
  • 网络ethnic festivals
  1. 本文研究的是传统民族节日变迁的问题。

    This paper studies the changes of the traditional ethnic festivals .

  2. 民族节日的开展是对民族文化保护多元性的有益探索。

    To launch the ethnic festivals is a good exploration to protect the diversities of the ethnic culture .

  3. 论政府参与模式对民族节日文化的影响

    The Effects of Governmental Participation Pattern on Minority Festival Culture

  4. 云南民族节日的起源、传承与表达

    A Historical and Cultural Interpretation of the Festivals of Yunnan 's Nationalities

  5. 云南民族节日传说中的女性形象

    On the Female Images in the Festival Legends of the Ethnic Groups in Yunnan

  6. 论民族节日文化的现代化

    Discussing the Modernization of National Festival Culture

  7. 萨满教与北方少数民族节日文化述略

    A brief review of Saman religion and festive culture of ethnic minorities in the West

  8. 暴雪使千万计旅客在民族节日前进退维谷、束手无策。

    Heavy snowfalls have stranded thousands of passengers ahead of the nation 's vacation period .

  9. 民族节日文化的当代变异

    Contemporary Variation of National Festival Culture

  10. 圣诞节对于日本来说不算是一个民族节日,但这并不意味着这里的人们不会庆祝圣诞节!

    Christmas may not be a national holiday in Japan , but that doesn 't mean people won 't be celebrating !

  11. 笔者认为,研究民族节日符号在旅游开发中面临着的诸如传统的变迁和保持等问题有着积极的现实意义。

    Research on the problems such as the transform and maintenance of the tradition while exploiting ethnic festival has great real significance .

  12. 这些民族节日一代一代流传下来,成为云南各民族文化传统的重要组成部分。

    The festivals have been passed down from generation to generation , and they have become important elements of the groups ' traditional cultures .

  13. 在此基础上,文章还探讨了传统民族节日符号在新的历史转折期转型的深层动因。

    On this basis , this article also inquires into the deep layer cause of the traditional festival symbols in the new historical luring point period .

  14. 对于众多布依族共有的民俗节日资料倒是很多,但是对于赶查白这样一个地方性的民族节日,要想在史籍、档案中直接找到资料基本上是不可能的。

    But for the " catch Charles White ," a local ethnic festival , to the historical records , files , find information directly is basically impossible .

  15. 从民族节日的体育价值看民族地区全民健身体系的构建&以湘西苗族赶秋节为例

    On the Multi-national Area All-people Body-building System 's Construction from the National Holiday 's Sports Value & Take the " Gan Qiu Festival " of Miao Minority as the example

  16. 每个传统民族节日,都是经过长期的文化积淀沿袭下来的,是民族文化中的民族意识、民族性格、民族审美心理等因素自觉适应社会发展变化的形象表现。

    Each traditional festival is inherited from long-term cultural accumulation and vividly shows that the ethnic culture including its consciousness , character and aesthetic psychology adapts to social development and changes unconsciously .

  17. 景颇族的传说故事类型十分丰富,有源于神话演进的,有来自古代社会生活的,有源自民族节日习俗的,等等。

    The Jingpo legendaries are rich in type , of which some have their origin from mythology , some from the life of ancient society and others from ethnic festivals and customs .

  18. 根据变化了的形势不断地对民族节日的变迁进行阐释、提升和创新,才能更好的构建与其所处的自然环境、社会环境、人文环境、经济环境相适应的新的民族节日。

    According to the changed situation , the continuous interpretation , upgrading and innovation of the ethnic festivals is to better build a new festival which fits the natural , social and cultural environment .

  19. 云南少数民族节日民俗文化丰富而独特,它沉积和浓缩了该民族的精华,体现了儒家文化精神,调节着人们的社会生活。

    The rich and unique culture of festivals and folk customs of the minority in Yunnan , which can enrich peoples lives , expresses the spirit of the Confucianists with the essence of the minority itself .

  20. 政府行为占主导、自发参与低,地缘经济式活动场所,民族节日的时间安排,根植于现实经济水平的实物消费,民族风情浓郁的活动项目是参与的主要特征。

    The main character of participation is that government activity domination , self-participation low , regional economic activity , national program arrangement , current economic level and consumption , full of amorous of minority activity program .

  21. 桂林民俗文化旅游具有良好的资源发展基础。本文从民族节日、宗教文化、曲艺与戏剧民间文化、饮食文化与民居文化等五个方面对桂林的民俗文化旅游资源进行了深入的整理和总结;

    Guilin has a wonderful resource foundation to develop the folklore culture tourism , the thesis summarizes the folklore resources in Guilin , such as nationalities festivals , religious culture , folk arts , cooking culture and housing culture , etc.

  22. 略论民族传统节日的群众文化活动

    A Brief Talk on Mass Cultural Activities for National Traditional Festivals

  23. 民族传统节日的困境与出路

    Difficult Position of the National Tradition Holiday and the Outlet

  24. 论民族传统节日的保护和利用

    On the traditional ethnic festivals and its protection and use

  25. 民族传统节日中民俗、民间体育的价值

    Folk Sport Value of National Traditional Festival in China

  26. 民族传统节日旅游资源特征、旅游开发价值与原则的探索

    Research on the Characteristics , Development Values and Principles of the Ethical Traditional Festival

  27. 火把节是我国哪些少数民族的节日?

    Which following nationalities celebrate the Torch Festival ?

  28. 对民族传统节日加以保护和利用具有重要的历史和现实意义。

    It has important historical and realistic significance to protect and use the traditional ethnic festivals .

  29. 进入新时期,民族传统节日面临诸多挑战与机遇。

    Entering the new time , the national tradition holidays are facing many challenges and opportunities .

  30. 优秀的民族传统节日文化和民间艺术是民族不朽的根。

    Excellent festival culture of ethnic groups and folk art is the immortal root of the nation .