
  • 网络Ceroplastes japonicus Green;ceroplastes japonicus;japanese wax scale
  1. 为了深入了解日本龟蜡蚧的发生和危害规律,对邢台市不同类型枣区日本龟蜡蚧的分布和危害情况进行了调查。

    In order to realize the occurrence and damage regularity of Ceroplastes japonicus , its distribution and damage situation were investigated in different types of date tree stands in Xingtai .

  2. 以平均密度、聚集度指标(mm)和有虫样方比率为聚类因子,对日本龟蜡蚧1龄若虫的扩散规律进行了模糊聚类分析。

    The diffusing regularity of Ceroplastes japonicus ′ s 1 ~ ( st ) instar nympha was studied by fuzzy cluster analysis , using average density , aggregation index and the ratio of quadrats with worms as cluster factors .

  3. 日本龟蜡蚧1龄若虫扩散规律模糊聚类分析

    The diffusing regularity of the first instar nymph of Ceroplastes japonicus

  4. 日本龟蜡蚧生物学特性及防治技术研究

    Studies on biological characteristics and controlling methods of Ceroplastes japonicus

  5. 平原地区日本龟蜡蚧优势度高。

    In the plain plots , the dominance of Ceroplastes japonicus is higher .

  6. 日本龟蜡蚧卵期的预测预报研究

    Studies on prediction of oviposition phase of Ceroplastes japonicus

  7. 日本龟蜡蚧蜡质及泌蜡影响因素的研究

    The Studies on Influence Factors on the Wax and Wax Secretion of Ceroplastes Japonicus

  8. 日本龟蜡蚧空间分布型的研究

    Spatial Patterns of Ceroplastes japonicus in Zhejiang Province

  9. 日本龟蜡蚧一龄若虫的种群动态的总趋势是聚集与扩散交替。

    The trend of nymph population dynamic state is aggregating at the beginning , then diffusing rapidly .

  10. 昆虫群落特性与日本龟蜡蚧发生程度显著相关。

    The characteristics of insect community ' are obviously correlated with the outbreak degree of Ceroplastes japonicus .

  11. 冬枣日本龟蜡蚧的空间分布型及抽样技术研究初报

    The preliminary report on study of the spatial distribution pattern and sampling techniques of Japanese wax scale

  12. 受日本龟蜡蚧危害的柿树和枣树对2种天敌昆虫的招引作用

    Persimmon and Jujube Damaged By A Scale Insect , Ceroplastes japonicus Attraction to The Two Species of Natural Enemies

  13. 2单作枣林中各月份日本龟蜡蚧的种群数量明显高于间作枣林;

    The quantities of the C. japonicus populations in the pure jujube woods were specially higher than those in the intercropped jujube woods in each month ;

  14. 利用群落特征指数和典型相关分析方法,分析了枣园昆虫群落的结构特征以及日本龟蜡蚧发生程度与昆虫群落之间的关系。

    Employing community character indices and canonical correlation analysis , this paper studied the insect community structure and its relationship with the occurrence degree of Ceroplastes japonicus in jujube orchards .

  15. 结果表明,日本龟蜡蚧越冬雌成虫在枣树上的空间分布型为聚集型,个体群内和个体群间均为聚集分布;

    The results showed that the spatial distribution of the female adults , not only in the colony but also between the colonies , was of aggregation pattern on the tree .