
  1. 铜精炼反射炉节能技术的探讨

    Study on Technique of Energy Saving in Copper Refining Furnace

  2. 铜精炼反射炉还原期黑烟的治理

    Soot Control of Reduction Phrase in Copper Refining Furace

  3. 铜精炼反射炉的改进

    Improvement of Copper Refining Reverberatory Furnace

  4. 铜精炼反射炉熔化期重油流量数学模型与应用

    A mathematical model of heavy oil flux about reverberator melting process in copper refining and its application

  5. 分析了铜反射炉使用过程中存在的问题,详细介绍了高温空气燃烧技术的发展及其在铜精炼反射炉上的应用。

    This paper analysed the problem in the using process of the copper reverberatory and introduced the development of high temperature air combustion and the using in the copper refining reverberatory furnace .

  6. 国内某冶炼厂粗铅精炼浮渣,经反射炉处理,产出一种称之为反射炉后期渣的物料(主要含铅、铜、砷、锌、锑和铟)。

    In a domestic smelter , later-stage slag ( mainly containing Pb , Cu , As , Zn , Sb and In ) in reverberatory is produced from lead scum .