
  • 网络Inspection mark;check mark;assay mark
  1. 动力装置参数自记仪集中自动控制器GB/T4028-1994计时仪器的检验位置标记

    Data logging equipment Timekeeping instruments-Symbolization of control positions

  2. GB/T4028-1994计时仪器的检验位置标记

    Timekeeping instruments-Symbolization of control positions

  3. 不先用一个动物模型并以某种形式来开发一个检验或标记系统是很难想象的。

    It is difficult to think of a test or marker system that would not first be developed , in some form , in an animal model .

  4. 筛选扩增稳定、多态性丰富的36对AFLP引物、3对SSR引物、2对RAPD引物进行群体分离分析,获得分离标记136个,卡方检验27个标记偏离孟德尔分离比例。

    The selected primers including 36 AFLP , 3 SSR and 2 RAPD with rich polymorphism and steady bands were tested in progeny . 136 markers were scored , of which 27 markers were skewed segregation by X2 test .

  5. 该试验中,Wang应用了复杂的统计方法了检验10个生化标记物在评估风险方面的价值。

    In the study , Wang used sophisticated statistical testing to determine the impact of10 biomarkers on predicting risk .

  6. 定性资料计算其灵敏度、特异度、阳性预测值和阴性预测值,用x2检验比较不同肿瘤标记物在各种常见恶性肿瘤患者血清中的阳性表达率及其与疗效的关系。

    Sensitivity , specificity , positive predictive value and negative predictive value of VEGF detection were calculated respectively , and the positive rates of different tumor markers in patients with various kinds of common malignant tumors were compared by chi square test .