
  • 网络Protecting crops;nurse crops;nursecrops
  1. 保护作物野生亲缘种的意义和途径

    The significance and ways of conserving wild relatives of crops

  2. 保护作物免受氯乙酰苯胺类除草剂药害的安全剂是通过除草剂的代谢而发挥作用。

    Safeners protect crops from injury by chloroacetanilide herbicides by enhancing herbicide metabolism .

  3. 一般在播种草种时,同时播种放牧保护作物是有好处的。

    It is generally advantageous to sow pasture seeds with a companion grazing nurse crop .

  4. 植物性安全剂来源于植物,能够保护作物免受除草剂的药害,且不降低除草剂的活性,环境相容性好,不会给环境造成新的压力。

    Botanical safeners can protect crop plants from herbicides injury , and it don 't result in new pressure to environment .

  5. 传统的耕作方法将通过耕地来减少杂草的生长,但免耕农业选择使用除草剂来消灭杂草,以保护作物。

    Conventional tillage controls weed growth by plowing and cultivating , but no-till farming selectively uses herbicides to kill weeds and the remains of the previous crop .

  6. 目前它已是全世界领先的除草剂、杀虫剂和杀真菌剂生产企业。这些产品可用于土壤或植株叶表,从而可以保护作物免遭病虫害的侵袭。

    It is the world leader in the herbicides , insecticides and fungicides that , applied to the soil or to the leaves of plants , safeguard crops from pests or diseases .

  7. 对一年生作物和多年生牧草混播条件下,对多年生牧草的栽培进行了研究,并通过不同多年生牧草生产性状的差异分析,筛选出最优的一年生保护作物。

    The cultivation technique of the perennial forage is researched under the mixed sowing system . According to the discrepancy analysis of the productivity of the different perennial forage , the optimal annual protective crop is selected .

  8. 上周,中国科学家在《科学》杂志上发表论文指出,转基因Bt抗虫棉不仅可抵制棉花中棉铃虫的侵害,也能保护相邻作物免遭虫害。

    Chinese scientists say genetically modified ( GM ) cotton can not only protect the crop from a particular pest , but also fend off the pest 's threat to neighbouring crops .

  9. 蜜蜂为保护地作物授粉技术

    Pollination Techniques for Crops in the Protected Fields Using Bee

  10. 防风林在保护粮食作物方面极具价值。

    Windbreaks can be highly valuable for protecting grain crops .

  11. 防风林对保护谷类作物非常有价值。

    Windbreaks can be highly for protecting grain crops .

  12. 保护地作物具有产量高、需肥量大等特点。

    Crops in protected field possess the advantage of high yield , high fertilizer demand and so on .

  13. 农用烟剂是保护地作物病虫害防治的高效剂型,本文对农用烟剂田间药效试验方法进行总结与评价,并介绍了新的田间药效评价方法及其应具备的条件。

    Trial method of field efficacy of smoke generator and specified conditions of the method were introduced in this article .

  14. 为保护转基因作物知识产权发展起来的终止子技术引起第三世界国家的强烈反对。

    " Terminator technology ", which was developed for intellectual property protection of transgenic crops , meets with refusal seriously in the third world .

  15. 植物保护专业作物生产教学实习的实践与思考本公司是专业生产各类大提花织物的厂家。

    Practice and Consideration on Opening Crop Production Teaching Practice for Major of Crop Protection Our company is specialized in all kinds of fabric .

  16. 结合国家的调控政策,在粮食产量与环境保护、作物产量与产品品质之间找到平衡点。

    Combining to the policy nationally , equilibrium will be found between food production and environmental protection , farm crop yield and the quality .

  17. 护田作物;遮盖作物一种用同其它作物一起播种的作物,用来保护其它作物。例如三叶草有时和一些小粮食作物一起播种。

    Cover crop ; nurse crop a companion crop grown to protect some other crop sown with it , as small grain is sometimes seeded with clover .

  18. 这样,一方面减少了喷药量、降低了成本;另一方面保护了作物、减少了对环境的污染。

    Tt decrease the spray volume of herbicide , reduce the cost , on the other hand , protect crop , and reduce the pollution to the environment .

  19. 土壤流失量受人为干预、耕作强度的影响很大,坡地从自然保护到作物栽培,系统的土壤流失量提高20倍。

    Soil erosion is greatly affected by artificial interference and farming intensity . The amount of soil erosion in hillside field system increases 20 times from natural protection to crop cultivation .

  20. 这说明选择合理灌水方法,是防止土壤退化、提高保护地作物产量和质量的有效途径。

    It could be deducted with the experimental result that selecting a suitable irrigation method will be an effective way to prevent soil degradation and improve yield and quality of vegetable .

  21. 论述了保护地作物气体毒害的种类、发生的原因、作物的发病症状以及诊断方法,并且从农业角度上提出了防治保护地作物气体毒害的具体措施。

    This paper introduces the types , the reasons , the symptoms and the diagnose method of gas harm of greenhouse crops and also puts forwards some specific countermeasures for controlling gas harm of greenhouse crops just from the point view of agriculture .

  22. 你有没有采取正确的措施保护你的作物?

    Have you set up the right protection for your crop ?

  23. 但在尼日尔,许多农民种树来保护他们的作物。

    But in Niger many farmers plant trees to protect their crops .

  24. 结果,在中国的研究发现,这种棉花还可以保护附近的作物免受昆虫的危害。

    As a result , the study in China found that the cotton plants could also help protect nearby crops against damage by the insects .

  25. 她进一步补充道,中国是负责任的大国,有义务保护本国的作物种子与植被组织,以用于作物的种植、保存与研究。

    As a responsible country , China must protect living genetic material including seeds and tissue used for plant breeding , preservation and research , Tan said .

  26. 但当环境条件改善或经人类支持与保护后,作物的这种固有的冗余特性变成了一种浪费和负担,对高产不利。

    However , this inherent property causes a waste of energy and is a burden on the higher crop yields when the environmental conditions are improved or when the crops are supported and protected by human being .

  27. 苜蓿不但是重要的饲料作物,更是改善土壤条件、保持水土和保护环境的重要作物。

    Alfalfa is not important pasture , but to improve soil condition , keep natural and environment .

  28. 生态保护问题是转基因作物产业化发展中最现实也是最难预料的。

    Ecological protection against genetically modified crops industrial development is the most realistic and most difficult to predict angle .

  29. 研究干旱胁迫下植物形态、生理、生化和细胞上的响应,对整体上保护植物和提高作物抗旱机制具有至关重要的意义。

    Understanding the morphological , physiological , biochemical and molecular responses to drought is essential for a holistic perception of plant resistance mechanisms to water-limited conditions .

  30. 研究表明,造成一种严重水稻疾病的真菌实际上并不是唯一的案犯。这一研究对保护水稻这种主要作物和人类健康都有影响。

    Fungi blamed for a serious rice disease are in fact not the sole culprits , according to findings that have implications for protecting both a major crop and human health .