首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 在频繁的外交事务中,处处体现出大国对小国、强国对弱国的怀柔政策,赢得了海外诸番国对明王朝的信任和敬服;

    In frequent and complicated foreign affairs , China 's Ming Dynasty , as a traditional power , always showed her generosity to small and weak countries , thus winning respect of overseas countries .

  2. 日本的交番制度对我国社区警务建设的启示江西社区警务建设中的问题分析和对策研究

    On the System of Community Police Service in Japan ; Jiangxi Province in the Construction of Community Policing Problem Analysis and Countermeasures

  3. 有些人是从书上读到我们每逢7月4日必夸耀一番的自由之国而自愿赴美的。

    Some other men , reading about this land of freedom that we brag about on the fourth of july , came voluntarily to america .