
  • 网络protective sleeve;Protection tube
  1. 温度传感器保护套管强度分析

    A Strength Analysis of the Protective Sleeve for Temperature Sensors

  2. 为使传感器安全、可靠工作,保护套管的合理设计非常重要。

    A reasonable design of protective sleeve is important for the safety and reliability of the sensor .

  3. 温度传感器密封在保护套管中。

    The temperature sensor is enclosed in a protective well .

  4. 一种简易粘接贵金属热电偶保护套管的方法

    A Simple Method for Bonding Noble Metal Thermocouple Protective Casing Pipe

  5. 钢包保护套管中弥散微小气泡的生成机理

    Formation Mechanism of Fine Bubbles in the Shroud Nozzle of a Ladle

  6. 邮电通讯线路、电力电线保护套管。

    Postal telecommunications lines and power cable protection sleeve .

  7. 本文给出保护套管的应力及振动频率近似计算公式,并与用MSC。

    The stresses and vibration frequencies are analyzed and approximate formulae are proposed .

  8. 新材料技术在热电偶保护套管中的应用现状

    Application Status of New Material Technology on Thermocouple Cannula

  9. 循环流化床锅炉用特殊热电偶保护套管的选材与发展

    Material Selection and Development of Special Thermocouple Cannula Used on Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler

  10. 制定了保护套管、水泥环和电缆的措施。

    Measures for protecting the casing and cement mantle and cables were put forward .

  11. 带套温度计,铠装温度计高温耐磨蚀涂层防护技术在热电偶保护套管上的应用

    The Application of High Temperature Wear and Corrosion Protection Coating Technology in Thermocouple Cannula

  12. 文中还介绍了特种耐磨热电偶保护套管的发展动向。

    The developmental tendency for special wear-resistant thermocouple cannula is also introduced in this paper .

  13. 保护套管中存在的裂纹缺陷严重影响着测温传感器的合格率。

    The cracks in the protection tubes seriously impact on the qualified rate of temperature sensors .

  14. 将有裂纹缺陷的保护套管剔除,不仅能够提高测温传感器的合格率,而且可以降低生产成本。

    Removing the protection tubes with cracks , could improve the qualified rate and reduce the production cost .

  15. 温度传感器密封在保护套管中。基于差压传感器的溶液密度检测方法

    The temperature sensor is enclosed in a protective well . Measurement method of solution density based on differential pressure sensor

  16. 水泥石是构成井内水泥环的主要材料,具有悬挂和保护套管的作用。

    Cement paste is the main material of cement annulus in wells which is with responsibility for hanging and protecting the tubes .

  17. 本文以实现保护套管裂纹的自动识别为目的,完成如下工作。(1)声学裂纹检测原理分析。

    The purpose of this thesis is to realize the recognition of protection tubes with cracks . First , the principles of acoustic detection were analyzed .

  18. 传感器滞后主要取决于外层保护套管;传感器物性参数可以取为常数;

    The thermometric lag mainly depends on the properties of protective sheath , and the thermal parameter of the sensor can be regarded as a constant .

  19. 对小波包节点能量进行处理,找出声音信号不同频段能量随位置的变化规律,总结无裂纹保护套管声音信号随位置的变化规律。

    By processing the energy of sound signal in wavelet packet nodes , the rule of energy in different frequency band changes with location was found and summarized .

  20. 其机理是利用高强度抵御地层载荷,利用低刚度降低载荷传递系数,从而达到保护套管的目的。

    The high strength of concrete sheath could resist higher loads of formation stress . At the same time , the low stiffness of that could reduce the transfer coefficient of stress greatly .

  21. 在工业感应加热过程中,普通的热电偶(阻)带有金属保护套管,在靠近感应加热场时,套管会被感应加热,严重影响测温精度。

    In the industrial induction heating process , a common thermocouple or a thermal resistance with a metal casing is easily heated in the electromagnetic field , which seriously affects the measurement accuracy .

  22. 在内热式热浸镀炉日益推广的今天,对低成本、高性能、大尺寸、长寿命的内加热器保护套管的研究具有重要的意义。

    Nowadays , with internal heat hot dip plating oven being increasingly popularized , it is meaning to invent an internal heat protecting thimble with low cost , perfect property , large scale and longevity .

  23. 防滑鞋带:可以避免不必的鞋面磨损,行走时能套牢鞋子的形状.高温耐磨蚀涂层防护技术在热电偶保护套管上的应用

    Not-slip lace : Not damaged unnecessarily by friction with the upper and tight the shape of the shoe while walking . The Application of High Temperature Wear and Corrosion Protection Coating Technology in Thermocouple Cannula

  24. 主要结果如下:改进了测定锌锅温度用热电偶的保护套管,使热电偶使用寿命由原设计的不足50小时延长到超过30天。

    The main results are as follows : Thermocouple sheaths to measure the zinc pot temperature are improved , which prolongs the life of thermocouple sheaths form 50 hours in the original design to 30 days .

  25. 硅绝缘栅场效应晶体管电缆管&为电缆过路、过桥专用保护套管,具有良好的耐酸碱和电气绝缘性能,电磁屏蔽性能。

    Silicon insulated gate fet Cable Pipe - a protection casing pipe used for special purposes when crossing roads or bridges , with good characteristics of being acidproof and alkaliproof , and good performance on electric insulation and electromagnetic shielding .

  26. 本文从传热学、热力学的角度,分析了在高温氧化工况下,对材料性能的要求,探索选择优良的热电偶保护套管材料,以期有效地测量及控制熔体的温度。

    The requirements on the properties of the captioned protection material under high temperature oxidation conditions are analysed in terms of thermal conductivity and thermal dynamics in an effort to obtain excellent protection materials for efficient measurement and control of melt temperature .

  27. 高温耐磨蚀涂层防护技术在热电偶保护套管上的应用本文提出了采用带保护管热电偶的一种动态测温方法,可大大提高普通热电偶的测温上限。

    The Application of High Temperature Wear and Corrosion Protection Coating Technology in Thermocouple Cannula A method for dynamic measurement of thermocouples protected by metal tube is developed , and by using it we can greatly raise the upper limit value of thermocouples .

  28. 本文分析了循环流化床锅炉用特殊热电偶保护套管的磨损机理,并从选材和新材料新工艺的应用两个方面阐述了如何有效的提高热电偶保护套管的性能。

    This paper deals with the wear mechanism of special thermocouple cannula used on circulating fluidized bed boiler . And put forward two available ways on the improvement of its properties from material selection and the application of new material and new process .

  29. 但对相间短路故障,三相式变压器△侧绕组差动保护接套管TA时,接法不同,保护效果则不同。

    But for inter phase short circuit fault , the different TA connection modes have different protection effectiveness when the bushing TA is connected to the differential protection relay at delta side winding of 3 phase transformer .

  30. 内镜下应用保护性套管取上消化道异物

    Using esophageal protective device to take out foreign bodies in upper gastrointestinal tract by endoscopy