
fān hào
  • designation;unit designation
番号 [fān hào]
  • [unit designation] 部队的编号

番号[fān hào]
  1. 宋代踏白为水军番号,岳飞曾统该军;

    Song Tap White Army designation for water , Yue Fei has unified the Army ;

  2. 记:《番号》火了,你的事业是不是又进入了一个新的阶段?

    Reporter : " designation " the fire , and your career is not entered a new stage ?

  3. 警政制度规定,警察的番号必须醒目。

    Police regulations prescribe that an officer 's number must be clearly visible .

  4. 其他的师已被消灭,仅仅是图表上的一些名存实亡的番号而已。

    Other divisions had been wiped out and were mere names on charts .

  5. 四宣布新四军“叛变”,取消该军番号。

    4 to declare that the New Fourth Army has " mutinied " and cancel its official designation .

  6. 记:你是每演一个角色都做这么多功课,还是《番号》中的山下奉武是个特例?

    Note : you have to do each play a role so much homework , or " designation " in the arms Yamashita is a special case ?