
hé lǐ yùn shū
  • Reasonable transportation;rational transport
  1. 建立合理运输结构的Fuzzy模式

    Establishing a fuzzy model of rational transport structure

  2. 期望本文的研究成果对快递企业作出合理运输决策有所帮助。

    Expected that paper help make the rational transport decision-making to the express enterprise .

  3. 构建精益物流,组织合理运输

    To Construct the Lean Logistics , to Organize the Reasonable Transportation

  4. 研究了该地区的合理运输结构;

    It also studies the reasonable transport structure in this area .

  5. 在市场经济形势下如何搞好粮食合理运输

    How to do well in the reasonable transportation of grain under the situation of market economy

  6. 谈市场经济条件下铁路粮食不合理运输的原因及其解决对策

    On the reasons & coping strategy of unreasonable railway transportation of foodstuff under the market economy

  7. 然后基于运输能力的影响因素建立城市轨道交通运输组织评价指标体系,确定因素权重值,采用模糊综合评价方法获得最合理运输组织方案。

    Then the index system of evaluation based on transport capacity is established . The weight of every factor is assured and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is used to get the optimal operation organization of URT .

  8. 本文阐述了发展建设苏州太仓港区对在长江三角洲地区形成“中心两翼”型合理运输格局,以及推动江苏省经济发展的重要战略意义。

    The strategic meaning of the development of Taicang Port Area in Suzhou for the formation of the rational " Center-Two wings " type transport pattern at the Changjiang Delta Area and promotion of the economic development of Jiangsu Province are expounded .

  9. 露天矿分区过渡期间合理开拓运输系统选择

    Optimal Selection of Pit Haulage Systemin Transition Period for Mining-In-Areas

  10. 大力发展运输产业合理调整运输结构

    Devoting Major Efforts to Developing Transportation Industry and Reasonably Regulating Transportation Structure

  11. 合理选择运输工具和运输路线,发挥地缘优势,促进新疆外贸物流发展;

    Rationally select vehicles and transportation routes to exert regional advantages and accelerate foreign trade expanding ;

  12. 管道运输是石油、天然气最经济合理的运输方式。

    Pipeline transportation is the most economical and reasonable transport mode of oil and natural gas .

  13. 第二百八十九条从事公共运输的承运人不得拒绝旅客、托运人通常、合理的运输要求。

    A common carrier may not deny any normal and reasonable carriage requirement by a passenger or consignor .

  14. 原油进口公司对于如何合理安排运输线路来降低进口运输费用的问题非常关注。

    To reduce its transport cost , crude oil importers are urgent to find out an economic transport network .

  15. 运输拖车配备、调度不合理,运输费用高;

    The equipment and dispatch of transportation tank wagon is not rightful , and the transportation expense is high ;

  16. 结论对提高石太客运专线运营管理水平,合理制定运输组织方案,具有重要的参考价值。

    The conclusion has important reference value to promote management level and make transport scheme of Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan passenger dedicated line .

  17. 公司提供合理的运输服务收费,准时快捷的运输服务,优质的文档处理及后勤服务。

    The company provides reasonable service charges , punctual and efficient transport services , high-quality document processing and logistics services .

  18. 以运输道路的畅通性和最经济合理的运输距离来选择沥青搅拌站的位置。

    Export-road unimpeded and the most economical reasonable transportation is away from chooses the position which the asphalt agitation stands .

  19. 张弦梁结构是一种造价低廉、受力合理、运输便捷、施工简单的结构形式。

    The beam-string-structure is an important long-span structure which is known as cheap , reasonable , convenient to transport and install .

  20. 预测结果为客运专线合理制定运输组织方案、设计车站规模提供了科学依据。

    The forecast result provides scientific basis for establishing a reasonable transport organization plan and designing the size of stations on this railway .

  21. 实例验证表明,该模型可以合理安排运输力量对部队进行保障。

    By testing the concrete examples it shows that this model can be used to arrange rationally transportation to support the armys ' logistics .

  22. 搞好高价互换配件管理工作,对于维护铁路运输设备的完好状态、合理控制运输成本、保证铁路运输安全具有重要意义。

    The management of high-rate fitting exchange is something very important to the well-being of railway transportation equipment , transportation cost control and transportation safety .

  23. 其中运输作为能源集中型活动,碳排放量所占的比重最高,合理的运输决策可以降低成本的同时减少碳排放量,降低对环境的影响。

    Transportation produces high carbon emission as energy intensive activities , so the reasonable transportation decision-making can reduce carbon emissions as well as cost to lower environmental pollution .

  24. 对构造合理的运输比例和运输结构,实现交通运输系统资源的优化配置和满足运输市场的需求均起着重要作用。

    It plays an important role in the construction of reasonable transportation proportion and transportation structures , also in the optimal allocation of transportation systems resources and demand of transportation market .

  25. 因此对湖北省运输组织结构和模式进行研究,提出合理的运输组织模式,对于提高湖北省运输组织化水平具有较强的现实意义。

    Therefore it is very necessary for us to research on the model and structure of the transportation organization of Hubei , and put forward to a reasonable transportation organization model .

  26. 汽车作为一种体型较大,价值较高的货物,需要合理的运输路线,专业的技术人员和专业设备进行仓储、运输和装卸等活动。

    As a larger body type , high-value goods , Cars require a rational transport routes , professional technical personnel and specialized equipment for warehousing , shipping and handling and other activities .

  27. 货物运输的频繁发生,不可避免的涉及到运输通道选择问题,因为合理的运输通道选择不仅能够避免运力及运输资源的浪费,还可以为企业创造可观的经济效益。

    Goods traffic inevitably involves the problems for transportation corridor selection . Reasonable selection of transportation corridor avoids the waste of resources and transport capacity and creates bigger benefits for the enterprise .

  28. 然而,在海外石油进口过程中存在着诸如海盗袭击与海上事故等其他风险,所以合理选择运输路径可以控制成本,降低风险。

    However , overseas oil imports exists such as piracy attacks , line accident and other risk during transportation , so a reasonable choice of transportation paths can control cost , reduce risk .

  29. 在运输任务确定的前提下,通过组织合理的运输组织方案提高动车组使用效率从而减少其配置数量是降低高速铁路投资、运营成本和提高其经济效益的有效途径。

    While the transport tasks are determined , enhancing the efficiency of the high speed EMUs and reducing their quantities is the effective ways to reducing the investment costs , operation costs and enhancing the economic efficiency .

  30. 江苏盐业公司目前的食盐物流配送网络就存在销区划分不合理、运输环节多、配送中心设置不合理,迂回转运和空车转运等问题。

    Recently , the edible salt logistics distribution network of Jiangsu salt company exists many questions , such as reasonable division of sales areas , complicated transport links , irrationality setting of distribution centers , empty transit and circuitous transshipment .