
  • 网络left-lateral slip
  1. 野外构造、显微构造与石英C轴组构分析皆指示为左旋走滑韧性剪切带。

    Field structure , microstructures and quartz C - axis analysis all indicate sinistral shear sense of the ductile shear belt .

  2. 长趋势GPS地壳形变图像反映了这条活动断裂带相对完整的左旋走滑活动。

    The secular GPS crustal deformation image has reflected the relatively complete left lateral strike slip movement of this active fault zone .

  3. 长乐-南澳带的左旋走滑活动,是由古太平洋板块朝NW斜向俯冲引起的。

    We believe that this was caused by the NW-trending subduction of the paleo-Pacific plate .

  4. 湖南常德-安仁NW向断裂左旋走滑与安仁y字型构造

    " Y " - type structure in Anren county , hunan , and the sinistral strike-slip of changde-anren NW-trending fault

  5. 郯庐断裂带内一系列走滑糜棱岩类的~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar测年表明,郯庐断裂早白垩世发生了左旋走滑运动。

    The 40Ar / 39Ar values of the mylonite series from the Tan-Lu fault belt demonstrate that the fault belt has experienced sinistral strike-slip movement in the Early Cretaceous .

  6. 昌平-丰南断裂已断到中更新世地层(Q2),为倾向SW的左旋走滑正断层。

    The Changping Fengnan fault is a SW dipping sinistral slip normal fault , which dissects the middle Pleistocene ( Q 2 ) strata .

  7. 第二旋回的火山机构就位于NE向深断裂左旋走滑复活产生的SN向拉分构造与EW向基底断裂的结点,产生了中心式火山岩浆喷溢侵出。

    Volcanic apparatus in the second cycle was emplaced at junction points of SN trending pull apart structure activated by sinistral strike slipping of NE trending deep faults and EW trending basement faults causing the center type volcanic magma effusion and extrusion .

  8. 水平运动分量沿造山带自SE向NW增大,致使造山带的运动从SE段的逆冲为主逐渐过渡到NW段的左旋走滑为主。

    The component of its strike-slip increased along the belt from SE to NW , while the component of its thrusting decreased . As a result , thrusting dominated in the SE section and sinistral wrenching became a title role in the NW section .

  9. 结果表明:断层总长390(km)左右,呈直立走滑型,各断裂段左旋走滑量最大为5~6m,反演结果基本反映了地震破裂的总体特征;

    The result suggests that : ① The fault is about 390 km long and dips about 90 degree with the greatest left lateral strike slip distance of about 5-6 meters . The result of inversion reflects basically the overall characteristic of the seismic fracture .

  10. 阿尔金断裂带是我国西部一条巨型左旋走滑断裂带,全长1600km,宽100km,呈北东向分布。

    The Altun fracture zone is a gigantic sinistral strike-slip fracture zone in western China , It , 1600 km long and 100 km wide , extends in a NE direction .

  11. 秦岭北缘洛南&栾川断裂带是华北板块南缘与秦岭造山带汇聚-拼合带,具有SW→NE向俯冲兼左旋走滑的性质,并构成叠瓦状构造和双重构造的组合样式。

    The Luonan-Luanchuan fault zone on the northern margin of the Qinling Mountains is a convergence belt between the North China plate and Qinling orogenic belt with the natures of SW-NE-directed subduction and sinistral strike-slip motion . It shows an association style of imbricate structure and duplex structure .

  12. 断面滑动矢量分析和山前年轻冲积扇体和小冲沟沿断裂错移特征分析,表明太行山南缘断裂带是一条斜张左旋走滑边界断裂带,引张方向为NWSE至NNWSSE。

    Analyses of fault plane slip vectors and displacement features of younger piedmont alluvial fans and small gullies along the fault suggest that the fault zone is an oblique-extensional , sinistral strike-slip boundary fault znoe , with the extension oriented in a NW-SE to NNW-SSE direction .

  13. 其结果为:①相对于鄂尔多斯单元,阴山单元的运动为(023)±1.6mm/a,方向约0°W13°N,属于相对较弱左旋走滑运动。

    The results are ( 1 ) relative to Erdos unit , Yinshan unit moves in direction of 0 ° - W13 ° N with an amplitude of ( 0_2.3 )± 1.6 ? mm / a in the form of left-lateral strike slip ;

  14. 西支断层和东支断层的左旋走滑速率分别为7.0~9.0mm/yr和6.0~7.5mm/yr。

    The average left - lateral slip rates on the west and east strands were determined to be 7.0 ~ 9.0mm/yr and 6.0 ~ 7.5mm / yr , respectively .

  15. 建立在对断裂带的变形特征、运动学特征和变形岩石年代学的综合研究表明,澜沧江断裂带是一条左旋走滑断裂带,左旋走滑始于20Ma。

    Comprehensive studies , based on the characteristics of deformation , movement and chronology of deformation rocks in the fault zone , suggest that the Lancang River Fault Zone ( LRFZ ) with left slip has begun its strike slip since 20 Ma .

  16. 震源机制主要是左旋走滑,带有很小的逆冲倾滑分量。

    The focal mechanism is mainly left-lateral strike-slip , with a small thrust component .

  17. 乌尊硝段左旋走滑的断错地貌极为发育。

    Along the Wuzunxiao segment , the left lateral dislocation landform is well developed .

  18. 该断裂带晚更新世以来以左旋走滑为主,兼有倾滑分量。

    The fault zone shows dominant sinistral movement , and partly dip-slip component in late Pleistocene .

  19. 指出这些断裂现今活动以倾向滑落为主,同时兼有一定分量的左旋走滑运动。

    This paper indicates that the fault is dominated by dip slip along with left-lateral strike slip motion .

  20. 哀牢山-红河左旋走滑剪切带构造抬升时间序列的裂变径迹证据

    Fission track evidence of diachronic uplift along the Ailao Shan Red River left lateral strike slip shear zone

  21. 西秦岭地区东昆仑-秦岭断裂系晚新生代左旋走滑历史及其向东扩展

    Late Cenozoic Left-Slip Faulting Process of the East Kunlun-Qinling Fault System in West Qinling Region and Its Eastward Propagation

  22. 西段和中段表现为左旋走滑,东段表现为左旋走滑逆冲运动。

    It shows sinistral strike-slip movement in western and middle segment , sinistral strike-slip and thrust in eastern segment .

  23. 由于震源区应力作用方式是以水平为主的左旋走滑运动,震前局部重力异常不显著。

    Third , partial gravity anomaly before earthquake was not obvious because stress action pattern was left-slip movement of horizontal .

  24. 横向调节带一般分布于基底卷入型褶皱-冲断带,主要为左旋走滑断层;

    The transverse accommodation zones generally formed within the basement-involved fold-thrust belt and its styles are mainly sinistral strike-slip faults .

  25. 由干涉形变条纹分布格局可清楚地判断出发震断层的左旋走滑特征;

    From the distribution of interferometry fringes , the characteristic of sinistral strike slip of seismogenic fault can be identified clearly .

  26. 配合其它资料,提出龙陵地震序列强震的破裂特征是:由3条北东东向左旋走滑断层和2条北北西向右旋走滑断层组成的共轭破裂组合。

    It is a conjugate rupture combination of 3 NEE faults with left-lateral strike-slip and 2 NNW faults with right-lateral strike-slip .

  27. 青藏高原东北缘的中卫断裂带在晚更新世以来的左旋走滑运动中,先存的挤压逆掩、逆冲断裂带发生了分化。

    The left-lateral strike-slip movement of the Zhongwei fault zone since late Pleistocene caused the differentiation of preexisting overthrust faults in the zone .

  28. 北段以左旋走滑运动为主,中、南段以倾向逆冲运动为特征。

    The north segment is dominated by left lateral strike slip , while the middle and the south segments are characterized by thrust movement .

  29. 南秦岭新生代房县盆地是北西向安康竹山房县左旋走滑断裂构造带东南端拉分盆地。

    The Fangxian basin of Cenozoic Era of South Qinling is a pull-apart basin at the southeastern end of the Ankang-Zhushan-Fangxian NW-trending left-lateral strike-slip fault zone .

  30. 本文首次报导苏鲁造山带西缘新发现的北东向郯庐高压左旋走滑韧性剪切带。

    High-pressure sinistral strike-slip shear belts in the NE-trending Tan-Lu fault zone along the western margin of the Sulu orogenic belt are first reported in this paper .