
  • 网络ultrasonic motor;usm
  1. 实验表明,使用神经元自适应PID算法对超声波电机进行速度和位置控制,可以达到快速响应和高精度的控制效果。

    The experiment results show that USM can complete rapid response speed and high precise position control while using neuron PID controller .

  2. 采用比例控制算法研究行波超声波电机对三角波、正弦波曲线的快速位置轨迹控制。

    Besides , the position tracking control of USM for triangle and sinusoid is studied by means of P-control .

  3. 基于ARM的超声波电机速度位置控制系统研究

    The Research of USM 's Speed and Position Control System Based on ARM

  4. 基于DSP的纵扭复合型超声波电机驱动电源

    Design on Driving System of Hybrid Transducer Type Ultrasonic Motor Based on DSP

  5. 基于相移PWM的超声波电机H桥控制电路研究

    Study on H-Bridge Control Circuit Ultrasonic Motor 's of Based on Phase-shift PWM

  6. 基于DSP的超声波电机瞬态特性测试系统

    DSP-based transient response measurement system of ultrasonic motor

  7. 行波型超声波电机PWM驱动控制系统研究

    Study on PWM Driving-Controlling System of Traveling Wave Type Ultrasonic Motor

  8. 基于对称PWM发生器的超声波电机控制研究

    Based on the Symmetry PWM Generator of the Ultrasonic Motor Control Study

  9. 超声波电机控制测试平台中DSP与上位机串行通信的实现

    Implement of Serial Communication between DSP and Supervisor PC Used in USM Control and Test Platform

  10. 采用自校正模糊PI控制的超声波电机速度控制

    Speed Control of Ultrasonic Motors Using Self-tuning Fuzzy PI Control

  11. ANSYS在超声波电机设计中的应用

    ANSYS application in the design of ultrasonic motor

  12. 基于ARM和DDS的行波型超声波电机驱动技术

    Driving technique of traveling wave type ultrasonic motor based on ARM and DDS

  13. 针对超声波电机的时变非线性,给出了基于模糊逻辑的PID控制参数在线自适应校正方法。

    Accordance with ultrasonic motor 's time-variable nonlinearity , a online adaptive correction based on fuzzy logic was presented .

  14. 研制了基于DSP的超声波电机位置控制系统,完成了采用相位差P控制方案进行精密定位控制的实验研究。

    Furthermore , a precise position control scheme using P controller with dead-zone compensation to the phase difference is investigated theoretically and experimentally .

  15. 基于RBF神经网络的超声波电机参数辨识与模型参考自适应控制

    Identification and model reference adaptive control for ultrasonic motor based on RBF neural network

  16. 基于DDS的超声波电机驱动控制研究

    Research on DDS-based Drive and Control for Ultrasonic Motor

  17. 介绍一种采用TI专用于电机控制的TMS320LF2407ADSP芯片完成超声波电机的驱动和控制的设计方法。

    In this paper . a design adopted by TMS320LF2407A DSP to drive and control an ultrasonic motor is introduced .

  18. 基于LM算法下的行波超声波电机控制系统的研究

    Study On Control System Of Traveling Wave Type Ultrasonic Motor Based On LM Method

  19. 针对超声波电机构成的速度伺服系统采用了一种新的控制方案&自校正模糊PI控制。

    A new scheme of self-tuning PI control for the speed servo system composed by the ultrasonic motor is proposed in this paper .

  20. 在上述超声波电机控制系统实验平台上研究行波超声波电机的速度、位置控制特性。采用比例控制、PID控制、模糊比例控制算法研究行波超声波电机对梯形波、三角波、正弦波曲线的速度轨迹控制;

    On the platform mentioned above , the speed tracking control of USM for trapezoid , triangle and sinusoid is studied by means of P-control , PID-control and fuzzy-p control .

  21. 振动片倾角对超声波电机性能的影响摩擦片式离合器oscillate摆动振动振荡

    The Influence of the Oblique Angles of Vibrating Reeds on the Characteristics of the Ultrasonic Motor

  22. 建立了超声波电机速度精确控制系统,用LM算法对该控制系统中的神经网络进行了在线训练。

    Established the control system of Ultrasonic motor , the neural network of control system is trained by LM method .

  23. 实验结果表明,PWM驱动控制系统的性能稳定、可靠,是行波型超声波电机驱动的一种新的探索。

    It is tested by experiment that the PWM driving controlling system can work steadily and reliably . It is a new method to drive the traveling wave type ultrasonic motor .

  24. 超声波电机(ultrasonicmotor)不同于传统的电磁式电机,它是利用压电陶瓷的逆压电效应,将超声振动作为动力源的一种新型电机。

    Being quite different from the traditional electromagnetic motors , the ultrasonic motor is a new type of motor , which is based on the inverse piezoelectric effect of the piezoelectric ceramics and driven by the ultrasonic vibration .

  25. 为了实现高精度的行波超声波电机速度、位置控制,本文设计了基于DSP的超声波电机控制系统,整个控制系统由上位机、超声波电机驱动控制器、超声波电机测试平台三部分组成。

    For better control effect to USM , the USM control system based on DSP is designed , which is composed of the upper machine , the driver and the controller of USM and the USM testing platform .

  26. 在第5章中,作者通过对电机定子振型的假设,利用Hamilton能量变分原理,建立了完整的行波型超声波电机动力学仿真模型。

    In 5th chapter , with the assumed vibration model shape of USM stator , using the Hamilton energy variation principle , the complete dynamics simulation model of USM is established .

  27. 采用DDS技术解决超声波电机所需要的高频驱动电源和数字控制的问题,设计了相位关系可调的双通道信号发生器,信号的频率及相位差控制精度高。

    The DDS technology is used to solve the driving source and control mode . A high-performance driving and controlling signal-generator is designed . And the frequency and the phase can be adjusted precisely .

  28. 在自行研制的基于DDS的超声波电机驱动控制平台上,针对超声波电机运动控制特点,综合了单神经元及PID两种控制方法的优点,设计了单神经元自适应控制算法,实现了转速闭环控制。

    At self-developed platform , according to ultrasonic motor motion characteristics , to combine the advantage of single neuron control and PID control method , this paper designed a single neuron adaptive control algorithms , realize the speed closed-loop control .

  29. 基于行波超声波电机驱动系统的工作原理,采用CPLD技术,设计一个高频直接数字信号源,试验结果表明该电源很好地满足行波超声波电机的工作要求。

    Based on working principle driving system of traveling ultrasonic motor , a high frequency direct digital source is designed for CPLD technology . The experiment indicates that the power supply meets the operation demands of ultrasonic motor very well .

  30. 经模态简并后的纵扭复合型超声波电机原理性样机,最大输出扭矩已超过4Nm。

    After using these methods , now the output torque of the prototype motor is more than 4 Nm .