
  • 网络Backbone teachers;Key Teachers;cadre teacher
  1. 论地市级骨干教师培训的课程设置

    On the Installation of Curriculum for Training Cadre Teacher

  2. 骨干教师培训的课程结构包括理论学习和技能培训,教学实践与考察,教育科学研究等。

    The courses construction of training cadre teacher include theory learning and skill training , education practicing and investigating , educational science researching .

  3. 交流的形式有哪些?交流的形式包括区域内校长交流轮换、骨干教师均衡配置、普通教师派位轮岗等。

    The rotation programs will be carried out in different ways based on participants ' positions in which principals will rotate within the district , outstanding teachers equally distributed , and average teachers rotate on assigned jobs .

  4. 为探讨体育骨干教师的心理健康状况及其影响因素,运用SCL-90量表进行测评,并与全国常模进行比较。

    This paper discusses the mental health condition of core physical education teachers and influencing factors by using the SCL-90 quantum table , compares it with national norm .

  5. 针对变化提出加强中青年骨干教师培养,课堂教学内容优化设计,建立健全教学规章制度,引入PBL教学法,注重循证思维培养等几点思考。

    To aim directly at change we propose strengthening the cultivation of young teachers , optimizing the design of teaching content , establishing teaching rules and regulations , introducing PBL ( problem based learning ) method and stressing evidence-based thinking training .

  6. 方法采用SCL-90对来自全省各地的中学骨干教师进行测试。结果中学骨干教师整体心理健康状况不容乐观,测查中42.1%的教师有轻度心理问题,5.52%的教师有明显的心理症状。

    Methods To survey middle school backbone teachers from every part of Jiangxi province by means of SCL-90.Results There was 42.1 % of teachers suffering from slight mental illness and 5.52 % of them bearing frivolous mental illness , their mental conclusion as a whole is optimistic .

  7. 本文试图利用CSCD对我校综合实力最强的第一临床医学院骨干教师梯队所发表的学术论文及被引用情况进行调查,以期得出某些有意义的结论,在此基础上对其进行评价。

    By making use of CSCD to investigate the academic articles and related citation in the first affiliated hospital of Harbin Medical University , some significant results are expected in this paper and further evaluation was made on the basis of them .

  8. 本文得到了863项目智能化农业信息处理系统&重庆市示范区(课题编号:2001AA115320)和重庆大学骨干教师资助计划项目基于神经网络和遗传算法的奶牛疾病诊断专家系统的资助。

    This article was sponsored by Project 863 Intelligent Agriculture Information Processing System – Chongqing Demonstration Zone ( Ref. No. 2001AA115320 ) and Chongqing University Teachers ' sponsored project Cow Disease Diagnosis Expert System Based on Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm .

  9. 省级骨干教师培训以专家型教师培养为目标。

    Provincial training of skeleton teachers objected to train specialized teachers .

  10. 湖南省中学体育骨干教师队伍的现状调查

    Present situation of middle school core P.E. masters in Hunan Province

  11. 骨干教师培训中体现学员主体性作用的探索与思考

    The study of student subjectivity in the English Backbone Teacher Training

  12. 市级优秀教师、骨干教师和优秀班主任。

    She was entitled The Backbone Teacher and Outstanding Class Teacher .

  13. 骨干教师的职业规划能力和自我反思能力欠缺。

    Backbone teachers are lack for capacity of career-planning and self-reflection .

  14. 省级英语骨干教师继续教育特点剖析

    Some Special Features of English Backbone Teachers in Provincial Continuing Education

  15. 骨干教师在教育中的地位和作用是非常重要的。

    Their position and function is very important in our education .

  16. 关于高中骨干教师培训内容的再思考

    Revelations on the training of key teachers of senior high schools

  17. 骨干教师寻求自我发展的能力有待提高。

    The backbone teachers need to improve self-development capcity . 3 .

  18. 中学数学骨干教师培训的特点与对策

    The Charactristics and Countermeasures of the Backbone Middle-School Maths Teachers Training

  19. 中学骨干教师培训模式的创新研究与实践

    Innovative research and practice of key teacher training mode for middle schools

  20. 骨干教师队伍建设亟待加强;

    The key teachers ' construction needs strengthening , too .

  21. 培养中青年骨干教师造就跨世纪人才

    Accrediting the Trans-century Talents Through Training the Young-Middle-Aged Backbone Teachers

  22. 特校骨干教师培训意向调查报告

    Investigative Report on Training Intention to Backbone Teachers in Special Education School

  23. 中青年教师多缺乏实践经验和必需专业技能,缺少骨干教师和专业带头人;

    Younger teachers are lack of practical experience and necessary specialty skills .

  24. 高职院校如何减少骨干教师的流失

    How to decrease the Loss of chief Teachers In Advanced Polytechnic College

  25. 中学骨干教师人格特征的调查研究

    The Investigation of Personality Characteristics of Middle School Backbone Teachers

  26. 走近骨干教师的生活世界&一种社会学分析

    Approaching to Lead Teachers ' Life : a Kind of Sociology Analysis

  27. 中学体育骨干教师参与式培训模式的实践研究

    On Participating Training Mode Practical Research of Middle School PE Core Teacher

  28. 骨干教师自主、合作、探究培训的实践与反思

    Practice and Reflection of Core Teachers ' Training Mode

  29. 浙江省中学体育骨干教师继续教育之研究

    Study of P.E. key teachers in Zhejiang secondary school

  30. 骨干教师培训中课程资源开发利用的几点思考

    Reflections on Exploitation & Use of Training - Course Resources of Backbone Teachers