
  • 网络Ticketing system;UJH-CTS
  1. J2EE框架下的地铁售检票系统报表管理中EJB的应用

    The EJB Application in Report Management of AFC System Based on J2EE

  2. RFID在旅游景区自动售检票系统中的应用

    RFID Application in Tourism Scenic-spot Automatic Ticketing System

  3. 城市轨道交通自动售检票系统(AFC)发展战略

    Development Strategy of Automatic Fare Collection ( AFC ) for Mass Rail Transit

  4. 自动售检票系统的可靠性、可用性、可维修性及安全性(RAMS)分析

    RAMS Analysis of Automatic Fare Collection System Wastepaper Collection

  5. 基于多MPU的自动售检票系统票卡处理单元控制器的研究

    Terminal Controller of Ticket Processing for Automatic Ticket Selling and Checking Based on Multi-MPU

  6. 近几年随着上海轨道交通的迅速建设与发展,自动售检票系统(AutomaticFareCollection,简称AFC)作为重要子系统之一也得到了广泛应用。

    With the rapid construction and development of Shanghai Metro in recent years , AFC ( Automatic Fare Collection ), as an important metro subsystem , has been widely used .

  7. 自动售检票系统(AutomaticFareCollectionAFC)是城市轨道交通的一个很重要的组成部分,能够在无人值守的条件下高效准确地完成车票的售卖和进出站检票。

    Automatic Fare Collection ( AFC ) system plays a very important part in the track transportation , saling the tickets and checking in or out efficiently and accurately without personnel .

  8. 简要介绍了一个轨道交通自动售检票系统AFC外包管理实践案例。

    Being one of the successful operation managements , the outsourcing management of AFC system in Shanghai Metro Line M proves a good practice .

  9. 最后在J2EE框架下模拟创建了一个地铁售检票系统中报表管理的应用程序,说明如何利用系统的EJB和其他J2EE技术快速组建应用程序的过程。

    In the end , the author creates an application simulating the operation of Form manage system in AFC , how to build application quickly using EJB and other J2EE technologies in the system .

  10. 在自动售检票系统中,自动售票机(TicketVendingMachineTVM)是财务数据和票务数据的源头,是整个AFC系统的最为重要的部分,因此对TVM财务系统的研究具有重要意义。

    Ticket Vending Machine ( TVM ) is the most important part in the AFC system , because it is the source of financial data and ticket data .

  11. 清结算中心(ACC)是轨道交通自动售检票系统(AFC)的核心部分和轨道交通网络化运营的基础。

    Automatic fare collection clearing center ( ACC ) is the core of the automatic fare collection ( AFC ) system for rail transit , which is the base of the transportation network business .

  12. 大连快轨交通3号线AFC系统是国内第一个自主研发并投入运行,完全以非接触式IC卡为车票载体(单程票用薄卡型)的自动售检票系统。

    The AFC system of Dalian rapid rail transit line 3 is the first of its kind independently developed by China itself , which employs contactless IC card as the carrier of tickets .

  13. 本课题来源于某市地铁自动售检票系统研发项目,主要研究RFID技术在地铁自动售票机中的应用。

    This topic came from the project of a subway AFC system research , mainly studying the application of RFID technology in ticket vendor machines of metro . Considering the requirements of the project , this paper designs a management system for tags .

  14. 从广州地铁自动售检票系统单程票TOKEN的芯片选型、外形、结构、存储空间规划、验收标准等几个方面进行介绍,并阐述了TOKEN在应用过程中需关注的技术关键。

    This paper introduces the type selection of CMOS chip , appearance , structure , assigning memory , checking and accepting stand of the TOKEN in the Guangzhou metro AFC system . It emphasizes some key technologies in application of the TOKEN .

  15. 根据RAMS的过程控制要求并结合地铁、轻轨自动售检票系统自身特点,对自动售检票设计过程中的RAMS控制措施进行分析。

    Analysis on RAMS control measures taken in the design of automatic fare collection system is made in the paper according to RAMS process control requirements and the characteristics of automatic fare collection of metro and light rail system .

  16. 基于地铁无人售检票系统票卡处理终端的通讯设计

    Communication program design of tickets processor for automatic fare collection system

  17. 广州地铁自动售检票系统用户权限划分的实现方式

    Solutions for User Purview Partition in AFC System of Guangzhou Metro

  18. 铁路客运专线自动检票系统的研究

    Research on the Automatic Gate System of the Passenger Dedicated Line

  19. 基于自动售检票系统的城市轨道交通票价政策

    Discussion on Fare Policy in Urban Rail Transit with AFC System

  20. 自动售检票系统设备维修管理模式的研究

    Study on Management Mode for Maintenance of Automatic Fare Collection System

  21. 基于条形码的铁路自动检票系统的应用设计

    Application design of automatic railway ticket checking system based on bar code

  22. 自动售检票系统应用于客运专线方案探讨

    Discussion of Scheme How to Apply AFC System to SRPT

  23. 一种基于射频IC卡的检票系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of A RF-IC Card-based Fare Collection System

  24. IC卡在地铁自动售检票系统中的应用与研究

    The Application of IC Card in Metro AFC System

  25. 广州站自动检票系统的设计与实现

    The Design Realization of the Automatic Ticket checking System in Guangzhou Railway Station

  26. 地铁自动售检票系统运行前的测试及运行初期的维护

    Test of AFC System before Running and Early Maintenance

  27. 自动售检票系统及关键技术研究

    Research on Automatic Fare Collection System and Key Technologies

  28. 自动售检票系统大数据量的分类队列传输处理

    The Transmission Processing of Giant Data in AFC System

  29. 自动售检票系统中自动充值机数量的计算

    A Research on the Adding Value Machine in Metro Automated Fare Collection System

  30. 上海轨道交通售检票系统的应用与发展

    Application and Development of Automatic Fare Collection System in Shanghai Urban Rail Transit