
  1. 哪怕不算其尖顶,此栋超级豪宅也要高出新建的世界金融中心(WorldFinancialCenter)28英尺。

    Absent its spire , the newly built World Financial Center - itself a giant - is 28 feet shorter than this new cathedral to uber-wealth .

  2. 开发公司cinnamon88首席执行官罗宾帕特森(robinpaterson)表示,受高净值个人和公司资金的推动,超级豪宅市场的起价仍在上升。

    Robin Paterson , chief executive of cinnamon 88 , a development company , says the starting figures for the super-prime property market keep rising , fuelled by high net worth individuals as well as corporate funds .

  3. 超级豪宅开发热为何豪宅必须用高额税收来调节?

    Why super luxury residential development must use high heat to regulate tax ?

  4. 同时,超级豪宅市场持续上涨,截至今年6月的一年,已累计上涨16.7%。

    The super-prime sector , meanwhile , has made consistent gains and rose 16.7 per cent in the year to June .

  5. 然而,贝利表示,目前没有迹象表明,这或者其它因素将导致超级豪宅市场触顶。

    However , Bailey says there is no sign that this , or any other factor , will lead to a peak in the super-prime market .

  6. 果不其然,反对超高端再开发项目的人士称,他们每个月都要发起新的运动来抵制超级豪宅建设工程。这些豪宅往往会挖掘多层地下室,用作车库、家庭影院、休闲健身房和安全屋。

    Indeed , the adversaries of ultrahigh-end redevelopment say they start new campaigns every month to resist the construction of immense mansions , often with multistory basements for cars , home cinemas , spas and panic rooms .

  7. 这些数据掩盖了一个事实,即今年夏季,两地的房价都打破了纪录,新建和重新装修后的超级豪宅的售价都首次突破了每平方英尺6000英镑和7000英镑关口。

    These averages hide the fact that prices in both locations have broken records this summer , with the 6,000 and 7,000 per sq ft barriers surpassed by super-prime new build and refurbished properties for the first time .

  8. 所有这一切都说明了超级豪宅市场的弹性,豪宅市场更容易受到全球经济放缓的影响,因为该市场的购房者通常都受聘于陷入困境的金融行业。

    All of this illustrates the resilience of the super-prime end of the market , while the prime market is more susceptible to the slowing global economy as buyers in this range are often employed in the troubled financial sector .

  9. 实际上,证据表明,超级富豪相对不受全球金融市场动荡的影响,重点地段的超级豪宅的价格仍在上升。

    Indeed , the evidence suggests that the ultra wealthy are proving relatively immune to the turmoil in global financial markets , with prices for super-prime residential properties in key locations still on the increase .