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Metamaterials : design idea , material system , and application
Echodyne is the third metamaterials company to be spun out of Intellectual Ventures , an investment and patent firm created by Nathan Myhrvold , a physicist who was Microsoft 's chief technology officer .
Two other firms , Kymeta and Evolv Technology , are working on other metamaterial-based applications .
More recently , a group at City College of New York , led by the physicist Vinod Menon , demonstrated light emission from ultrafast-switching LEDs based on metamaterials .
Last year , the aircraft manufacturer Airbus announced that it was joining with Lamda Guard , a Canadian company , to test a metamaterial-based coating for cockpit windows to protect pilots in commercial aircraft from being blinded by laser pointers .
New applications for metamaterials are certain to emerge in coming years , Dr. Zhang said .
However , these methods can not clearly explain the wave mode components of the reflection fields .
" Metamaterials give us the ultimate handle on manipulating the behavior of light ," Di Falco said .
Dr. Zhang says he hears from many military contractors and commercial companies that are interested in pursuing metamaterial applications .
In recent years , electromagnetic materials have become a hot topic in engineering and science field with its unusual electromagnetic characteristics .
Dr. Zhang and others are pursuing applications that could drastically lower the cost and increase the performance of optical computer networks .
But a metamaterial - a clever arrangement of thin brass plates bent into tiny maze-like shapes - has just the right properties .
The main work of this paper includes theoretical design of the structure , fabrication of the samples and measurement of the properties .
Numerical examples confirmed that the optimized model was applicable . ( 7 ) The application of electromagnetic super material to microstrip antennas .
The cloak is made of metamaterial , a class of artificial materials that have enhanced properties as a result of their carefully engineered structure .
In2006 the team reported they had developed so-called metamaterials that could deflect microwaves around a three-dimensional object , essentially making it invisible to the waves .
Another main content of this thesis is the research of frequency tunable technology , especially the application of artificial electromagnetic media in antenna frequency tunable field .
Papers have recently been published that explore the idea of using metamaterial-based " walls " to dampen the seismic waves in earthquakes or the effects of tsunamis .
A key innovation behind metamaterials is that they are constructed with subcomponents that are smaller than the wavelength of the type of radiation they are designed to manipulate .
We combine two different sized fishnet structure units into a dual fishnet structure . We calculate the effective material parameters using the S-parameters retrieval method , and find two left-handed bands from the results .
A report from Sina , one of China 's largest news portals , claimed on March 11 that the lab in question is the State Key Laboratory of Metamaterial Electromagnetic Modulation Technology in Shenzhen , a state-funded lab established in 2011 .
Based on the model of the electromagnetic wave expander , the variations of each constitutive parameter extremum and its normalized distributions are analyzed in detail , and the effect of media loss on the performance of the wave expander is also studied .
This article mainly involves the following three aspects : Based on the multi-scale transformation theory of electromagnetic field , the conditions to realize the ellipsoidal target and the cylindroid target cladded with electromagnetic materials was discussed and the targets was transformed with the theory .
In control algorithm , some advanced PID control algorithms were discussed .
New progress in X ray analysis of the thin film , multilayers and one dimensional superlattice materials
Crystallite Growth , Microstructure and Gas-Sensing Property of Sb_2O_3 Doped α - Fe_2O_3 Ultrafine Powders
The X-ray diffraction and optical property of A-SiN x : H / A-SiN : H Superlattice are studied .
Structure Analysis of Ge_ ( 0.5 ) Si_ ( 0.5 ) / Si Strained-Layer Superlattices Grown at Different Temperatures by X-ray Double-Crystal Diffraction
Vapor Synthesis of Superhard β - C_3N_4 Material
The products have been characterized by powder X-ray diffraction ( XRD ), and show an expanded LDH structure , indicating that the drug have been successfully intercalated into LDH .