
  • 网络ded;The Ministry of Economic Development
  1. 这次会议由意大利经济发展部和国际电信联盟(ITU)组织。

    Italy 's Ministry of Economic Development and the International Telecommunications Union organized the conference .

  2. 财政部(MinistryofFinance)和经济发展部常常会发布一些相互矛盾的经济数据。

    The Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Economic Development often release competing and contradictory economic data .

  3. 经济发展部先前曾经预测GDP的下降幅度是2.2%。

    The Economic Development Ministry had initially predicted a2.2 percent drop .

  4. 上周六,意大利经济发展部部长费代丽卡•圭迪(FedericaGuidi)表示,意大利政府“无权干涉”此类交易,尤其是中国化工的收购将让倍耐力“更具竞争力”。

    On Saturday , Italy 's economic development minister , Federica Guidi , said Rome had " no right to intervene " in any such deal , especially as ChemChina 's takeover would make Pirelli " even more competitive . "

  5. 经济发展部此前曾预计降幅为2.2%。

    The Economic Development Ministry had predicted a 2.2 percent drop .

  6. 纳弗迪普·贝恩斯,加拿大创新、科学和经济发展部部长

    Navdeep Bains , Minister of Innovation , Science and Economic Development of Canada

  7. 商会经济发展部致力于帮助底特律地区企业与世界各国(地区)企业建立商业联系。

    The Economic Development Department is building business connections between companies in the Detroit area and the rest of the world .

  8. 俄罗斯经济发展部部长阿莱西耶·乌卢卡耶夫周一称下一笔用于援助乌克兰的20亿美元救助已经处于“待命状态”,而且在乌克兰选择一个新的政府后莫斯科将才将决定是否发放。

    Russian Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukayev said Monday that the next $ 2 billion bailout installment for Ukraine is in " standby status , " and that Moscow will decide whether to release it after Ukraine selects a new government .

  9. 意大利经济发展部昨日表示:鉴于所涉及的产品种类及朝鲜的状况,我们非常怀疑这些游艇是给该国领导人(金正日)的,尽管我们对此并无证据。

    The ministry said yesterday : Seeing the type of goods that were involved and the condition that the country [ North Korea ] is in , we were very suspicious that the yachts were for the leader [ Mr Kim ] , though we have no evidence of this .

  10. RekhaMehra是总部在华盛顿的非营利性组织经济和发展问题部的主管。

    Rekha Mehra is the director for economic and development issues at the Washington-based nonprofit .

  11. 德国经济合作与发展部部长盖德·米勒(GerdMüller)表示,富裕的工业化国家需要建立世界性的基本标准,从而让这些标准被他国采用。

    The rich industrial countries need to establish fundamental standards worldwide , so that these will be adopted by others , said Gerd M ü ller , the German minister for economic cooperation and development .

  12. 坦桑尼亚经济事务发展计划部统计局

    Bureau of Statistics of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development Plain

  13. 联合国经济和社会发展部

    United Nations Department of Economic and Social Development

  14. 第四章分析了影响甘肃非公有制经济发展的内外部环境因素。

    Chapter IV analyzes the impact of Gansu non-public economic development of the internal and external environmental factors .

  15. 爱尔兰成功地搭上了世界经济发展的三部快车经济全球化、经济信息化和欧洲一体化。

    Ireland succeeded to ride on the three express trains which include the economic globalization , economic informationalization and European Integration .

  16. 辽宁曾被誉为新中国国民经济发展的装备部,在中国社会主义建设和国民经济持续发展中起到举足轻重的作用。

    Equipment manufacturing industry in Liaoning once played a pivotal role in the socialist construction of China and the long-term development of the national economy .

  17. 这些大田试验标志着德国联邦经济合作与发展部在过去的5年时间里资助的一个项目的完成。

    The field trials mark the completion of a project funded for the past five years by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development .

  18. 目前我国经济发展水平东西部差距较大,这也正为我们更好地研究金融发展与经济增长之间的关系提供了契机。

    At present , our economic development level of a gap between , it provides a good opportunity for us to study the relationship between the financial development and economic development .

  19. 文中对影响朝阳市经济发展的内外部环境进行了分析,提出了朝阳市经济发展的战略指导方针和经济发展目标,即分阶段非均衡发展战略。

    It analyzed both internal and external environment which could influence economic development of Chaoyang city . And advanced ( put forward ) strategic guiding principle and economic developing objective ( goal ) of Chaoyang municipal economic development , that is : strategy of unbalanced development by stages .

  20. 实施西部大开发战略的意义、目的和实质在于通过西部大开发,加快西部地区经济发展,缩小东西部地区经济发展差距,从而保证并推动整个国民经济持续增长和健康发展。

    The essence of the strategy is to reduce the great gap between the east and the west , thus promoting the persistent increase and the healthy development of the general national economy .

  21. 西部大开发是加快我国经济发展、缩小东西部经济发展差距的重大战略。

    Large-scale Development for the western part of China is an important strategy to speed-up the economic development and narrows the gap of the economic development between the eastern and western parts of China .

  22. 随着市场经济的发展和内外部环境的不断变化,许多企业纷纷通过领域扩张、市场并购等方式,不断扩大企业规模和经营领域,组建成为多元化的企业集团。

    With the development of market economy and constantly changing of internal and external environment , many companies expanded the field and merge other companies to expand business scale constantly and set up a diversified enterprise group .

  23. 2003年底,为适应国民经济发展需要,铁道部做出了加快大秦线重载技术创新和扩能改造、快速提高大秦线运输能力的重大决策。

    At the end of 2003 , in order to meet the requirements of national economic development , MOR made the important decision to accelerate the heavy-haul technical innovation & capacity-expanding reconstruction and quickly enhance the transport capacity of Datong-Qinhuangdao Line (" Daqin Line ") .

  24. 同时,江苏省还存在明显的区域经济差异问题,南部经济发展明显优于中北部。

    At the same time , in Jiangsu Province , there is obvious district difference in regional economy , particularly in the south , the central , and the north region .

  25. 长期以来,我国各级政府都把工作的重心放在追求经济增长之上,忽视甚至牺牲社会公共利益,导致社会发展与经济发展部协调、社会发展与经济发展结构失衡,引起各种社会问题。

    Over the years , governments at all levels focus on the pursuit of economic growth , neglect or even sacrifice public interests , this lead to uncoordination of social development , economic development and cause a series of social problems .