
  • 网络Examination Room;EXAM ROOM
  1. 把家变成检查室,让自己逐渐适应。

    Get comfortable with the concept by turning your home into an exam room .

  2. 已经成功进入检查室?

    Actually make it to the exam room ?

  3. 佩恩大夫把拉娜领回检查室,告诉她她有幻视。

    Dr Payne led Lana back into the examination room and told her she was seeing things

  4. 你到第四检查室等我一下。

    I 'm going to have you wait in exam four .

  5. 让哈斯医生在检查室等我。

    Tell Dr. Haas to meet me in my examining room .

  6. 接待员:请跟我到第三检查室。

    Sir , please follow me to examination room number three .

  7. 待会会有人送你到磁共振检查室。

    You 'll be escorted to the MRI lab shortly .

  8. 有三间诊察室和两间检查室。

    There are three consulting-rooms and two examination rooms .

  9. 铍的射线探伤检查室的环境;

    The Radiographic Inspection of Beryllium ( 3 ) environment of examination room ;

  10. 我就纳闷是否在检查室的门后有什么有趣的事物。

    I remember wondering what could be so funny behind that medical door .

  11. 那个打电话到检查室来的?

    The one who called in the MRI room ?

  12. 这个检查室太小以致于三个人就已经挤作一团了。

    The examination room was so tiny that the three were already crowded together .

  13. 护士们花费大量时间去引导患者从等候区到检查室。

    Nurses spend a lot of time simply escorting patients from the waiting room to the exam room .

  14. 对于会议的紧迫需要医生在超声检查室,我们已经赢得了许多医院。

    For meeting the urgency need of doctor in ultrasound examination room , we have won the trust of numerous hospitals .

  15. 普通人群的结直肠癌的例行检查室50岁左右,如果是高危人群则可能会提前一些。

    Routine screening for colorectal cancer starts at50 for people at average risk ; screening may start earlier for high-risk patients .

  16. 我看见一名医生正在斟酌病情,那些受伤严重的被立马送到检查室,可能是要直接动手术。

    I can see a doctor performing triage and the most critical cases are taken into exam rooms and maybe directly into surgery .

  17. 这就是在我们进入检查室时候,医生面前会有的资料,而不只是张粉红单据,写著要我在柜台付帐,对吗?

    This is what the physician would have in front of him and her when we enter that exam room instead of just the pink slip that said I paid at the counter .

  18. 该行李处理系统将包括一个爆炸物探测系统矩阵(5CTX9000s),两个行李检查室,以及修改现有的行李处理系统维护诊断系统和管理信息系统。

    The BHS system will include one EDS matrix ( 5 CTX9000s ), two BIRs , and modifications to the existing BHS Maintenance Diagnostic System ( MDS ) and Management Information Systems ( MIS ) .

  19. 在我进入玛勒的检查室之前,护士叫住了我,“她很特别,”护士小声说,“上一位医生刚刚放弃了她。”

    The clinic nurse stopped me before I went into Marla 's exam room . " She 's different ," the nurse whispered to me . " The last doctor just threw up his hands . "

  20. 派遣车站工作人员检查安全室以查明原因,向occ报告,如有需要,向应急服务部门求援。

    Dispatch station staff to check the room to ascertain cause , report to OCC and summon emergency services as needed .

  21. 近10年,随着对PTE病理生理认识的深入,超声检查右室结构和功能的重视,对PTE进行危险分层以及溶栓方案的改进,现代PTE的溶栓治疗已变得更安全有效和简便。

    In the recent ten years , with deepening of recognition of pathophysiology of PTE , emphasizing examination of right ventricular structure and its function by ultrasonography and improving dangerous laminating and thrombolytic project for PTE , modern thrombolytic therapy in PTE has become safer , more efficient and convenient .

  22. 食管与心内电生理检查诊断室上性心动过速的对比研究

    Control study of diagnosis of supraventricular tachycardia by esophageal electrophysiology and intracardiac electrophysiology

  23. 检查会议室和视听设备。

    Check out the meeting room and audiovisual set-up .

  24. 让大家都去检查隔离室。

    Get everyone back to the exam Bay now .

  25. 材料与方法:用彩色多普勒超声诊断仪检查所有室间隔缺损病人,发现5例病人有残余瘘,并对病人进行跟踪观察。

    Materials and methods : Continuously observing the 5 cases of residual fistula after closure of VSD .

  26. 结论常规超声检查左室收缩功能下降的心力衰竭患儿左室收缩及舒张功能均降低,且二者有密切联系;

    ConclusionChildren with heart failure have both left ventricular systolic and diastolic disfunction , and they have a close correlation .

  27. 检查配电室及发电机房消防设备情况并保持完好状态。

    Inspect fire protection equipments for power supply room and emergency generator room and ensure proper operation of all equipments and system .

  28. 1420例病人经食管心房调搏检查诱发室速9例(6.34‰)。

    Nine cases of ventricular tachycardia were induced with transesophageal atrial pacing ( TEAP ) in 1420 patients ( 6 . 34 ‰) . Of these 9 cases .

  29. 同时行超声心动图检查评价室壁运动、心功能指标,术后3个月复查超声心动图检查评价室壁运动、心功能指标改善情况。

    At the same time , wall motion and heart function index were evaluated with ultrasound cardiography ( UCG ) examination , and they were re-checked 3 months after operation to evaluate the amelioration of wall motion and heart function index .

  30. 入院后28d行多普勒检查测定左室射血分数(LVEF)。

    Left ventricular eject fraction ( LVEF ) was recorded by Doppler examination in all cases 28 days after admission .