
  • 网络folk village;Heritage Village;China Folk Culture Village
  1. 入住酒店后,我们就直接去中华民俗村和锦绣中华这两个景点。

    After checking into the hotel , we 'll go directly to China Folk Culture Village and Splendid China .

  2. 氐羌民俗村规划设计研究&以略阳县九中金民俗村规划设计为例农村土改后恶风陋俗的革除与新民俗的形成

    Study on the Planning and Design of Di Qiang Folk Village Removal of Evil Practices and Corrupt Customs and the Shaping of New Folk Customs After the Land Reform in the Countryside

  3. 这是韩国民俗村。

    This is the Korean foik viiiage .

  4. 中间相连的狭长沙漠地带将会建起假寺庙、民俗村和纪念品商店。

    The connecting strip of desert would be filled with faux temples , folk villages and souvenir stands .

  5. 城邑民俗村不是人造景观,而是数百年承袭下来的生活方式的全貌。

    They are not the artifical view , but the whole styles of life have kept several hundred years .

  6. 那里有龙岩、城邑民俗村、正房瀑布等。

    There are Dragon Rock , the urban villages with their folk customs , Waterfall of the principal rooms , etc.

  7. 如鸟斯革,如翚斯飞&浅谈湖南民俗村东大门设计

    Balanced as a Bird Hovering , Gaudy as a Pheasant Displaying & Design of the Eastern Gate of the Hunan Folk Custom Park

  8. 孔子和老子塑像在世界民俗村落户,为俄民众又开启了一扇了解中国文化的窗口。

    The Chinese diplomat believed the settlement of the two statues in the Ethno Village has just opened another window for Russian people to know about Chinese culture .

  9. 随着时代的发展,新的旅游热潮蒸蒸日上,民俗村的旅游热吸引着社会个各阶层次的人。

    With the development of The Times , the new tourism booms day by day , the folk custom villages bring the tour-craze and attract society all levels of people .

  10. 在北京,既有符合国际标准的星级酒店,也有颇具胡同风情的旅馆和招待所;此外,一些经济实惠又干净的公寓、青年旅社和民俗村也十分受欢迎。

    There are international standard star-class hotels , local guesthouses in residential alleys , as well as some clean , economic apartments , hostels and folk cultural villages that are popular too .

  11. 三个回归方程揭示,居民对旅游业的发展促进了当地经济发展、增加了农民收入和家人从事旅游业是居民支持旅游发展最稳定的因素。对延边地区的民俗村旅游可持续发展提供了借鉴。

    Three regression equations revealed that the residents of the development of tourism to promote local economic development , increase farmers ' income and their families engaged in the tourism industry is resident support for tourism development is the most stable factor .

  12. 丹尼尔:我喜欢美丽的民俗文化村。

    Daniel : I like this beautiful Folk Culture Village .

  13. 京郊民俗旅游村深度开发的思考&以密云为例

    Reflection on the Deep Tourist Development of Folk-Custom Villages in Beijing Suburbs

  14. 中国民俗文化村每天游人如鲫。

    The China Folk Culture Village swarms with visitors everyday .

  15. 广州大学城民俗博物村

    Folk and Naturalistic Village of Guangzhou University Town

  16. 建立民俗文化村和民俗风情区;

    Establish to folk-custom villages and sections ;

  17. 旅游景区主题体验设计:以陕北民俗文化村为例

    Themed Experience Design Patterns of Tourist Scenic Spots & Taking Northern Shaanxi Folk Culture Village as a Case

  18. 小云:是啊。这里有六个民俗文化村和十个景点。

    Xiao Yun : Yes , it is . There are six folklore villages and ten sights in Shicheng .

  19. 由专车接往酒店入住。游览:养蚕丝织园,石雕和木雕培训中心,柬埔寨民俗文化村。

    Check in hotel . Visit : Angkor Silk Farm , Artisans D Angkor , and Cambodian Cultural Village .

  20. 我去了锦绣中华和中国民俗文化村,我玩得很好。

    I visited " Splendid china " and " china 's folk Culture Villages ", and I had a great time .

  21. 以民俗旅游村为例,它所具备的民俗文化是民俗旅游地的主要旅游资源,是这个地区特色文化的主要展示形式。

    Folk village , for instance , which contains all kinds of folk cultures , is the main tourism resources , and the main form to display cultural characteristics of the region .

  22. 深圳威尼斯酒店位于深圳市西南部,坐落在七个著名的主题公园中间,例如世界之窗、中国民俗文化村等。

    Crowne Plaza Shenzhen is located in southwest of Shenzhen City , in the midst of several well-known theme parks , such as , Windows of The World , Splendid China and China Folk Culture Village .

  23. 再接着归纳出田心村的存量社会资本,表现在宗族、宗教、民间精英群、民俗和村规四个主体研究对象上。

    Then again summed up the stock of Tian Xin Village of social capital , and in the clan , religious , civil elites , folk , and what village bylaws of the four main objects .

  24. 以民俗旅游对民俗村居民的影响为主要内容,对三个民俗村居民对旅游影响的感知和态度进行了对比分析。

    Folk Village residents folk tourism as its main content , comparative analysis of tourism impact perceptions and attitudes of residents of three Folk Village .

  25. 民俗文化旅游资源的开发包括民俗文化村、民俗博物馆和专项民俗旅游资源开发三种模式。

    The development of the tourist resources of folk culture includes three kinds of modes in folk culture village , the folk custom museum and development of resources of special folklore tour .

  26. 民俗文化在城市村落中的延续&浅析新安县民俗文化村规划设计

    The Continuation of the Folk Culture in Urban Villages & Preliminary Analysis of the Planning of the Folk Culture Village of Xin'an County