
  • 网络institution;nursery;nursery school;Yakuza's Kindergarten
保育院 [bǎo yù yuàn]
  • [nursery school] 为养育失去父母的儿童设立的机构,内有托儿所、幼儿园、小学等

  1. 方法用LEASCREENER图形视力表测定173例保育院幼儿视力,并对有关因素进行统计分析。

    Methods Both the near and distance visual acuity in173 children of the nursery school in Tianjin were detected by the LEA SCREENER visual acuity chart .

  2. 这是为幼儿准备的保育院。

    This is a nursery for small children .

  3. 她从六岁起就在保育院生活。

    She has lived in a home since she was six .

  4. 家庭生活破碎时最后只好把孩子送进保育院。

    Children are put into care as a last resort when family life breaks down .

  5. 保育院收容15岁以下的儿童,分成幼稚部和小学部实施教育。

    The Orphanages , where the children were under 15-year old , was divided into kindergarten section and primary school section .

  6. 在八年的工作中,保育会在各地成立了23个分会和50多所保育院,保育儿童近3万名。

    In the eight-year 's work , it had set up 23 Branch Associations and more than 50 Orphanages , protecting and rearing nearly 30,000 refugee children .