
  1. 带限制的信号分配问题与半星色数

    A conditional signal assignment problem and half-star chromatic number

  2. 其中一个人认为我写的评论有不少缺陷,而另一人则褒扬那款数码相机,然后给它打了半星的评分,满分是五颗星。

    One calls my review flawed , while the other praises the camera and then gives it a half-star rating out of five stars .

  3. 通过研究带限制的信号分配问题定义了半星色数,并最终解决了手机信号的最优分配问题,找到了半星色数与色数、星色数的密切关系。

    The concept of half-star chromatic number is given by studying a singal assignment problem with constraint conditions , and the optimal assignment problem of singal is also solved in this paper . Furthermore , the relations among half-star chromatic number , chromatic number and star chromatic number are discussed .

  4. 单瓣~半重瓣星状花,亮粉红色,带有些许的灰褐色,镶咖啡绿边。

    Single-semidouble light pink star / beige overlay , brown-green edge .

  5. 半重瓣星型花,粉红色底,蓝色和玫瑰色的喷点,玫瑰红的镶边。

    Semidouble pink star / blue and rose fantasy , rose-fuchsia edge .

  6. 半重瓣星状花,深紫色镶暗紫色边,再滚波浪白色边。

    Semidouble dark lavender star / purple band , white wavy edge .

  7. 单瓣到半重瓣星型花,粉红色镶宽的深色樱红色边。

    Single-semidouble pink star / wide dark fuchsia edge .

  8. 半重瓣星型花,亮的粉红色,有蓝色喷点,花的边缘或豁瓣端有绿色。

    Semidouble light pink star / light blue fantasy , variable green edge , tips .

  9. 半重瓣星型花,白色皱边,有深蓝色的眼,变异的淡紫色线条,花瓣端较深色。

    Semidouble white frilled star / dark blue eye , variable lilac rays , darker tips .

  10. 半重瓣的星型花,粉红底色,在花瓣端有淡紫色。

    Semidouble pink star / mauve markings on tips .

  11. 半重瓣的星型花,白色底,亮丽的樱花红色镶边,变异的绿色在花瓣端。

    Semidouble white fluted star / light fuchsia edge , variable green tips .

  12. 半重瓣的星型花,深红褐色,粉红色边。

    Semidouble dark red-mauve star / pink edge .

  13. 半重瓣的星型花,深紫色镶白边。

    Semidouble dark purple star / white edge .

  14. 半环的星结构

    Star construction of semirings

  15. 半环的星理想

    Star Ideal of Semi-Ring

  16. 引入了半环的星元素和星理想等概念,并且讨论了半环的星结构,得到了半环的星结构定理。

    We introduce the concepts of star element and star ideal of a semiring , and discuss the star construction of semirings , then obtain the theorem .

  17. 这两种方式产生的半相接共生星的性质大不一样。前者在银河系中的诞生率和数目分别是~0.056&0.045yr~(-1)和~5颗;

    To the first case , the birthrate of symbiotic stars is ~ 0.056 & 0.045yr ~ ( - 1 ) and the number is ~ 5 in the Galaxy ;

  18. 半重瓣亮粉红色星有凹槽的星形花。中绿色叶。标准型。

    Semidouble light pink fluted star . Medium green . Standard .

  19. 半重瓣花,星型,中珊瑚色/的红梅子色边,白色镶边。

    Semidouble medium coral star / thin raspberry band , white edge .

  20. 单瓣-半重瓣的折边星型花,暗暗的浅紫色有亮绿色的宽边及深色边。

    Single-semidouble dark lavender ruffled star / light green band , darker edge .

  21. 有一颗大小与地球相近的行星围绕着距离太阳最近的恒星——半人马座比邻星运转。

    The nearest star , Proxima Centauri , has a planet orbiting it not much bigger than Earth .

  22. 除了太阳之外,半人马座a星离地球最近。除星期天外,我每天早上打篮球。

    The star , Alpha Centauri is the closest star besides our sun . Besides Sunday , I play basketball every morning .

  23. 他在北京的腾讯WE大会上发言时,请投资者们资助他前往半人马座α星的太空项目。

    Speaking at the Tencent WE Summit in Beijing , Hawking appealed to investors to back his plans to travel to Alpha Centauri .

  24. 如果我们成功的话,这个飞掠任务将会在发射后二十年左右到达半人马座阿尔发星,并发送回来在那个星系中发现的行星的图片。

    If we aresuccessful , a flyby mission could reach Alpha Centauri about 20 years afterlaunch , and send back images of any planets discovered in the system .