
  • 网络Guaranteed interest rate;guarantee rates
  1. 但是必须要认清市场带来的风险,及时做好各项配套工作,以保证利率市场化进程的顺利进行。

    But we must see clearly all sorts of risk that the market must has brought , in time doing configured projects ensure that course of liberalization of interest rate will carry through successfully .

  2. 如果银行信贷的增长主要是通过调控贷款额度来管理,而非贷款成本,那么存款准备金率的每一次上调,都意味着官方在发出保证:利率不会大幅上调。

    If bank credit growth is managed primarily through quotas , rather than the price of money , then every increase in the RRR amounts to an assurance that interest rates will not rise materially .

  3. 欧洲央行还公布,调整向银行提供资金的方式,保证在官方利率下,银行贷款数额不受限制。

    The ECB also announced changes to the way it makes funds available to banks , promising to make unlimited amounts of money available at its main interest rate .

  4. 关键是保证负债的“利率”不会超过换来的收益。

    The key is to make sure that the " interest rate " on the debt does not outweigh the benefit of the tradeoff .

  5. 在近几个月里,全球各大央行不是在注入流动性,增加量化宽松(印钱买国债),就是在保证延长保持低利率的期限。

    In recent months the world 's big central banks have all either injected liquidity , expanded quantitative easing ( printing money to buy bonds ) or promised to keep rates low for longer .