
  • 网络routine maintenance;general maintenance
  1. 本文着重介绍了PQ-5000中的高压发生器系统CRX-400R结构组成、工作原理及日常维修工作。

    This paper described the structure , the working principle and routine maintenance of CRX-400R High Voltage Generator in PQ-5000 CT Machime .

  2. 除非另有说明,国外培训服务是指操作及日常维修。

    Unless otherwise stated , the overseas training service is concerned with operation and routine maintenance .

  3. 方法根据CT机的工作原理以及作者在CT机日常维修和保养过程中积累的经验,从产生故障的原因、故障检修的原则及方法进行分类汇总。

    Methods The classification and summarization regarding to the produced cause and overhauled method of the trouble in CT machine were performed based on the working principle of CT machine and the author 's experience accumulated in routine works .

  4. 与公司其他部门配合,安排、指导和监督实施设备和厂房设施的日常维修保养工作。确保系统安全生产并符合gmp等相关规范,做好日常报修记录。

    Cooperate with other dept. , arrange , direct and supervise daily maintenance of equipments and factory facilities to ensure safe operation as GMP required and make records of daily maintenance reports .

  5. 实践证明,施行机务全员RCM设备管理模式,在保证生产安全性和资产可靠性的条件下,可有效降低日常维修工作量,大大提高航空公司机务设备资产的使用效率。

    Practices have proved the new pattern assure of safety production and assets reliability . It could reduce the workload by 40 percent to 70 percent and boost the equipment utilizing efficiency .

  6. 负责封装机日常维修和年度维护工作。

    Be responsible for the glob top machines'repair and periodic maintenance .

  7. 铁路货车日常维修制度改革浅析

    Discussion of Reform on the Routine Repair System for Railway Freight Cars

  8. 处理日常维修跟踪中发生的问题。

    Deal with the issues happened during the routine repair status following .

  9. 指导和组织日常维修工作。

    Guide and organization daily repair working .

  10. 医疗设备日常维修中的注意事项

    Attention notice in medical equipment daily maintenance

  11. 在既有住宅再生的环节中,日常维修问题日益明显。

    In the links of regeneration in existing residential , daily maintenance problems is increasing .

  12. 车辆进行日常维修保养,保持车辆内外整洁。

    Provide the regular maintenance of the vehicles and make the vehicles look tidy and clean .

  13. 回转窑的日常维修又是保阵回转窑正常运转的重要一环。

    The routine maintenance of kiln is therefore very important to secure the kiln under normal running .

  14. 随后,为方便现场自卸操作及日常维修保养,设计开发了自卸监控系统。

    Self-unloading monitoring software is designed subsequently for the convenience of operation on site and maintenance daily .

  15. 主要介绍了呼吸机工作模式的原理,并通过日常维修经验总结出呼吸机的常见故障及其处理方法。

    The text mostly recommend the working modes of Ventilator , and summarize troubleshooting from routine service experiences .

  16. 对底座和基础要求低,且日常维修工作量少,维修费用低。

    Basic requirements of the base and low , and less day-to-day maintenance work , maintenance costs low .

  17. 负责全店的日常维修工作,包括水,电,货架等其它设施维护。

    Responsible for the ordinary maintenance work , including water , electricity , other facilities such as the shelve .

  18. 针对小型环形变压器的修复,介绍自己在日常维修工作中的体会。

    In accordance with the repair of the small-sized ring transformer , the authors summarize their experience in operating repairs .

  19. 负责全厂仪表和自动化设备的日常维修保养,保证全厂的仪表设备处于安全和良好的工作状态。

    Be responsible for daily Instrument and Auto equipments maintenance work for the whole site , make sure equipments to smoothly operate .

  20. 与我们的合作能保证瓶子的洁净并减少洗瓶机日常维修维护的需求。

    Moreover , our commitment will ensure the highest cleaning standards for your bottle washing machines and will minimize your maintenance routines .

  21. 通过提高设备维修人员的素质、搞好技术培训、加强日常维修、实现机配件的国产化,保证了状态维修的正常进行。

    Condition maintenance are guaranteed to done through enhance operators level , strengthen technology training , strengthen daily maintenance and use domestic elements .

  22. 而在另一方面,在体育方面的后续花费是比较少的,只需一些兼职工和日常维修工作。

    Continuing costs for sports , on the other hand , are relatively low , requiring only a few part-time staff and maintenance routines .

  23. 建立完善的润滑管理体系,加强日常维修保养,可延长发动机寿命,提高工程施工机械效率。

    It 's necessary for prolonging the lifespan of the engine and improving the engineering mechanical efficiency to build perfect lubricating system and strengthen daily maintenance .

  24. 1992年福建省地震局无线遥测地震台网开始正式运行。本文对在台网日常维修工作中碰到的一些常见故障和排除方法进行了总结。

    The wireless remote seismic network of our bureau started to operation since 1992 . In this paper , we summarized the usual breakdowns and removing methods in routine work .

  25. 提出水泵的日常维修要点,对设备设计及管理具有借鉴作用和实用价值。

    Bring up the water to pump usual to maintain the important point , and design and manage to have to draw lessons from the function with the practical value to equipments .

  26. 介绍了微机监测系统的主要功能、原理和在电务设备中的具体应用。该系统为电务现场人员提供日常维修、查找隐患、解决疑难问题的数据。

    The main function , principle and application of the microcomputer monitoring system are introduced in this paper , which provided the data with the worker on routine maintenance , examining fault and solving difficult question .

  27. 酒店冰屋的冰雪建筑师克纳特·科焦思博解释道,虽然冰雪原料可以免费使用,但冰屋旅馆需要支付日常维修费用。

    Knut Kjelsberg , the " ice architect " behind the construction explains that even though the costs of ice and snow are free , some minor maintenance work needs to be carried out on a daily basis .

  28. 污水处理场日常检维修作业的HSE管理

    HSE Management of Daily Maintenance and Repair Work in Wastewater Treatment Plant

  29. 操作普通车床和铣床及日常故障维修。

    Operate universal lathe and milling machine , daily failure repair .

  30. 该系统可以很好地促进无砟轨道日常养护维修工作的开展。

    The system promotes the development of daily maintenance and repair work for the high-speed railway Ballastless track .