
  • 网络High Gravity Technology;higee
  1. 超重力技术在脱硫液再生中的探索性研究

    Exploring research of high gravity technology in regeneration of desulfurized liquid

  2. 超重力技术制备纳米氢氧化镁阻燃剂的应用研究

    Preparation of nano-sized magnesium hydroxide as a flame retardant by high gravity technology and its application

  3. 介绍了超重力技术在生化氨氮废水处理中的试验研究,通过调节pH值,使大量的空气和废水接触,将废水中游离氨吹走,达到降低废水中氨氮的目的。

    Experimental study on treating ammonia-nitrogen wastewater using ultra-gravimetric technology is introduced . Through adjusting pH value a large amount of air is in contact with wastewater to purge out free ammonia and to decrease the ammonia-nitrogen content in the wastewater .

  4. 超重力技术在电沉积工艺中的应用研究现状

    Present Status of Application Study of Supergravity Technology in Electro-chemistry Industry

  5. 超重力技术在合成氨脱碳吸收剂再生工艺中的应用研究

    Application research on regeneration process of decarbonization absorbefacient with high gravity technology

  6. 超重力技术及其在粉尘处理中的应用

    Ultra - Gravity Technique and Its Application in Dust Process

  7. 超重力技术制备纳米氧化锌的工艺研究

    Study on Synthesis of Nanometer ZnO by High-Gravity Technology

  8. 本文重点介绍了超重力技术在超细碳酸钙生产中的应用。

    This article emphasizes the application of supergravity technology in producing superfine calcium carbonate .

  9. 超重力技术是一种利用离心机产生强大的离心加速度来进行操作的新型技术,因而在科学技术研究领域得到了广泛的应用。

    The supergravity technology is increasingly widely applied in the field of electro-chemistry process as a technology .

  10. 超重力技术吹脱焦化氨氮废水的试验研究超重力旋转床处理焦化氨氮废水中试研究

    Experimental Study on Treating Ammonia-nitrogen Wastewater Using Ultra-gravimetric Technology Pilot study on coking ammonia-nitrogen wastewater by high-gravity rotary bed

  11. 此外,本文首次尝试将超重力技术应用于反应精馏过程,以克服常规重力场对反应精馏技术的限制。

    Besides , high gravity technology was firstly applied in reactive distillation process to overcome the restriction of conventional gravity for reactive distillation technology .

  12. 介绍了超重力技术的作用原理,概述了其研究进展,并详细阐述了其在制造纳米材料、环境工业、生物化工、作物育种等方面的应用。

    The paper recommends the structure , working principle and the application field of the cup-type seal for rotating shaft patented abroad in recent years .

  13. 介绍了无机纳米粉体的制造技术和最新进展,着重介绍了超重力技术制备纳米粉体材料的进展和应用状况。

    The latest advancements in manufacturing technology for inorganic nano-sized powder are introduced in particular , the advancement and present status of high-gravity preparation process .

  14. 本文主要介绍了超重力技术的基本原理,并较全面地综述了近年来超重力技术在电化学工业中的应用研究进展情况。

    In this paper , the basic theory of the supergravity technology is introduced and the present status of application study of super-gravity technologies in electro-chemistry process is extensively summarized .

  15. 基于某焦化厂塔设备吹脱氨氮废水脱除率低的现状,提出了新型强化传递过程技术&超重力技术。

    A new intensified transferring technique , high gravity technology , was proposed instead of the traditional stripping method with very low rate of ammonia-nitrogen elimination used in some coking plant .

  16. 超重力技术是一项新兴的强化传递过程的技术,应用在环保、化工、材料、能源等领域可以大大强化传递过程。

    High gravity technology is a new technology intensifying transfer process , which can be used in many fields , such as environmental protection , chemical engineering , energy and materials , etc.

  17. 以Al/NiO/Y2O3为反应剂,研究了以超重力熔铸技术制备单相YAG陶瓷材料。

    Using Al / NiO / Y2O3 as raw reagents , fabrication of YAG ceramic material via melt casting under ultra-high gravity was researched .

  18. 旋转填充床(RPB)是一种新型高效的分离装置,该装置利用超重力场技术强化传质过程,在化工、环保、材料、生化等工业领域具有广泛的应用前景。

    Rotating packed bed is a new type of high-efficient separation equipment . This equipment which utilizes su-per-high gravity field technology strengthens mass-transfer process and has wide applied potential in chemical engineer-ing , environment protection , materials , biochemistry , etc.

  19. 超重力场技术用于油田注水脱氧的工业研究超重力工程技术应用的新进展

    Industrial Research on Applying High Gravity Technology to Deoxygenation of water for Oil Field Injection Recent Progress of High Gravity Technology

  20. 超重力熔铸技术是将燃烧合成技术与超重力技术相结合,利用铝热燃烧合成体系的强放热获得超高温的陶瓷/金属混合熔体,并实现二者的彻底分离。

    Melt-casting under ultra-high gravity integrates the combustion synthesis with ultra-high gravity technology . The ultra-temperature metal / ceramic mixing-melts can be achieved by heat generated from thermite combustion reaction .

  21. 超重力并流除尘技术的研究超重场强化氨水脱除CO2生成碳酸氢铵晶体的研究

    Research on Co-Current Flow Dust Removal in Rotating Packed Bed Study on the Absorption of Carbon Dioxide and Production of Ammonium Bicarbonate Crystal by Aqueous Ammonia in Rotating Packed Bed