
  • 网络Flesh-Engendering Jade and Red Paste
  1. 结果:1.动物实验:生肌玉红膏组创面愈合率、愈合速度、创面肉芽微血管密度(MVD)、羟脯氨酸含量均高于对照组凡士林纱布组,结果有统计学差异(P0.01)。

    Animal experiments : The Healing rate , MVD , and HYP of SHENG JI YU HONG ointment group are higher than the group of Vaseline gauze .

  2. 生肌玉红膏促进慢性体表溃疡愈合的临床研究

    Effects of " Shengji Yuhong Plaster " on Wound Healing of Chronic Surface Ulcer

  3. 生肌玉红膏对结核性痈瘘术后创口愈合的促进作用

    Effect of Shengji Yuhong Ointment in Promoting Healing of Postoperative Wound of Tuberculous Perianal Abscess and Anal Fistula

  4. 体内试验考察生肌玉红膏载入胶原的组织相容性与降解性。

    To examine the histocompatibility of collagen loaded by Shengji Yuhong Ointment by experiments in vivo . Method : 1 .

  5. 千捶膏配合生肌玉红膏治疗感染性伤面的临床观察

    Clinical observation in combination " qian chui " paste with " sheng Ji yo hong " paste treated for infectious trauma

  6. 生肌玉红膏改善创面微循环与促进创面愈合的临床与实验研究

    Heart muscle extract The Animal and Clinical Effects of SHENG JI YU HONG Plaster on Wound Healing by Ameliorating Wound Microcirculations

  7. 根据实验需要将生肌玉红膏在无菌环境下载入胶原。

    According to the requirements of experiment , the Shengji Yuhong Ointment should be loaded in the sterile environment into collagen . 6 .

  8. 将修饰后的胶原作为减味生肌玉红膏敷料载体,发挥两者促创面愈合优势,是否可以进一步提高生肌玉红膏通过促进血管生成来提高生肌疗效,是本项目研究的重点。

    Whether the combination of Shengji Yuhong Ointment and modified collagen can enhance curative effect by promoting angiogenesis , is the focus of this project .

  9. 自明代以来,经各代医家反复临床实践验证,生肌玉红膏的疗效已得到广泛的认可,被称为生肌神药。

    Since the Ming Dynasty , generations of doctors had repeatedly verified the clinical practice to make the efficacy of SHENG JI YU HONG ointment widely recognized .

  10. 对于Ⅲ-Ⅳ期慢性下肢溃疡临床多运用生肌玉红膏为代表的药物外用,使得疮面肉芽新鲜,疮面减小。

    Shengji Yuhong Ointment is a representative drug for chronic lower extremity ulcers in III-IV period , to make the wound granulation fresh and the size decreased .

  11. 生肌玉红膏载入胶原较Ⅰ型胶原自身组织相容性更佳,基本上发挥出生肌玉红膏及修饰后胶原各自促创面愈合的优势,与周围组织有更加良好的生物相容性。

    Modified collagen loaded by Shengji Yuhong Ointment has better histocompatibility compare to type I collagen , it makes the most of the advantage of Shengji Yuhong Ointment and modified collagen respectively in wound healing , and has better biocompatibility with the surrounding tissue .

  12. 结论:生肌玉红膏能促进创面肉芽血管新生、胶原合成,使创面肉芽快速生长,提高创面愈合速度及愈合率。

    The Result was statistically significant . ( P0.01 ) Conclusion : SHENG JI YU HONG ointment can promote granulation angiogenesis , collagen synthesis , in order to make the granulation grow rapidly , and improve the healing rate and healing speed of the wound .

  13. 方法:以抗生素纱布、油纱布、生肌散、玉红膏及胎盘制剂局部外敷,同时配合氦氖激光微波照射等治疗。

    Methods : The materials such as antibiotic gauze , oil gauze , placenta preparation and traditional Chinese drugs had been applied on the diseased area , at the same time , the irradiation of helium neon laser had been applied .