
hé yǐng
  • group photo;have a group photo taken
合影 [hé yǐng]
  • [group photo] 合在一块儿照相,也指合在一块儿照的照片

合影[hé yǐng]
  1. 让我们来张合影。

    Let 's take a group photo .

  2. 市长和餐饮业服务明星合影留念

    The mayor had a group photo with the stars of the catering industry

  3. 他们先单独照相,然后合影。

    They were photographed separately and then as a group .

  4. 特别令人感伤的是他们的儿子去世前一天和姐妹们的合影。

    Of particular poignancy was the photograph of their son with his sisters , taken the day before he died .

  5. 你可以和戴维·贝克汉姆的纸板模型合影。

    You can have your picture taken with a cutout of David Beckham .

  6. 开会前,6位外交部长合影留念。

    Before going into their meeting the six foreign ministers posed for photographs .

  7. 《卫报》的头版刊登了两国外交部长的一张合影。

    The Guardian 's front page carries a photograph of the two foreign ministers

  8. “好吧,我不认识你们,但我会去那里和孩子合影,”丹尼斯回答,然后他询问了新生儿父母所在的房间。

    " Well , I don 't know you all but I will get there to take pictures with the baby , " replied Dennis before asking which room the new parents were in .

  9. 比如:(苏俊说他和那个电影明星是朋友,但事实上他们并不认识。他只是问她要了一张自拍合影而已。)

    Sujun said he was friends with that film star , but they didn 't actually know each other . He just asked her for a selfie .

  10. 同学聚会上,他们要“与1.0版的自己合影”。每人要带张学生时代的照片到场。穿着与照片中相同的衣服,摆相同的姿势,或者跟相同的几个人一起,聚会现场拿着当年的照片再拍一张。

    Everyone has to bring a photo of his / her school days to the gathering , wearing the same clothes , striking the same pose , or taking a photo with the same people from the “ version 1.0 ” .

  11. 任何希望有个光明未来的人都不会想看到一堆自己和ex的合影的!

    And who wants a future prospect to see a bunch of pictures with your ex ?

  12. 在苹果今年6月举行的全球开发者大会(WorldwideDeveloperConference)上,库克被应用开发者团团围住,要求与他自拍合影。

    At its Worldwide Developer Conference in June , Mr Cook was mobbed by app makers who asked him to pose for selfies .

  13. 在米夏埃尔•萨拉希上传至Facebook的众多照片中,有一张是这对夫妇和副总统乔•拜登的合影,照片上的拜登面带微笑。

    One of the many photos from the dinner posted on Michaele Salahi 's Facebook page shows the couple with a smiling Vice President Joe Biden .

  14. 他于1992年7月18日上传了这张照片,照片中的喜剧乐队演绎过与科学有关的搞笑歌曲,而这张只经过粗糙PS的合影则成为了永恒。

    He uploaded the picture on July 18 , 1992 , forever immortalizing a badly photoshopped picture of a comedy band that sang jokes about science .

  15. 你也可以为你俩的合影做个相框,或者为你俩都喜欢的歌曲制作一张CD。

    You could also put a photo of the two of you in a picture frame or make her a mix CD of the songs you enjoy as a couple .

  16. 麦莉·赛勒斯(MileyCyrus)和肖恩·库姆斯(SeanCombs)合影。

    Miley Cyrus posed with Sean Combs .

  17. 上面这张照片是佛罗里达州4-H俱乐部成员米歇尔·麦克(MichelleMack)与她饲养的羔羊合影。

    This photo shows Michelle Mack , a member of a4-H club in Florida .

  18. 这位《It'saBeautifulDay》的演唱者迫不及待的和大家分享了这个好消息,把他们在医院和新生宝宝的合影发布到了Instagram上。

    The It 's a Beautiful Day hitmaker wasted no time announcing the news , taking to Instagram to post a picture of the happy couple and their newborn baby in the hospital 。

  19. 同样,在2017年,斯威夫特起诉一名前DJ在2013年两人合影时偷摸其臀部。

    Also , in 2017 , Swift sued an ex-DJ who touched her bottom during a photo shoot in 2013 .

  20. 鲁斯提供给Nine电视网“ACurrentAffair”节目的照片显示,哈米德和另一位机组成员与她们合影,她们还带着飞行员的帽子。

    Photographs given by Ms. Roos to Nine 's ' A Current Affair ' showed Mr. Fariq and another member of the flight crew posing with the women , who had put on the pilots ' caps .

  21. 如果你们有想法的话告诉我哟!Collins发推特说,同时还发布了一张自己、老婆还有女儿的合影。

    If you have any recommendations , let me know , Collins tweeted , along with a photo of himself with his wife and daughter .

  22. 那是我度假时和里根(Reagan)的合影&在最后一张照片上,这位商界人士和前美国总统都身着牛仔装,骑在马背上。

    That 's me on holiday with Reagan – this last a picture of the businessman and the former president dressed up like cowboys on horseback together .

  23. 现在Butler和欧沃斯崔在Instagram上取消关注,在Butler’s的主页上他们的合影也是16个月以前的事情了。

    Butler and Overstreet don 't follow each other on Instagram anymore , and their last photo together on Butler 's page is from 16 months ago .

  24. 那一年他们家的圣诞合影上有拉卡莎、杰里米、他们的儿子佩顿(Peyton)和一张贝拉的相片。

    Their Christmas photo that year shows LaKasha , Jeremy , their son Peyton and a framed portrait of Bella .

  25. 你们的聊天记录、Facebook上标着名字的合影、数码相机里的美丽合照、邮件往来、Skype网络电话的截图、手机短信……大量的手机短信。

    You 'll have chat transcripts , tagged photos on Facebook , beautiful photos from a DSLR , email letters , Skype call screenshots , texts - so , so many texts .

  26. HelloKitty将展示时装设计师约翰?加利亚诺设计的“迪奥”最新秋冬装系列,杂志还将刊登HelloKitty与设计师的合影以及她在巴黎尽情采购的情景。

    The fashion spread will show Kitty modeling the latest autumn and winter designs by John Galliano for the Dior brand , posing with the designer and enjoying a shopping spree in Paris .

  27. 而另外一个巧合是,当时他的PPT里最后的一个画面是他和某人的合影,这个某人是我所熟悉的人。

    With another coincidence , the last picture of his PPT is a group photo of someone and him , and I know this guy very well .

  28. 其中一张是他与健康专家狄巴克·乔布拉(DeepakChopra)的合影,后者也是迪洛斯咨询委员会的成员。

    One showed him with the wellness guru Deepak Chopra , a member of the Delos advisory board .

  29. Facebook引发婚姻危机的最普遍的原因为,挑逗性的言语、陌生的聚会照或与异性不适宜的合影被配偶发现。

    The most common reasons for Facebook causing problems in relationships were a spouse finding flirty messages , photos of their partner at a party they did not know about or with someone they should not have been with .

  30. 在中国,华谊兄弟将大明猩玩偶送给全国各地的名流,让他们在新浪(SinaCorp.)微博上晒自己与玩偶的合影。

    In China , Huayi Brothers sent Mr. Go dolls to celebrities across the country and got them to pose with the dolls for photos posted to Sina Corp. 's Twitter-like Weibo microblogging service .