
  1. 我感觉那是对我们生活的一种干扰,让人感到荒唐可气。

    I felt it was a grotesque intrusion into our lives .

  2. 在中国历史上,吃素一直被视为某些文人墨客所选择的清淡生活的一种方式,如14世纪的诗人林鸿(LinHong),他的著作PureOfferingsofaMountainHermit中就收录了很多素餐烹制法;

    Historically , an element of vegetarianism has been seen as part of the simple lifestyle chosen by a certain type of Chinese scholar , such as the 13th-century poet Lin Hong , whose " Pure Offerings of a Mountain Hermit " includes many vegetarian recipes .

  3. 研究庙会也就是对大众文化生活的一种探索。

    Research on mass culture life temple is also an exploration .

  4. 这是因为叙事是教师教育生活的一种方式;

    Because narrative is a way of teacher 's educational life ;

  5. 也许,它是新的生活的一种预兆。

    Maybe it is a sign of a new life .

  6. 改变人类生活的一种交通公具。

    A transportation vehicle that has changed people 's lives .

  7. 合作是拥有幸福生活的一种方式。

    Cooperation is the way to have a happy life .

  8. 对生活的一种自我纵容的看法&哈夫洛克·埃利斯。

    A self-indulgent * way of looking at life - Havelock Ellis .

  9. 这可以说是浪漫主义对平凡暗淡的生活的一种抗议。

    It is the protest of romance against the commonplace of life .

  10. 体育休闲娱乐活动是社会休闲生活的一种主要选择。

    Sports leisure entertainment is a major choices in people 's daily life .

  11. 旅游作为人们生活的一种休闲娱乐方式,越来越受到社会大众的关注。

    Tourism becomes a leisure and entertainment way among more and more people .

  12. 只是对已绝望生活的一种补缀。

    Only a band-aid to cover a fractured life .

  13. 知识分子的精神状态是社会精神生活的一种折射。

    The spiritual state of intellectuals is a refraction of social spiritual life .

  14. 彩蛋是新生活的一种象征。

    The egg is a symbol of new life .

  15. 二次置业正成为许多羊城家庭追求新生活的一种方式。

    Second home Guangzhou is becoming many new families seeking a way of life .

  16. 她把大学看作是摆脱压抑的家庭生活的一种方法。

    She saw University as a way to escape from her oppressive home life .

  17. 讲述、倾听故事是教师课堂教学生活的一种方式。

    Telling or listening to stories is a way of classroom teaching for teachers .

  18. 人际交往是最常见、最普遍、渗透人类生活的一种最基本的交往方式。

    Interpersonal intercourse is a kind of basic mode of association in human life .

  19. 购物被认为是支持宗教虔诚生活的一种必要之恶。

    Shopping was considered a necessary evil meant to support a life of religious piety .

  20. 这种形式即对现实生活的一种描述或模仿。

    This form is actually a depiction , or an imitation , of human life .

  21. 吸烟是生活的一种现实。

    Smoking is a reality of life .

  22. 所以,中国食物是如今美国犹太人生活的一种表现?

    So could it be that Chinese food is amanifestation of Jewish life in America ?

  23. 这是城市居民浅尝乡村生活的一种方式。

    It 's a way for city folk to get a small taste of the country .

  24. 描绘日常生活的一种绘画风格。

    A style depicting everyday life .

  25. 大学生宿舍作为大学生群体生活的一种特殊形式,其群体心理必然会对大学生产生很大的影响。

    As a special living form for university students , university dormitory exerts great influence on students .

  26. 小说是通过塑造典型人物形象来反映现实生活的一种文学体裁。

    Fiction is a literary genre that aims to reflect real life through describing typical literary images .

  27. 它是对自然以及社会生活的一种虚幻性的外现。

    It originates from a kind of natural and social life is an illusion of the show .

  28. 作为人类生活的一种普遍现象,问候语是人们日常会面的一部分。

    As a universal phenomenon of human life , greeting is part of the daily encounters between people .

  29. 嫁和娶都是对男和女结合在一起共同生活的一种社会现象的表述。

    Marry is for male and female together , live together in a kind of social phenomenon description .

  30. 回忆不仅仅是一种文体选择,也是作家对生活的一种选择。

    Memory is not only a style choice , but also a choice of life for a writer .