
  • 网络Entertainment Partners
  1. 但只要广播发挥自己的媒介优势,积极寻求适合广播角色定位的生存空间,广播媒介也是大有可为的,可以成为社区的信息中心、贴身的电子秘书、受众的娱乐伙伴。

    However , so long as the broadcast displays its advantages , broadens the existing space positively , it will have a bright future : it may become the community information center , next to the skin electronic secretary , audience 's entertainment partner .

  2. 但是在北美,经济和友情是分开的,朋友经常参与你生活中特定的活动,一个人可能会有休闲活动的伙伴和娱乐活动的伙伴。

    But in North America , business and friendship are kept separate . The friendships are usually tied to specific activities . A person may have work friends and leisure activity friends .