
  • 网络maintenance scheduling;turnaround plan;maintenance schedule
  1. 发输电设备检修计划及其安全校核是与电力系统规划设计和运行调度密切相关的重要问题。

    Global generation and transmission maintenance scheduling and its security correction are important issues closely related to planning and design of power system and operation dispatch .

  2. 该系统具有检修计划优化计算,负荷预测,数据查询与维护,可靠性指标计算等功能。

    It can deal with a series of problem about generator maintenance scheduling , including optimal scheduling , data maintenance and report forms ' making , load forecast and reliable indices calculation .

  3. 关于{x/n}的分布配电网检修计划优化模型设计

    Design and Implementation of an Optimization Model for Distribution Network Maintenance Scheduling

  4. 基于J2EE和VML技术的发电机组检修计划优化管理系统

    A J2EE and VML Based Optimization and Management System of Generator Maintenance Schedule

  5. 现研制一套快速客车GPS卫星定位里程自动记录系统,以解决快速客车从里程的记录到检修计划的制订、车辆运行跟踪及检修履历等一套现代化管理系统。

    A satellite positioning mileage self-recording system for quick passenger cars is developed to realize modern managements for repair such as laying a repair course , tracing running cars and listing repair record , etc.

  6. 本文结合山东菏泽供电公司具体软件工程项目,开发了基于B/S架构的多层分布式软件应用系统,达到了变压器故障智能诊断与检修计划决策支持的目的。

    The multiplayer distributed software application system based on the B / S frame is developed combined with the project of HeZe Electric Power Company . It realized object of the computer aided decision for the transformers ' intelligent diagnose and maintenance schedule .

  7. 该系统可接入监控系统或MIS系统,通过WEB查询和发布巡检信息,并分析设备运行趋势,为管理人员提供下次巡检计划或检修计划参考方案。

    It can connect to supervisory system or MIS , inquiry and browse the inspection data via WEB sit , analyze the operation tendency of equipment , and provide propose to man - agers for next inspection or repairing .

  8. 为实现电网检修计划管理业务流程的网络化、自动化,利用微软的工作流新技术WindowsWorkflowFoundation(WWF),提出了基于MS。

    In order to implement the automation of the business process of the management of maintenance scheduling for power systems , a new solution based on MS. NET framework is presented by utilizing Microsoft Windows workflow Foundation ( WWF ) .

  9. 文中还讨论了机组FOR、停运容量步长△X和系统增减机组对M值的影响规律,从而为制定电力系统电源发展规划和机组检修计划提供了一个较可靠的系统参数。

    Also discussed is the influence of unit FOR , outage capacity step length delta x and system unit increment and decrement to systems M value . Thus , more reliable system parameters can be provided for power system source development planning and unit maintenance programming .

  10. 本文在相关论文的基础上,提出了一种基于Benders分解法的优化算法,来解决电力市场下的长期发输电检修计划问题。

    This paper presents a unique methodology based on the generalized Benders decomposition technique to solve this problem in the environment of electricity market .

  11. IEEE-RTS仿真算例表明改进的量子进化算法在求解检修计划优化问题时,相比量子进化算法和遗传算法具有种群进化速度更快、搜索能力更强的特点。

    Using the data of IEEE-RTS , test simulations indicate that the improved quantum evolutionary algorithm has characters of evolving faster and stronger search ability than quantum evolutionary algorithm .

  12. RBI方法主要针对静设备,比如输油管道和化工容器等,通过量化具体每个设备的风险,将具有相似的失效频率和失效后果的设备进行分类,以此有针对的制定维护流程和检修计划。

    RBI mainly approach to the static equipments , such as pipelines and chemical containers , after quantifying the risk of equipments , RBI will classify the equipments by their failure frequency and consequence , so as to develop for the maintenance plan .

  13. 机组检修计划的改进多蚁群伪并行寻优算法

    Improved Multi-ant Colony Virtual Parallel Optimization Algorithm of Generator Maintenance Schedule

  14. 配电网检修计划仿真系统研究与应用

    Research and application of maintenance scheduling simulation system for distribution network

  15. 配电网检修计划制定的实用方法研究

    The Method to Determine the Maintenance Schedule for Distribution Power System

  16. 可视化供电系统检修计划的数据库组织方法

    Database Organization of Visualized Scheduled Maintenance for Power Supply System

  17. 根据检修计划进行机械设备的维修和维护工作。

    Patrol the mechanical equipments status of plant and carry out troubleshooting .

  18. 基于遗传算法的农村配电网检修计划

    Maintenance planning for power distribution networks in countryside based on genetic algorithm

  19. 电网检修计划设计的智能分析与可视化实现

    Intellectualized Analysis of the Power Network Overhaul Scheme Design and Visualization Implementation

  20. 一类单机维护调度问题研究检修计划新模型与算法的研究

    Research of a new optimization module and algorithm for maintenance scheduling problem

  21. 基于节能发电调度的机组中长期检修计划研究

    Generator Mid-term and Long-term Maintenance Scheduling Based on Energy Saving Generation Dispatch

  22. 基于期望值二层规划的输电线路检修计划优化

    Optimization of transmission line maintenance scheduling based on expected value two-level programming

  23. 提出了一种输电线路检修计划模型。

    A model for transmission lines maintenance scheduling is presented .

  24. 用改进蚁群算法制定电力线路检修计划

    Applying an improved ant colony algorithm to make electric power line overhaul plan

  25. 用微机编制机车运用与检修计划的研究

    Study on the Planning of Locomotive Operation and Maintenance by Means of Micro-computer

  26. 机组检修计划问题的GA&SA组合算法

    Combination of GA and SA for Generator Maintenance Scheduling

  27. 多区域发电系统发电机组检修计划的探讨

    Study of the Maintenance Scheduling for Multi-region Power System

  28. 按最大累积容量裕度制定发电机组检修计划

    Generating unit maintenance scheduling using maximal cumulative capacity margin

  29. 建立了以可靠性指标为目标的机组检修计划优化模型。

    An optimization model of reliability index for generator maintenance scheduling is introduced .

  30. 考虑机组故障的系统机组检修计划模型

    A Generator Maintenance Scheduling Model Considering Unexpected Unit Failures