
mín shì pàn jué shū
  • paper of civil judgment
  1. 我国民事判决书的制作现状不尽人意,但无论是学界还是实务界侧重于判决书制作方法的技术性研究,而对民事判决书的价值理论探讨较少。

    However , our present making situation of paper of civil judgment is still not satisfactory , since both academic and practical circles concentrates more on the technical work of the making , but less on the value theory .

  2. 对我国民事判决书改革的建议与期待。

    Proposals and expectations to the reform of civil verdict .

  3. 第一章为民事判决书概述,对民事判决书的相关知识进行梳理。

    Chapter One is the Introduction of Civil Judgment Paper .

  4. 关于加强民事判决书说理,实非一个新鲜的议题。

    Improving the reasoning of Civil Judgment is not a new issue .

  5. 民事判决书理性化探讨

    Probing into the Rationality of the Civil Verdict Document

  6. 中文民事判决书的情态意义分析

    Book Bar A " modality " analysis of written Chinese civil judicial verdicts

  7. 我国实践中民事判决书存在的问题。

    The problems of civil verdict in practice .

  8. 民事判决书中证据表述初探

    Probe into Proof Formulation in the Civil Judgment

  9. 法院的职能分工与民事判决书

    Functional Division of the Court and Civil Judgment

  10. 撤销太原铁路运输法院(2001)太铁经初字第6号《民事判决书》。

    Withdrawing the civil judgment ( 2001 ) Tai-Tie-Jing-Chu-Zi No. 6 by Taiyuan Railway Transportation Court .

  11. 上诉审民事判决书制作的技术改良和制度革新

    Book Bar Improving the Technology and Innovating the Policy of Making Appeal Civil Paper of Judgement

  12. 也就是说,民事判决书是体现民事司法权威性的唯一最终载体。

    In other words , civil verdict is the only carrier of civil justice and authority .

  13. 二,笔者整理了许多有关快递合同纠纷的民事判决书,裁定书以作为对司法实务开展研究的第一手材料。

    Secondly , I put together express disputes , civil judgments , ruling as a judicial practice research material .

  14. 民事判决书制作水平有了巨大进步,但仍存在大量问题,这些问题极易导致错误判决。

    Though design level of Civil Judgment Papers has been improved greatly , many problems which may contribute to wrong decisions easily still exist .

  15. 民事判决书制度与技术要素改革分析关于民商事司法管辖和判决执行公约

    On the System and Technical Reform of Chinese Civil Judicial Verdicts ; Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgement in Civil and Commercial Matters

  16. 民事判决书的改革还涉及到很多深层次的问题,需要多方位协调前进,才能有好的效果。

    Reform of the civil verdict also involves a lot of deep-seated problems . The coordination needs to be worked before we can have good results .

  17. 本文主要从词汇的标准化、语篇方式的书面化、句意的严谨性等方面探讨民事判决书语言运用的规范化问题。

    The paper discusses mainly the standardization of language use in written judgement from the standardization of vocabulary , written from of chapter and precision of sentence meaning .

  18. 但是司法公正要实现,并且要以看得见的方式实现,法官心证在民事判决书中的体现无疑是非常重要的。

    But if the judicial fairness want to be realized , the reflection of the free evaluation of evidence in the paper of civil judgement is certainly very important .

  19. 对民事判决书要素的考察。该部分通过对当今两大法系国家和地区以及我国不同历史时期民事判决书基本要素的考察,研究了民事判决书的基本构成与写法。

    In this part , the basic structure of civil verdict is studied through the comparison of two legal families as well as different historical periods of our country .

  20. 中国民事判决书说理的现状是不容乐观的,笔者通过理论和实践相结合的方式,分析了当前中国民事判决书说理存在的突出问题,并对造成这种状态的原因进行了考量。

    The author combines theories with practice to analyze the major problems that exist in the reasoning of China ' Civil Judgment and makes an assessment of reasons for them .

  21. 民事判决书彰显司法公平正义,是法官决策之载体,更是司法机关代表国家行使审判权的体现。

    As the carrier of judges ' decision-making and the reflection of judicial organs ' exercising judicial authority on behalf of the country , Civil Judgment Paper shows the fairness and justice of judicature .

  22. 民事判决书的正义价值包括实体正义价值和程序正义价值,从程序正义角度分析判决书价值具有更加重要的意义。

    The value of justice contains value of the body justice and the procedure justice , and it has more important meaning to analyze the value of judgment from the view of the procedure justice .

  23. 鉴于上述三部分的论述,笔者对重构中国民事判决书说理提出了一些宏观的设想,希望在不背离中国当前国情的基础上,在中国构建一个合理的说理模式。

    Considering the other three parts , the author puts forward some macroscopic assumptions on the reconstruction of the reasoning , in hopes of achieving a rational reasoning pattern without deviating from the realities of China .

  24. 关于最高院(1998)交提字第3号民事判决书若干问题的思考&兼论无单放货纠纷的法律适用问题

    Consideration on Certain Issues Contained in Civil Judgment ( 1998 ) Jiao Fa Ti Zi No.3 of the Supreme People 's Court & On Applicable Law in Disputes Concerning Delivery of the Goods Without the Original Bill of Lading

  25. 对于民事判决书的概念、功能、特点和构造模式进行界定说明,重点明确了其特征和构造模式:首部、事实部分、裁判理由部分、裁判主文部分和尾部。

    It defines and introduces the definition , function , characteristics and structural mode of civil judgment paper . Among the above , characteristic and structural mode is mainly illustrated : header , factual part , judicial opinion , body and end part of judgment .

  26. 这也就意味着民事调解书和民事判决书的不同,民事调解书在具有法律强制力的同时,还具有明确的契约性。

    This means that the civil mediation document is different from the civil verdict document .

  27. 民事法律关系和民事判决书的相关理论问题并不复杂,而将民事判决书改革与民事法律关系相联系,则是审视民事判决书的一个重要视角。

    The relevant theories on civil jural relation and civil judgment paper are not complicated , and to relate the reform of civil judgment paper to the civil jural relation will be a very important perspective in examining the paper .

  28. 作为民事裁判文书重要组成部分的民事判决书要做到无懈可击,就必须充分说理。

    If the civil judgment as the main part of the civil judgment writ is watertight , it must argue enough .