
  • 网络hypersorption
  1. 原水pH的下降减小了有机物的表观尺寸并增强了其疏水性,加强了超滤膜吸附有机物的能力,但同时造成了严重的膜污染。

    The reduction in pH of raw water can decrease apparent size and enhance the hydrophobic for organics , hence the ability of adsorption onto membrane was enhanced and severe fouling was resulted .

  2. 油液滤材技术与液压过滤产业的发展趋势与超精吸附过滤

    Development of Filter Media in its Industry and Technology and Ultra-fine Filtration

  3. 超当量吸附现象反映了物理吸附的本质。

    The phenomenon of superequivalent adsorption is a reflection of physical adsorption .

  4. 多孔固体超临界吸附平衡模型研究

    A Model Study for the Supercritical Adsorption on Porous Solids

  5. 煤层气超临界吸附行为的蒙特卡罗方法研究综述

    A Review of Monte Carlo Method for the Supercritical Coalbed Methane Absorption

  6. 气体超临界吸附研究进展

    Progress in Studies on Supercritical Adsorption of Gases

  7. 本文在回顾经典吸附理论的基础上,详细地介绍了超临界吸附的研究现状。

    Starting from the classical adsorption theories , the state of research on supercritical adsorption was reviewed in detail .

  8. 从染色饱和值看,具有多磺酸基的阴离子染料在季铵化改性亚麻织物上易发生超当量吸附。

    Anion dye with several sulfonic groups occurs adsorption of overtaking in the number of mole when dyeing modified flax fabric .

  9. 将模型应用于静态容积法测试的具有最大吸附量的甲烷在活性炭上超临界高压吸附等温线数据回归,模型对实验数据的拟合相关系数R均在099996以上。

    It can be used to fit the experimental data of methane adsorption on active carbon at supercritical temperature .

  10. 而铝酸盐单矿物(C3A、C4AF)对超塑化剂进行吸附时,在体系中起吸附作用的主要是铝酸盐单矿物(C3A、C4AF)的水化产物。

    However , for aluminate cement component minerals ( C3A and C4AF ) the adsorption mainly depends on their hydrated productions .

  11. 动态穿透吸附实验进一步验证了NJ-8超高交联吸附树脂对苯甲酸的吸附能力约为AmberliteXAD-4的1.6倍。

    The column breakthrough experiment indicates the adsorption capacity of NJ-8 toward benzoic acid is about 1.6 times as high as that of Amberlite XAD-4 .

  12. 研究了水溶液中甲萘酚和甲萘胺在超高交联吸附树脂NDA103、NDA100上的协同吸附行为。

    Cooperative simultaneous adsorptions of 1-naphthol and 1-naphthylamine from aqueous solutions on hyper-cross-linked polymeric adsorbents ( NDA103 and NDA100 ) were investigated .

  13. 用新合成的NJ-8超高交联吸附树脂吸附苯甲酸,并与AmberliteXAD-4进行比较。从静态平衡吸附行为及其热力学性质讨论吸附机理。

    A comparison study is made on the adsorption behaviors of benzoic acid on the new type high-crosslinked adsorption resin NJ-8 with that on Amberlite XAD-4 , including the static equilibrium adsorption , the adsorption thermodynamic properties for explaining the adsorptive mechanism .

  14. 超高负荷吸附式压气机叶栅气动性能分析

    Analysis of the Aerodynamic Performance of a Super-highly Loaded Adsorption Type Compressor Cascade

  15. 甲烷超临界高压吸附等温线研究

    Study on high pressure adsorption isotherms of supercritical methane

  16. 超滤膜的吸附污染研究

    Study on the fouling of ultrafiltration membrane

  17. 在第一章中,就本研究工作所涉及的自由能密度泛函理论,超临界流体吸附和活性炭的特点等相关的内容作了简要全面的综述。

    In chapter 1 , the relevant research progress in literatures , such as free energy density functional theory , supercritical fluid adsorption and the characteristics of activated carbon is briefly reviewed .

  18. 超临界温度甲烷吸附的晶格理论及实验

    Lattice Theory and Experimental Study of Methane Adsorption above the Critical Temperature

  19. 聚砜超滤膜的蛋白质吸附行为

    Adsorption of protein on Polysulfone ultrafiltration membrane

  20. 盐对超高交联树脂吸附苯酚机理的影响

    Effect of salt on adsorption mechanism of phenol onto a hyper - Cross - linked adsorbent

  21. 周期或准周期超晶格薄膜表面吸附原子的自发辐射性质

    Spontaneous emission of an atom near the surface of a superlattice film with periodic or quasi-periodic structure