
  1. 我们的CNN娱乐记者,同时也是SHOWBIZTONIGHT节目的主持人BrookeAnderson就在现场。

    CNN Entertainment Correspondent -- there she is -- Brooke Anderson , she is also co-host of HLN 's " SHOWBIZ TONIGHT . "

  2. 格莱美颁奖结束之后,维斯特在接受娱乐记者的采访时说格莱美没有把奖颁给碧昂丝,这个奖项理应属于她,这是对艺术的不尊重。

    After the Grammys , Kanye told entertainment reporters that the Grammys " disrespected artistry " by not giving the award to Beyonce , its rightful recipient .

  3. 不过,他补充该说:“把分手新闻放到一起讨论是娱乐记者们的小把戏,已经玩了很多年了。它能轻松填充页面,让员工们轻松享受劳动节。”

    But , he added : " listing all the splits together in one neat little package is a celebrity journalist trick that has been going on for years . It allows pages to be filled with content , while still allowing the staff to enjoy Labor Day off . "

  4. 因此,文化娱乐新闻记者必须清楚文化娱乐新闻侵犯公民名誉权与公民隐私权的具体表现方式。

    Therefore , journalists of entertainment news should be clear about what is the specific behavior of infringement on the right of reputation and the right of privacy .

  5. 如媒体经营的市场化、媒介功能的娱乐化以及记者自身职业形象的负面化等。

    The change of the media function and the reporter 's influence on the public .

  6. 感觉棒极了,我爱极了这一刻。她对娱乐周刊的记者说道。

    It felt amazing . I love it , she told Entertainment Weekly at the time .

  7. 一名《今夜娱乐》的记者在2015格莱美奖之前就明白了这个道理,当时她开玩笑的说,泰勒会和很多男人一起离开格莱美。

    An Entertainment Tonight reporter learned that the hard way right before the 2015 Grammy Awards , when she joked about Taylor leaving the show with lots of men .

  8. 迈克尔杰克逊的儿子普林斯迈克尔走上了一条他已故父亲所熟知的路,担任《今夜娱乐》的特约记者。

    Michael Jackson 's son , Prince Michael , stepped into a world his late father knew well , becoming a special correspondent for Entertainment Tonight .