
hé fǎ zhènɡ jù
  • legal evidence
  1. 如果出口企业在预定的时间内无法提供合法证据,口岸海关就会根据美国海关法进行罚款(finesandpenalties)或支付预定赔偿金(liquidateddamagesclaim)。

    If export enterprises can not provide legal evidences within scheduled time , port customs will claim fines fines and penalties penalties or liquidated liquidated damages damages claim claim according to americanus customs law .

  2. 瑕疵证据主要是指在形成过程或者形式、审查程序等方面不合法的证据。

    The defective evidence refers to the evidence of which the course of formation or examining procedure is illegal .

  3. 另外,《行政程序法》在不可采纳的证据清单上,直截了当地忽略诸如传闻类的“不合法的证据”。

    Moreover , the APA pointedly omits " incompetent " evidence , such as hearsay , from the list of evidence that should not be received .

  4. 客观性、关联性、合法性是证据的三属性。

    Objectivity , relativity and legality are the three attributes of evidence .

  5. 他不断引用该文章作为自己研究合法性的证据。

    He continues to cite the article as evidence of his legitimacy .

  6. 刑事非法证据是指不具有刑事诉讼法律规范规定的合法性的证据。

    By definition , illegal criminal evidences refer to the evidences that do not possess the legality according to the code of criminal procedure .

  7. 合法的收集证据是一个比较重要的问题。在民事诉讼中要明确证据的合法性,让非法证据排除原则得以充分的发挥作用。

    Since lawful evidence collection is an important matter , we should make the validity of evidence clear , to let the principle of unlawful evidence exclusion should give full play in civil action .

  8. 这是合法获取的直接证据。

    This is direct evidence , properly obtained .

  9. 行政主体作出具体行政行为所依据的事实必须有合法且充分的证据支持。

    The fact on which the administrative body makes a specific administrative act depend should be legal and supported by sufficient evidence .

  10. 保证证据的有效性,应做到取得证据的程序合法、手段合法及证据本身有效。

    To assure the effectiveness of evidence , we should guarantee the process of obtaining evidence , the means of getting it and the evidence itself legal .

  11. 首先,分析了在现行刑事诉讼法框架下,采纳行政执法证据存在取证主体不合法、取证程序不合法和证据形式不合法三个法律障碍。

    Firstly , it analyses the three law barriers under the active Criminal Procedure Law system , those are : the illegal of obtaining evidence object in adopting administrative law enforcement evidence , the illegal of evidence-gathering procedure , the illegal of evidence form .