
  1. 但是一项新的研究显示,另一个青少年群体几乎面临着同样严重的精神病症风险:那些大量使用多媒体,睡眠不足和不爱活动的孩子。

    But a new study finds that there 's another group of adolescents who are in nearly as much danger of experiencing the same psychiatric symptoms : teens who use tons of media , don 't get enough sleep and have a sedentary lifestyle .

  2. 错觉起主要作用的精神病症。

    Any mental disorder in which delusions play a significant role .

  3. 因为一项新的研究发现喜剧演员们显示出比较高的精神病症患者的特质。

    Because new research finds that comedians show high levels of psychotic personality traits .

  4. 军校学员心理障碍排序前四位是:偏执、强迫、敌对、精神病症。

    The former four aspects of psychology barrier are : Bias Force 、 Hostility 、 Psychiatric illness ;

  5. 为了能够重回过去,他埋藏真正的自我,把一切的时间和精力都投入到工作中去,导致了他产生了精神病症。

    In order to recapture the past time , he hides his true self and devotes all of his time and energy into work , which lead to his mental illness .

  6. 他们发现喜剧演员们得分比创造力不是很强的人高,比一般演员高更多,分数处于精神病症性格类型的范围内,比如包括害怕亲密,行为冲动,精神难集中并且相信超感奇异之事等。

    And they found that the comics score higher than uncreative types , and even higher than actors , on a range of psychotic traits , including fear of intimacy , impulsive behavior , difficulty focusing and a belief in the paranormal .

  7. 结论:针刺配合背部腧穴快速反复吻罐疗法治疗老年常见的心理生理障碍性病症,能较迅速减轻患者的多思疑虑、郁闷欲哭、虚烦不安、焦虑易怒等不良心理障碍引起的精神病症。

    Conclusion Acupuncture and moxibustion combined with rapid and repeated cupping at points on the back can more rapidly alleviate the psychotic symptoms of thinking more and misgivings , gloominess , desire to cry , restlessness due to deficiency , anger , impatient for senile psychophysiologic disorders .

  8. 第二章围绕个体精神病症的防御机制展开,具体由产生的社会根源以及防御机制构成,重点揭示了个体在工业文明的浸染下使生命沦为异态形式之后所采取的防御机制的行为表现。

    The second chapter unfolds with defense mechanism of mental illness of individual . Specially , it consists of two segments which are social roots and defense mechanism . The emphasis reveals defense mechanism behavior that individual adopted after their lives become heteromorphy forms disseminated by industrialized civilization .

  9. 如何在进一步发展为精神紊乱病症之前,发现压力并及时采取措施是十分必要的。

    Before further development to mental disorder illness , how to detect the stress and take timely measures are very necessary .

  10. 根据聆讯誊本的记录,肯尼斯的律师争辩说安德莉亚有精神错乱的病症

    According to court transcripts , Kenneth 's lawyers argued that Andrea was psychologically unbalanced

  11. 导致青少年学生出现了精神和躯体的病症,影响了青少年的健康成长。

    Lead young students in the spirit and the body of the disease , affected the healthy growth of young people .

  12. 结论精神发育迟滞等病症的分子基础和学习与记忆的动物模型研究的认识,促使我们理解认知的生物学基础。

    Conclusion The recognition of the molecular basis of mental retardation and the studies of animal models of learning and memory impel us to understand the biological basis of cognition .

  13. 精神分析法产生于精神病症的临床治疗过程中,属心理学范畴。

    The psychoanalysis method is produced in the process of clinical treatment of mental illness . It is belong to the category of psychology .