
jīnɡ jì kuò zhānɡ
  • economic expansion
  1. 同样,在经济扩张时期,一个单独的机构可以接受的风险集中,如果在大量的机构中同时存在,就是十分危险的。

    Similarly , risk concentrations that might be acceptable at a single institution in a period of economic expansion could be dangerous if they existed at a large number of institutions simultaneously .

  2. 持续居于高位的经济扩张速度,促使分析师们调升印度全年GDP预测。

    The continuing pace of economic expansion prompted analysts to raise full-year GDP forecasts .

  3. 最近的这次经济扩张背后的主要推动力量之一是服务业的增长。

    One of the driving forces behind this recent expansion is the growth of services .

  4. 如果PMI数字超过50则说明经济扩张。

    Numbers above 50 indicate expansion .

  5. 即便经过30年的经济扩张,按市场价格计算,中国的人均gdp依然不到其东方邻国的十分之一。

    Even after three decades of economic expansion , Chinese per capita GDP at market prices is still less than a 10th of that of its eastern neighbour .

  6. 康登在此处以及6月号《standpoint》杂志上,都用了历史来证明财政紧缩与经济扩张是可能同时发生的。

    Mr Congdon appealed to history , both there and in the June issue of standpoint magazine , to demonstrate the coincidence of fiscal contractions with economic expansions .

  7. 伯南克还反驳了其前任艾伦格林斯潘(alangreenspan)的言论,即美国经济扩张周期似乎正接近尾声,经济可能衰退。

    Mr Bernanke also brushed aside comments by his predecessor Alan Greenspan that the expansion looked to be ageing , raising the possibility of a recession .

  8. 今年第一季度美国经济扩张严重受挫,年化国内生产总值(GDP)增长率仅0.2%,这可能影响政策制定者关于何时加息的决定。

    The US economic expansion faltered badly in the first quarter with gross domestic product rising by a sluggish 0.2 per cent annual pace , which could influence policy makers ' decision on when to lift interest rates .

  9. 为中国国家统计局编制的中国官方采购经理人指数(PMI),10月份连续第八个月高于50这一表明经济扩张的关口。

    China 's official purchasing managers ' index , produced for the National Bureau of Statistics , came in above the expansionary 50 level in October for an eighth successive month .

  10. 8月份汇丰中国制造业采购经理人指数(PMI)从7月的49.3降至47.8,延续了10个月来低于50的走势。PMI值高于50表示经济扩张,低于50表示经济收缩。

    The HSBC China Manufacturing Purchasing Managers ' Index dipped to 47.8 for August from July 's 49.3 , continuing a 10-month string of results below the 50 level that separates growth from contraction .

  11. 评级机构标准普尔(Standard&Poor’s)的首席经济学家保罗∠尔德(PaulSheard)预期中国经济扩张速度将进一步放缓,但表示,如果今年中国实现6.3%的增长,那仍将是积极的。

    Expecting a further slowdown in the Chinese rate of expansion , Paul Sheard , chief economist of Standard & Poor 's , the rating agency , said an outcome of 6.3 per cent Chinese growth this year would still be positive .

  12. 投资机构SanfordBernstein的分析师沃伯顿(MaxWarburton)说,假设经济扩张能够持续,按绝对价值计算,戴姆勒和宝马看上去非常具有吸引力,因为它们基本面强劲,估值很低。

    " Assuming ongoing economic expansion , Daimler and BMW look very attractive in absolute terms , with robust fundamentals and very low valuations ," Sanford Bernstein analyst Max Warburton said .

  13. 由于经济扩张放慢,就业增长也趋缓。

    Growth of jobs has eased due to the slowing economic expansion .

  14. 这种新型扩散指数本质上是以概率形式表明的经济扩张和衰退的可能性。

    The new diffusion index is in essence expansion or recession probability .

  15. 反对者将全球化视为一种经济扩张主义。

    Opponents see globalization as a form of economic imperialism .

  16. 这将令监管机构获得另一种应对经济扩张失控的工具。

    This would give regulators another tool to fight runaway economic expansion .

  17. 但在几乎看不到经济扩张的国家,增长十分罕见。

    But growth is rare in states that have negligible economic expansion .

  18. 中国目前的经济扩张,显然是投资和出口主导型的。

    The current Chinese economic expansion is evidently both investment - and export-led .

  19. 但消费一直落后于整体经济扩张的脚步。

    But consumption has lagged behind overall economic expansion .

  20. 20世纪20年代美国对拉美地区的经济扩张

    On America ′ s economic expansion at Latin America in 1920 ′ s

  21. 军事消费经济扩张效应简论

    Briefly on the expanding effect of military consumption economy

  22. 在推动经济扩张方面,印度似乎要比中国自给自足得多。

    Indians seem altogether more self-sufficient than the Chinese in fuelling their expansion .

  23. 他们认为,必须制止中国的全球经济扩张。

    Its global economic expansion , as they see it , must be stopped .

  24. 经济扩张的速度已经放慢。

    The pace of economic expansion has moderated .

  25. 美国制造业在经济扩张时经历过飞速发展。

    American manufacturing boomed during the expansion .

  26. 第四,中国、日本和韩国应进行协调一致的宏观经济扩张。

    Fourth , China , Japan and South Korea should undertake a co-ordinated macroeconomic expansion .

  27. 诱发新一轮经济扩张

    Trigger a new round of economic expansion

  28. 尽管经历了几年引人瞩目的经济扩张,印度的制造业仍没有强大起来。

    Even after several years of impressive economic expansion , India remains an industry minnow .

  29. 这一切,都是在经济扩张的名义下进行的

    all in the name of economic exploitation

  30. 草案中留下了一个空白,可能会插入经济扩张目标。

    The draft left a blank space where a target for economic expansion could be inserted .