
  • 网络bacterial canker of tomato;Tomato bacterial canker;Clavibacter michiganensese subsp. mishiganen;Bacteria Canker of Tomato
  1. 西瓜果斑病和番茄溃疡病都是我国对内和对外的植物检疫性细菌病害。

    Bacterial fruit blotch of watermelon and bacterial canker of tomato are both international and national quarantine diseases of China .

  2. 报道了1998年在浙江首次发现的番茄细菌性髓部坏死病在田间发生的症状表现,以及区别于番茄溃疡病、软腐病、斑疹病的特征;提出了防治方法

    Tomato bacterial pith necrosis was first found in Zhejiang province in 1998 Its symptom in field and characters different from that of tomato bacterial canker , tomato soft rot and tomato bacterial leaf spot were reported Its controlling methods were indicated

  3. tomato。其在果实上的初期症状与番茄细菌溃疡病相似。

    The initial symptom caused by the pathogen on tomato fruits was similar to that of tomato bacterial canker lesions .