
  • 网络Electronic Reading Room;E-reading room;reading room
  1. 图书馆电子阅览室ARP病毒的分析与防治

    Analysis and Prevention of ARP Virus in Electronic Reading Room of the Library

  2. 电子阅览室ARP病毒防御方案实例分析

    Case analysis of address resolution protocol virus prevention programs used in electronic reading room

  3. 基于Internet的网络电子阅览室

    The Network Reading - Room Connected with Internet

  4. 电子阅览室Windows终端改造探讨

    Use Windows Based Terminal to Rebuild Computers in Electronic Reading room

  5. 高校电子阅览室MIS系统的建设

    The Construction of the Electronics Reading Room in College MIS System

  6. 用VB开发电子阅览室登录计费系统

    Develop Log-in Charge System of Electronic Reading Room with Visual Basic

  7. Ghost与高校图书馆电子阅览室安全维护

    Ghost and the Security Maintenance of E-reading Room in University Library

  8. GhostAISnapshot在图书馆电子阅览室机房管理中的应用

    Ghost AI Snapshot Application in Library Electronic Reading Room Equipment Management

  9. 用DELPHI开发电子阅览室辅助维护软件

    Exploitation of electronic auxiliary software maintenance for the electronic reading-rooms by using DELPHI

  10. 基于ShadowDefender的高校电子阅览室系统安全架构

    System Security Architecture of the University Electronic Reading Room Based on Shadow Defender

  11. 如何将WindowsXP移植到U盘来高效维护电子阅览室

    Ways to Transplant Windows XP System into U-disk to Maintain the E-Reading Room in High Efficiency

  12. 电子阅览室VOD的结构探析

    Analysis on the structure of VOD in Electronic Reading Room

  13. 电子阅览室自建VOD服务系统解决方案

    Solutions of VOD Service System in Electronic Reading Room

  14. 电子阅览室开展VOD服务初探

    VOD & A Completely New and Interactive Information Service Technology The Exploration of Developing VOD in Electron Reading Room

  15. PXE网络克隆技术在电子阅览室中的应用

    Application of PXE Net Clone Technology in Electronic Reading Rooms

  16. 我院电子阅览室建立及CHKD软件应用研究

    Construction of Electronic Reading-Room and Study on CHKD Software Package Application in Our Hospital

  17. 论文提出了使用ISASERVER2004控制不良访问意图的方法,介绍了一般电子阅览室的网络构建方式及其ISASERVER的几个小应用。

    This paper brings forward a new method of controlling the bad calling purpose by using ISA server , introduces the constructing method of network in electronic reading rooms and some small applications of ISA server .

  18. 采用了目前流行的客户机/服务器计算模式,选择性能优异的大型数据库SqlServer,利用高效的开发工具VC++,完成了电子阅览室管理系统软件的设计与开发。

    The system adopted Client / Server computing model , selected the large database SQL Server which possessed steady capability , utilized the VC + + that is one of the efficient exploitation tools . The paper completed the design and exploitation of management system of electronic reading room .

  19. 从电子阅览室VOD服务系统建设方案入手,根据图书馆实际,提出了符合图书馆电子阅览室实际的VOD服务系统解决方案,并对方案的功能扩展进行了构想。

    This paper discusses the electronic library system programs of VOD service system , according to the actual branch , put forward solutions of VOD service system in electronic reading room , and expands the concept of functional programs .

  20. 基于解决图书馆电子阅览室收费与管理繁琐这一现实问题,探索应用Delphi开发电子阅览室收费系统,并描述了该系统的模块构成及系统功能。

    To solve the problem of complicated procedure of charging and management in the electronic reading rooms of library , this paper explores the charging system of electronic reading room based on the application program Delphi , and describes the module formation and the system functions of the system .

  21. 论文结合高校图书馆工作实践,探讨了电子阅览室开展VOD服务的必要性,并对VOD服务对象,技术手段的选择以及VOD系统的维护进行了介绍。

    Based on the practice in the university libraries , this article discusses the necessity to develop the VOD service in electron reading room , and introduced the client of the VOD service , the choice of technical methods and the repair of the VOD system .

  22. ILAS系统中的电子阅览室管理(ILAS-ER)功能过于简单,对电子阅览室的管理存在明显的不足,而采用其它软件代替管理则至少存在读者数据的冗余,通过以ILAS电子阅览室备份文件electbakup。

    The function of electric reading room management in ILAS ( ILAS-ER ) is too simple , there are some obvious shortcomings for management of electric reading room in this system . Other software will cause data redundancy of reader information .

  23. 浅议高校电子阅览室的安全与维护

    Discussion on Security and Maintenance of Electronic Reading Room of University

  24. 实现电子阅览室服务功能的有效途径

    Effective Ways to Fulfill the Service Functions of Electronic Reading Room

  25. 电子阅览室服务于教学科研的新思考

    New Thoughts on the Service of Electronic Reading-rooms for Teaching Research

  26. 图书馆电子阅览室的维护、安全及服务

    On the Maintenance , Security and Service of Electronic Reading Room

  27. 试论电子阅览室与传统阅览室的区别

    Differences and Service of Electronic Reading Room and Traditional Reading Room

  28. 我国研究型大学图书馆信息共享空间实证研究高校图书馆大型电子阅览室危机管理剖析

    Dissection of Large-scale Electronic Reading Room Crisis Management in University Libraries

  29. 防止图书馆电子阅览室变网吧的对策

    Countermeasure to Prevent Electronic Reading Room from becoming an Internet Bar

  30. 高校图书馆电子阅览室可持续发展探讨

    Probe into the Sustainable Development of E-reading Rooms in University Library