
  1. 民兵们成功地伏击了入侵的敌军。

    The militia succeeded in ambushing the invading enemy soldiers .

  2. 在民兵们的追击下,匪徒们逃进了深山。

    The bandits flee into the mountain , pursued by the militiamen .

  3. 天很冷,民兵们不让他穿衣服。

    The militiamen would not let the landlord get dressed .

  4. 反正他逃不出我的手心。民兵们正在搜寻凶手。

    The militiamen are looking out for the murderer .

  5. 斯巴达人、民兵们、自由的奴隶们。

    Spartans , citizen soldiers , freed slaves .

  6. 民兵们正在搜寻凶手。搜查房间寻找窃听器

    The militiamen are looking out for the murderer . search a room for bugs

  7. 在一侧,民兵们正在堆起木柴,准备生起篝火。

    Off to one side , the militia was heaping up wood for a bonfire .

  8. 民兵们经常练习射击。

    Militia often practice shooting .

  9. 民兵们装备短矛和盾牌,以作战骁勇闻名遐迩。

    These troops are armed with a short spear and shield and are known for their determination in battle .

  10. 民兵们靠住一家人的院墙休息时,听到里边传来哭声。

    While leaning against the side of a house , the militiamen heard the sound of crying coming from within .

  11. 您是不是预备追击那些西乌人?在民兵们的追击下,匪徒们逃进了深山。

    Do you propose to pursue the Sioux ? ' The bandits flee into the mountain , pursued by the militiamen .

  12. 钩镰民兵们手持锋利钩镰,部分幸运者尚可配备盔甲,编练成军以守备城邑。

    Bill Militia are commoners handed a billhook and if lucky some armour , then formed into a unit to defend a settlement .

  13. 民兵们在康科德镇外集结,将近中午时已有1000多人从周围的村庄赶来,他们想要保卫家园不受英国人侵犯。

    The militia gathers just outside the town of Concord . By late morning , more than 1000 have arrived from the surrounding villages . Their plan , to defend their towns against the British .

  14. 民兵们先来一步,转移了几乎所有库藏。好了,没时间了,我们走。他们继续搜查武器,这给了爱国者们更多时间传递消息。

    But the Rebels have got there first ... hiding almost everything . That 's good , we don 't have all day , let 's go , come on . They continue to search for weapons , giving the Patriots more time to spread the word .

  15. 叙利亚的战火远远超过这个国家的边界,牵涉黎巴嫩和伊拉克的民兵并且看到难民们逃至土耳其和约旦。

    Fighting in Syria is felt far beyond its borders ; drawn in militia from Lebanon and Iraq and seen refugees flee to Turkey and Jordan .