
  • 网络defend the country
  1. 他们的职责是保卫国家不受敌人的侵袭。

    Their duty is to defend the country against its enemies .

  2. 许多年青人服兵役保卫国家。

    Many young men enter the service to defend the country .

  3. 宪法赋予总统全权来使用武力保卫国家安全。

    The Constitution grants the president plenipotentiary powers to use military force to protect our national security .

  4. 保卫国家是军人的天职。

    Protecting the country is a soldier 's bounden duty .

  5. 保卫国家是每个人的责任。

    The protection of the country is the duty of everyone .

  6. n.海军海军保卫国家的海岸和海域。

    navy The navy defends the country 's shores and seas .

  7. 在签署参议员约翰麦凯恩(johnmccain)倡导的成本立法时,奥巴马称,他也反对“我们不得不挥霍数十亿纳税人的钱保卫国家安全的想法”。

    On signing the costs legislation that had been championed by Senator John McCain , who lost the presidential race , Mr Obama said he too rejected " the notion that we have to waste billions of taxpayer dollars to keep this nation secure " .

  8. Kayleigh和Lindsey,由于你们的父亲,由于全国各地的父母们前赴后继保卫国家,美国更加安全。

    Kayleigh and Lindsey , America is safer because of your dads , and moms and dads across America who have stepped forward to defend our country .

  9. 为了保卫国家,我们必须继续加强防御力量。

    To safeguard our country we must continuously strengthen our defenses .

  10. 我们的职责是保卫国家不受敌人侵犯。

    Our duty is to defend the country against its enemies .

  11. 建造这堵墙是为了保卫国家,防御敌人进攻。

    The wall was built to defend the country against attack .

  12. 我们几个月都见不了面,因为他正在保卫国家。

    We never met for months because he was protecting the border .

  13. 许多人为了保卫国家而从军了。

    Many people enlisted for the defense of their country .

  14. 直到我丈夫为了保卫国家而牺牲。

    Until my husband was killed defending this country .

  15. 保卫国家是我们的义务。

    It is our duty to defend our country .

  16. 难道有谁不愿为保卫国家而战吗?

    Is there any man unwilling to fight in defence of his country ?

  17. 它的使命是帮助保卫国家。

    Its mission is to help defend the country .

  18. 他为保卫国家而战死。

    He died fighting for his country .

  19. 以保卫国家的名义,则很难与之争辩。

    It 's hard to argue with the idea that we should protect our country .

  20. 罗纳德·里根称为了保卫国家利益,一些机密是必要的。

    Ronald Reagan said that some privacy and secrecy was necessary to protect national interests .

  21. 但土耳其政府官员表示他们会坚决保卫国家边境和人民。

    But Turkish officials say they 're determined to protect their border and their people .

  22. 以保卫国家免受攻击。

    Protect the country against attack .

  23. 他有勇气保卫国家的荣誉。

    He has a heart to defend the hono ( u ) r of his country .

  24. 但我们的‘产品’就是保卫国家安全,对此我们丝毫不敢马虎。

    But our ' product ' is a well-defended nation and we take that very seriously .

  25. 社会主义国家必须重视保卫国家安全,但不能走国民经济军事化的道路;

    Socialism countries should attach importance to nation security while should not militarize the national economy .

  26. 一列炮台沿着边境建造,保卫国家不受攻击。

    A line of forts was built along the border ; to protect the country against attack .

  27. 为保卫国家而战死者,是死者中最有名誉,最光荣的。

    He who died fighting for his country is the most honorable and glorious among the dead .

  28. 军队作为保卫国家的中流砥柱,是国家发展、社会安定的坚强柱石。

    As the mainstay of the national defense , military is the pillar of national development and safety .

  29. 我们主要关注的是保卫国家,我们的战略不可能是完全被动的。

    We mainly focus on the defense of the homeland , and our strategy cannot be entirely passive .

  30. 过去,中国长城一直发挥着它真正的实际作用&保卫国家。

    In the past , the Great Wall of China served very real , practical needsto defend the country .