
  1. 主要在阐述罗尔斯正义论特点的基础上,分析孟子正义思想的价值与缺陷,并进一步探讨两种正义观对构建和谐社会的价值和启示。

    Than discusses the value and enlightenment of two justice views for constructing harmonious social .

  2. 第四章试图在西方正义论的视野下,反观孟子正义思想的价值。

    Fourth chapter accounts Rowls'justice theory and observes the value of the Mencius justice thoughts in the vision of the justice theory in west .

  3. 第三章进一步探讨孟子正义的人性基础,深入发掘孟子正义思想的理论基础。三分孔孟二分庄&袁枚的思想基础

    Third chapter further discusses the human nature foundation of Mencius ' justice . Confucius and Mencius : the Main Sourses of Yuan Mei 's Thought

  4. 然而同时代亦出现了焦循的《孟子正义》。《孟子正义》集义理、考据于一体,是清代《孟子》学研究的集大成之作,是清《孟子》学成就最高者。

    But there are also Jiao Xun " Mencius justice " among the contemporaries ," the Mencius justice " set principles , textual research in a body is the outside work to study of Mencius in the Qing dynasty and is the highest academic achievements of Mencius research .

  5. 对于孟子的正义思想,历代学者论述并不多见,本文主要是结合时代特征对孟子的正义思想及其特点进行初步探讨,试图在研究的过程中有所创见。

    The paper study on Mencius ' justice thoughts unifies the time characteristic , and attempts to have a unique interpretation by the research .

  6. 本文着力于研究孟子的正义思想,试图从当代西方正义论的角度分析,取其精华,弃其糟粕,为建设社会主义和谐社会探讨理论基础。

    This article mainly analysis Mencius ' justice thoughts , and try to find the rationale for constructing socialism harmonious society in the vision of the contemporary justice theory in the west .