrimp Disease with the Domino Theory in China

  24. 男人和白人俱乐部在法律的威胁下,像多米诺骨牌一样倒下了。

    All-male and all-white clubs have toppled like dominoes under threats of legal action .

  25. 把豆腐切成长方薄片如骨牌状,排成圆形铺于碟上。

    Cut beancurd in rectangle , then place them in plate in circle shape .

  26. 电子客票:推倒多米诺骨牌

    Electronic Tickets , the downfall effect of Dominos

  27. 试评多米诺骨牌理论及其实践

    A Study on Domino Theory and Its Practice

  28. 人们来这里不是要玩多米诺骨牌。

    Nobody 's here to play dominoes .

  29. 警务风险处理的理论基础是多米诺骨牌理论和能量释放理论。

    Its theoretical foundation is the Theory of Domino and the Theory of Energy Release .

  30. 几个毗邻州中的一个州提高汽车速度极限而引起的骨牌效应。

    The domino effect of increasing the speed limit in one of several contiguous states .