
  • 网络Game
  1. 真人CS野战也可根据需要设计多种娱乐游戏项目,集娱乐休闲和培训于一体;

    The honorable person CS field operation may also according to need to design many kinds of arcade game project , the collection entertainment leisure and training in a body ;

  2. 最好的一种空间娱乐游戏之一。

    One of the best Space Arcade game of all time .

  3. 用VB编写WindowsXP系统的娱乐游戏类附件工具

    Programming Accessories Tools of Windows XP for Amusement and Games by VB

  4. King公司表示:《糖果粉碎传奇》是我们迄今最成功的游戏,我们相信它也是有史以来最大的互动娱乐游戏品牌之一。

    We believe Candy Crush Saga , our top title to date , is one of the largest interactive entertainment franchises of all time , said King .

  5. 自第一部《神秘海域》(Uncharted)游戏征服游戏业以来,顽皮狗(NaughtyDog)就一直在挑战互动娱乐游戏的极限。

    Naughty Dog has been pushing the envelope when it comes to cinematic interactive entertainment since the first Uncharted game took the game industry by storm .

  6. 四是日本新剧化妆演讲方式促使中国戏剧开始由娱乐游戏向社会启蒙、由写意向写实的转型。

    Fourthly , Japanese new drama gave enlightenment and realism to Chinese drama .

  7. 有奖娱乐游戏牌照申请书

    Application for Amusements with Prizes Licence

  8. 该公司提供给员工们娱乐游戏的场所、游泳池和其他游乐玩耍的地方。

    The company provides its workers with a game room , a pool and other fun areas .

  9. 三维娱乐游戏已经成为现代青少年生活中一种显著的文化现象和重要的娱乐方式。

    3d game has become a significantly cultural phenomenon and an important form of entertainment of young people .

  10. 目前,虚拟现实技术已广泛应用于航空航天、医学实习、建筑设计、军事训练、体育训练、娱乐游戏等诸多领域。

    At present , the virtual reality technology has been widely applied to aerospace , medical practice , architectural design , military training , entertainment and etc.

  11. 当然,它还播放音乐,也有日历,甚至给孩子提供娱乐游戏,但它也可能像别的东西一样会被黑客攻击。

    Sure , it plays music , has a calendar , and even entertains the kids , but it could probably also get hacked - just like everything else . 7 .

  12. 第一,罗马角斗士的研究在国外堪称发达,但是从现代文明的角度去认识、比较这一残酷娱乐游戏的研究并不够深入;

    The author believes that : firstly , there are studies of gladiatorial games in the west , but few of them have looked at the cruel game in light of modern civilization ; angle .

  13. 一些娱乐游戏、聊天等可能会导致孩子们玩物丧志或者交友不当,但是我们可以通过一定的人为控制,控制使用时间的长短和时间点等等,并进行一些引导。

    We can control this by controlling the time of usage and give them some guidance . I believe that everything will progress in a positive way based on the theory which says conflict leads to evolution .

  14. 三维物体的模型重建在CAD、逆向工程、模式识别、文物艺术品的重建、数字娱乐(游戏、动画、电影)等领域有着广泛的应用。

    The three-dimensional reconstruction model is widely used in the fields of CAD 、 reverse engineering 、 pattern identify , the artwork reconstruction , digital amusement ( game 、 animation and film ) .

  15. 用运行家庭娱乐搞怪游戏的低科技含量游戏机,与微软(Microsoft)Xbox360以及索尼(Sony)PlayStation3使用的高清技术竞争,就像是开一辆菲亚特500(Fiat500)参加一级方程式(FormulaOne)赛车。

    Putting a low-tech console , running quirky games for family entertainment , up against the high-definition technology of Microsoft 's Xbox 360 and Sony 's PlayStation 3 was like entering a Fiat 500 in a Formula One race .

  16. 从松弛走向迷醉&试析技术演进中的电视娱乐节目游戏本性

    The Game Nature of Entertaining TV in the Development of Technology

  17. 有些软件属于娱乐和游戏类,其他一些则很有实际价值。

    Some are fun and games while others hold lots of value .

  18. 在日常生活中它是将士私下交流和娱乐的游戏。

    It is a game entertained by soldiers in the daily life .

  19. 虽然身为一个学生,但他没有时间来娱乐和游戏。

    One student , however , has no time for fun and games .

  20. 此游戏为休闲娱乐小游戏。

    This game is a recreational game .

  21. (地下)游戏室,娱乐室游戏机中心牌照条件

    Rumpus room amusement game centre licence conditions

  22. 机器人不仅是为了娱乐和游戏,它在中国也是一个非常严肃的产业。

    Robots are not only for fun and games , it 's also a very serious industry in China .

  23. 多花些时间,完成这些安排,然后再娱乐和游戏。

    Put in some extra hours and finish those careful jobs before you move on to some fun and games .

  24. 它们的发展已经远远超越最初的短信服务,现已包含娱乐、游戏甚至是支付等诸多功能。

    They have extended well beyond the original SMS replacement service to include entertainment , gaming , and now payments .

  25. 幽默、音乐、娱乐、游戏和体育以及各种形式的创造力对你来说都很重要。

    Humor , music , entertainment , games or sports , and creativity of all kinds are very important for you .

  26. 无论是通过艺术、音乐、娱乐或者游戏,你都有天赋产生创造性观点,从而为当下环境注入新的生命活力。

    Whether through art , music , entertainment , or games , you have a gift of creative vision that breathes new life into situations .

  27. 网络游戏只有承载起恰当的文化境域,才能让人娱乐地游戏其中,从而为商人牟利。

    Play online games only load the appropriate cultural environment domain , which can make people entertainment to the game , so as to profit-making business .

  28. 在哀悼期间,国务院命令所有的网站取消娱乐和游戏部分,并引导用户到几年死难者的网页。

    For the mourning period , the State Council , or Cabinet , also ordered all websites to remove entertainment and game sections and redirect users to pages dedicated to victim commemoration .

  29. 民族传统体育项目当中,娱乐、游戏类项目当作休闲体育项目得到大家的认可,较少地域和民族色彩的项目比如垂钓、放风筝广受欢迎。

    Among Traditional sports , entertainment , games , leisure and sports categories of projects as approved by everyone , fewer regional and national projects such as the color of fishing , kite-flying popular .

  30. 在我们眼里,这是一台流媒体设备,它能推送4K格式的娱乐节目和游戏。我们认为这是一种模式的改变,而不是一场势均力敌的较量。

    We see this as a streaming device that delivers both entertainment and gaming in 4K . We look at it as a paradigm shift , rather than a head-to-head competition .