
  • 网络bone mineral content;BMC;BMD;bone mineral content, BMC
  1. 体重和体块指数(BMI)与骨矿物质含量关系密切。

    BMC was correlated with weight and body mass index ( BMI ) .

  2. 肥胖儿童各部位BMD和骨矿物质含量(BMC)均大于正常儿童。

    Obesity group had higher BMD and bone mineral content ( BMC ) as compared with those of controls .

  3. 骨矿物质含量(BMC)对儿童的生长及营养发育是一个重要的指标。

    Bone Mineral Content ( BMC ) in an important index for the growth 、 nutrition and development of children .

  4. 目的探索健康老年男性血清睾酮浓度与骨矿物质含量(BMC)的关系。

    Objective To investigate the relationship between the concentration of serum testosterone and bone mass ( BMC ) on the old men .

  5. 结果森田疗法组的BPRS、SDSS、ADL评分和骨矿物质含量结果明显优于对照组。

    Results The reduction of scores of BPRS , SDSS , ADL and bone minerals test in Morita Therapy group were significantly more than that in controls .

  6. 用单光子吸收法(SPA)测定30例6~32岁神经型地方性克汀病人的前臂骨矿物质含量(g/cm~2)。

    The bone mineral content ( BMC ) in forearm on 30 cases ( 18 males and 12 females aged from 6 to 32 years old ) of neuro-endemic cretinism was measured by using single-photon absorptiometry ( SPA ) .

  7. 采用DEXA技术测量人体成分,并对测量的瘦体重、脂肪含量与骨矿物质含量进行了相关分析。

    Used the double energy X rays absorptionmetry ( DEXA ) technique , the authors measured the body component , body mineral density ( BMD ) and bone mineral content ( BMC ) .

  8. 飞行人员骨矿物质含量测定的评价

    An assessment of the measurement of bone mineral content in pilots

  9. 不同钙摄入量的两地南方儿童骨矿物质含量

    Bone mineral content of two populations of Chinese children with different

  10. 昆明地区2156例正常人骨矿物质含量调查

    Investigation of Bone Mineral Content of 2156 Normal Subjects in Kunming

  11. 胃十二指肠疾病患者骨矿物质含量的变化意义

    Bone mineral content change in patients with upper digestive tract diseases

  12. 对偏食小儿骨矿物质含量的观察

    Observation of bone mineral substance in children with food preference

  13. 有氧运动对老年人活体骨矿物质含量影响的研究

    Effects of Aerobic exercises on the Bone Mineral States of aged People

  14. 肢体运动对早产儿骨矿物质含量的影响

    Effect of Physical Activity on Bone Mineralization in Premature Infants

  15. 重庆地区1460例健康人桡骨骨矿物质含量

    Bone mineral content of radius in 1460 healthy individuals in Chongqing area

  16. 甲亢患者骨矿物质含量变化及有关因素的探讨

    THE Study of Bone Mineral Content Alteration and the Effect Factor in Hyperthyroidism

  17. 骨矿物质含量评价小儿生长发育和营养状况的意义

    Significance of Evaluation of Child Growth and Nutritional Status with Bony Mineral Content

  18. 石河子市正常儿童骨矿物质含量测定

    Bone mineral assaying of normal children in Shihezi City

  19. 神经型地方性克汀病人骨矿物质含量测定分析

    Determination of bone mineral content in endemic neurological cretinism

  20. 目的探讨肢体运动对早产儿骨矿物质含量(骨矿含量)的影响及临床意义。

    To explore the effect of physical activity on bone mineralization in preterm infants .

  21. 甲状腺癌病人骨矿物质含量的研究

    Bone mineral contents in patients with thyroid cancer

  22. 骨矿物质含量和骨密度;

    Bone mineral content and bone density ;

  23. 骨矿物质含量作为镉致骨损伤早期诊断指标研究

    Application of bone mineral content in diagnosis of bone damage induced by exposure to cadmium

  24. 部分运动员血液中性粒细胞碱性磷酸酶和骨矿物质含量的对比分析

    Comparative Analysis of Contents of Alkaline Phosphatase and Bone Mineral in Blood Neutrophile Granulocytes of Athletes

  25. 济南市7~13岁儿童骨矿物质含量及其影响因素分析

    Bone Mineral Content and Its Influential Factors in Children Aged 7 ~ 13 Years in Jinan

  26. 女性体力活动水平和骨矿物质含量及骨代谢关系的研究

    Study on the Association of Physical Activity Level with Bone Mineral Content and Bone Metabolism in Women

  27. 绝经与骨矿物质含量的关系

    Menopause and bone mineral density

  28. 本文介绍了一种通过扫描骨骼X光片来测量人体骨矿物质含量的新仪器,其数据的采集、处理和结果打印均由单片机控制。

    A new device for automatic measurement of bone mineral content by scanning X-ray film is presented .

  29. 目的研究慢性胃炎、胃十二指肠溃疡和胃癌患者骨矿物质含量变化的意义。

    Wang Y , Ye YX , Xu B.Bone mineral content change in patients with upper digestive tract diseases .

  30. 精神病人伴骨折与正常骨折患者的骨矿物质含量对照研究

    The Study of the Changes of the Content of bone Mineral in Mental Patients with Fractures and Normal Fractures