
  • 网络Prompt
  1. 源文件指的是要复制到um提示语发布点的文件。

    The source file is the file that will be copied to the UM prompt publishing point .

  2. 对于只有一个统一消息服务器的拨号计划而言,没有必要更改其提示语发布点位置。

    For dial plans that have one unified messaging server , there is little reason to change the location of the prompt publishing point .

  3. 首先是考试提示语不够全面。

    The first problem is that the test instruction is far from comprehension .

  4. 利用波利亚提示语导向元认知监控。

    The use of Polya to orient meta-cognitive monitoring .

  5. 古汉语说话问话提示语的信息特征

    The information characteristics of marked words of speaking and asking in ancient Chinese

  6. 我在告示牌上贴了一个提示语。

    I stuck a reminder on the bulletin board .

  7. 不过,最新的一项研究找到一条更有效的提示语:洗手能够帮助病人!

    But a study finds a more effective reminder : clean hands helps patients .

  8. 在提示语后提取重要信息;

    Picking up important information following prompting language ;

  9. 然后按照提示语就行了。

    And follow the instruction that follows .

  10. 课堂教学;课导;提示语;过渡语;结束语;艺术。

    Classroom teaching ; lesson guide ; tips language ; Interlanguage ; Conclusion ; Arts .

  11. 根据所给线索和提示语,结合课文,编练对话。

    Ask Ss to make up dialogues based on the text and the clues and hints .

  12. 通信与信息已密不可分。信息化建设呈现良好发展势头;这两种提示语分别表达不同的语义信息。

    They have different semantic information .

  13. 英语语言中的提示语

    Signal Language in English

  14. 公示语是公开面对公众的标识语、提示语、指示语、警示语的统称。

    Public sign is the general term for signs of indication , reminder , instructions and warning in public .

  15. 注重启发引导发展个性思维&高中《语文读本》阅读提示语写作商榷

    Focus on the development of personality inspire thinking & High school " language " Textbook Writing questionable language reading tips

  16. 结果表明:《三十二式太极剑》提示语教学缩短了教学时间,有利于教师的教和学生的学,有效的提高了教学效果。

    The results showed that the cues shortened the teaching time , helped both teaching and study and thus improved the teaching effect .

  17. 舞台表演程式化,在序幕和舞台提示语中也有叙事手段的运用,演员能自由跳出角色与观众进行叙事交流。

    In the stylized stage performance , narrative is applied to prologues and prompts , which leads to easy interaction between performers and audience .

  18. 它们使重要信息前景化、创造听觉美感、提示语篇进程。

    These indicators make the important information come to the foreground , create comfort to suit audition and give a hint for the development of the speeches .

  19. 在维珍公司运营的火车上,卫生间里的提示语以同样的腔调要求你别把卫生棉条、旧手机或者你的梦扔进马桶冲走。

    In the toilet of a Virgin train , an announcement in that voice asks you not to flush tampons , old phones & or your dreams .

  20. 提示语建议游客在春节旅游期间自带垃圾袋、排队等候、不要采集珍稀野生植物或捕获动物。

    Tourists are advised to bring their own garbage bags , wait in line and not hoard precious wild plants or animals during their travels this Spring Festival .

  21. 第六,培养学生审题后反思的意识和反思习惯,教学生利用审题反思提示语强化审题活动的自我意识。

    Sixth , training the consciousness and habit of reflection on the students I teach students to use their reflection , prompt strengthening examining activity of self consciousness .

  22. 现在各运营商都已建立起企业呼叫中心的自动应答系统,该系统能够进行简单的播放提示语,进行按键功能菜单选择。

    Now the operators are already set up enterprise call center to be automatic response system , this system can perform simple play the clues , carries on the key function menu option .

  23. 应用波利亚提示语培养解题的元认知能力,改进解题策略;

    The Training of the Ability of Metacognition Metacognition and Foreign Language Learning ( 3 ) To use Prompting Method by G Polya to form their metacognitive ability and improve their ability to solve math problems .

  24. 简要描述图画表面信息,作者采用的写作方法是翻译了图片左下角的中文提示语&一只木桶,最短的一片决定其容量;一根铁链,最脆弱的一环决定其强度。

    As is shown in the picture , the shortest board decides the capacity of the wooden barrel , and the broken ring makes the iron chain bear the weight that it should have done becoming impossible .

  25. 几乎无所不在。我发现,这种让人火大的矫揉造作永远不会有所收敛。在维珍公司运营的火车上,卫生间里的提示语以同样的腔调要求你别把卫生棉条、旧手机——或者你的梦——扔进马桶冲走。你懂的。

    I have found that it never stops grating . In the toilet of a Virgin train , an announcement in that voice asks you not to flush tampons , old phones - or your dreams . You get the picture .

  26. 还可以使用自定义营业时间主菜单提示问候语。

    You can also use a custom business hours main menu prompt greeting .

  27. 将自定义提示复制到提示语发布点。

    Copy the custom prompt to the prompt publishing point .

  28. 本研究调查不同语境对外部动因的提示在英语二语习得中非宾格动词被动泛化的作用。

    This study investigates whether suggestion of external causation in contexts plays a role in English L2 overpassivization errors on unaccusative verbs .

  29. 创建自定义语音提示之后,必须先将自定义提示语复制到已指定为提示语发布点的统一消息服务器中。

    After you have created a custom audio prompt , you must first copy the custom prompt to the unified messaging server that you have designated as the prompt publishing point .

  30. 如果自定义提示通过了验证测试,则exchange命令行管理程序命令会将提示内容复制到提示语发布点。

    If the custom prompt passes the validation tests , the exchange management shell command copies the prompt content to the prompt publishing point .